A smooth journey depends on being aware of train arrivals and departures in real time. In order to provide passengers with accurate and timely information, RailMitra's Live Station state feature provides an effective way to track the state of train stations in real time. Understanding Live Station Status: The Live Station Status feature allows users to view all trains scheduled to arrive or depart from a specific station within the next 2, 4, or 8 hours. This real-time information is invaluable for passengers planning immediate journeys or awaiting train arrivals. How to Access Live Station Status on RailMitra: To utilize this feature: 1. Visit the RailMitra Website or App: Navigate to RailMitra's official website or download the RailMitra app from the Google Play Store. 2. Select 'Live Station Arrv/Dep': This section provides live updates on train arrivals and departures. 3. Enter 'From Station': Input the name of your desired station; the system will auto-suggest matching station names. 4. Enter 'To Station': Specify the destination station to filter trains accordingly. 5. Choose Time Frame: Select a time window—2, 4, or 8 hours—to view trains arriving or departing within that period. 6. View Train Details: A list will display trains with details such as train name, number, estimated arrival and departure times, current status (on time or delayed), and expected platform number. By leveraging RailMitra's Live Station Status feature, passengers can enhance their travel experience with accurate and up-to-date train information, ensuring a smooth and well-planned journey. Visit Us: https://www.railmitra.com/live-station