The Attack of the Picture Frame

Everyone who knows me, knows I'm a klutz. My latest mishap? A picture frame. I chose a special frame for a photo of my mom and dad. It was the last photo I had of them together. Not long after that picture was taken, dad unexpectedly passed away from cancer. Maybe unexpected isn't the correct word but we only found out about his cancer six weeks before he died. So, yeah, unexpected. After perusing several frames, one stood out as being the perfect one for their photo. I made the purchase and brought it home. I carefully lifted all those annoying, sharp, metal prongs in order to insert my photo. Whew! Done that with no problem. Then after positioning the photo, I carefully pressed them all back down...... or so I thought. I held the frame sideways against the wall to measure where the nails would go for hanging. And that's when my problems began. The frame slipped and rather than having to sweep up a pile of splintered glass, I caught the frame. I found out all too quickly that I'd missed one sharp, very sharp prong. I may have missed it but it didn't miss me. In one quick swipe, it slid across my finger and because I'd grabbed it in such a fast and tight grip, I ended up with a huge, deep slice in the back of that finger. And boy did it bleed!!! All those little capillaries weren't happy! My attempts at curtailing the flowing blood were all in vain and a trip to the local ER was inevitable. Four hours and several stitches later, I arrived back home. Now, here we are, two weeks later, the sutures are out but my finger is still a bit swollen and very sore. The doctor said it will be this way for about "maybe another week.” Darn those tiny spider-webbing nerve endings that re in your fingers! Wonderful!! Just wonderful!! I never realized how useful that finger is until it actually hurts to use it. Can't hitchhike for awhile (although I never really did). It still throbs violently to bend that finger. Can't stick my thumb in a pie to pull out a plum (although I didn't do that either) for the same reason. But seriously, it hurts to hold a pen (or pencil). Opening a jar is out of the question. Anything that requires pressure against where the injury was is something that will only happen as the injury heals...which the doctor assured me will happen but slowly. He did remind me that the cut was deep. So, now you're wondering why I'm writing all this nonsensical trivia. It's to alert you of the hazards of what lies behind the frames or rather on the frames. Before you attempt to hang your beautiful photos, check and double check that you've actually pushed all those prongs back into place. You just never know when one might be lurking behind to make you yell, OUCH, that hurt!

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Zagreb, Croatia