The greatness and importance of fasting

According to the Islamic calendar, every year holy Ramadan arrives, Ramadan goes. In this holy month, the people of the Muslim age, healthy and powerful men and women, celebrate fasting, from the time of worship, from Sadeq to the sunset till the sunset and to abstain from sexual intercourse. To express the main purpose of fasting, it is said in the holy Quran: "O you who believe! Fasting was ordained for you, as it was prescribed for the people of your past, that you may practice piety. " (Surat al-Baqarah 184) Adults of healthy, healthy Muslim men and women who have attained the good fortune of Ramadan should continue their efforts to keep fasting without taking refuge in any kind of neglect and neglect. Because people are mortal, so that Ramadan going away is more likely to not come back to life second time. Ramadan is a month that does not compare with any month. It has been narrated in the Qur'an: Ramadan is the month that was revealed in the Qur'an which is a guidance for mankind and clear evidence of guidance and mischief (difference between right and wrong). So whoever of you receives this month, should fast on it. (Surat al-Baqarah 186) Fasting in the human heart increases the quality of faith, devotion and piety, salt equality, fasting, forgiveness of all sins, and guarantees the reward of Paradise, Hadrat Abu Huraira (R) narrated that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "Whoever fasting in the month of Ramadan for the sincerity of good faith and good results, all sins of his past shall be forgiven." (Bukhari, Muslim) It is known from the hadith that 'fasting is half of patience and half of patience is half of faith'. Among the five pillars of Islam, the greatest pillar is the medium of meeting with the Creator with the fasting of Ramadan. That is why Rasul Karim (peace be upon him) had done Ershad through Hadith in the Hadith Lord God of honor and dignity says, 'All other acts of man are for his own sake, but fasting is for me alone, and I will reward him for this', fasting shield. In his name, in whose hands Muhammad's life, the smell of the face of fasting is more sacred than the smell of meshes to Allah. A fasting man enjoys two pleasures, he is happy when he breaks and he is happy for the good of fasting when he meets his Lord. (Bukhari) It appears from the Qur'an that Allah Almighty will give rewardless blessings to the patient. Fasting performed the final sample of patience by performing fasting, it is learned from the traditions that, Rasool Pak (S) said, Allah said that the fasting of his desires only lingers and drinkers only for me; Therefore, I am the reward for fasting (Muslim) Imam Ghayali (Rh) said to celebrate the fertility of fasting in Ramadan, "Allah blesses the angels in the worship of fasting youth by angels; And said, O young man defying the desire for me! O young man who spent his youth in satisfaction! You are not less than an angel. O the church of the angel! Look at my young servant, he has abandoned his anger, his mouth, and his food, for the sake of my satisfaction. " (Ya Ya Ulumiddin) Aishah (ra) narrated that, Rasul al-karim (peace be upon him) said, "The devil walks in the human ropes, if you want to protect yourself from the devil, then narrow your artery through fasting. Rabi added, once Huzur (peace be upon him) said to me, O Aysha! Always hold fast to the door of the gardens. I asked the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) how? He (peace be upon him) replied, "By fasting". (Yeh Yu Ulumuddin) It has been narrated by Abu Hurairah (R) Rasool said, "When the month of Ramadan comes, the doors of Paradise are opened, the doors of Hell are closed, and the bundle of Satan is tied up." (Bukhari) Every fasting should be kept in mind that fasting means the way to survive and to exclude certain things. There is no work of externality in between. Any other worship is seen in the human form but fasting is a worship that only God can see, whose root roots are attached to the hidden piety in the person's heart. It is learned from the hadith that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "If the devil had not come to the heart of the human heart, then people would have been able to look upward. Fasting is the shield of the acts of worship, to stop the coming of Satan.

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