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“In Plain Sight” An Investigation into UFOs and Impossible Science. (Book Review) On a recent shopping trip, I discovered this book, “In Plain Sight, An Investigation into UFOs and Impossible Science” by Ross Coulthart. The author's name was already strangely familiar to me as I suddenly remembered that Ross Coulthard had also hosted a recent NewsNation program that I had seen on YouTube a few nights earlier. In that astonishing program, Ross Coulthart interviewed David Grusch, a former USAF and US intelligence officer. In this interview, David Grusch reported that he had insider knowledge of covert UFO programs that the United States federal government is allegedly managing. This story alone, sparked my interest and I wanted to learn more about this topic. This NewsNation program interview is truly fascinating and well worth watching. But this TV program is just the tip of the iceberg and when I started to read Ross Coulthart's book “In Plain Sight”, I was amazed by what he had discovered. Ross Coulthart has started a journey of discovery into a phenomenon that has been around for centuries. If you look at global history, you'll quickly discover stories of unidentified objects flying across the sky that even today, still can't be explained. Ross Coulthart's, “In Plain Sight” book is an investigation into the most intriguing and important story in world history. During Ross's journey, he has spoken to witnesses, researchers, defence officials, pilots, and even officials in the intelligence services to find out the truth. His book contains their knowledge, and memories and describes real-life incidents around the world. For decades, governments around the world have tried to hide the knowledge of UFOs or UAPs from the public. But the frequency of these events is too common to cover up. In the United States of America, new laws may soon force the US military, and intelligence services to reveal what they know about UFOs. This data could include any retrievals and reverse engineering programs they have. “In Plain Sight, An Investigation into UFO and Impossible Science” is a joy to read as it's truly fascinating and mind-blowing with what you, the reader will discover about global history. Ross Coulthart's book also explains why we should be optimistic as the biggest story in human history may be getting ready to emerge from the secret vaults of the global establishment. If you like mysteries, conspiracies, new technologies, espionage, UFOs and cover-ups, you`ll love this book as it covers them all. “In Plain Sight”, is the perfect name for the book as it describes the greatest mystery of all time. My full review is listed on my website…
I had been reviewing concerts and theater for five years before the pandemic and it had become a pattern of my life. The pace was frenetic – with three or four performances to cover each week and turning in reviews as fast as possible, usually the next morning after a very late evening. In late February 2020 there was a concert I had been asked to review. It was modern music and some of the composers were young musicians from my town whose work I had never heard. I started to find out as much about them and their previous work as I could. The concert was disorganized. The organizer had neglected to copy programs and when I finally received one hot off the photocopier, I saw that the program had changed somewhat. It had billed a performance of Pauline Oliveros' Rock Piece as a Philadelphia premiere. That was blatantly incorrect. First of all, I had already heard this piece twice in Philadelphia. Secondly, I think the piece is totally absurd and dreaded having to endure it. It may have been brilliant when Pauline Oliveros had her original idea and wrote the piece in 1979, but the newness fades after you have heard it once. She instructed performers to hand out two rocks to each member of the audience and ask them to choose a rhythmic pattern and stick to it while their neighbors pick other patterns and do the same. When you experience it the first time, it is fun and slightly challenging to resist copying your neighbor's rhythm. The second time, it feels silly. This was my third time, so I was recalcitrant, but determined not to spoil it for anyone who had not experienced it. The organizer wanted us to fade out our rock beating and allow the following piece to fill in the void. We crashed at the end, several people unsure of how to stop: slow down, fade out, or what? Tap, silence, crash…giggle. Finally, the expert musicians playing the subsequent piece entered the void left by our awkward fishtailing. How could I review that shambles? I wrote: If you have never heard Rock Piece, you might enjoy your first opportunity to beat rocks together, but by the time you are handed rocks again for the next performance, you may sigh like a kindergartner asked to repeat an easy task. I did not challenge his claim that his concert was the Philadelphia premiere as I thought that would have been a bit mean. I did say we did not do a good job of setting up the atmosphere for the commissioned piece that followed: “What happened was a bit of a train wreck as the audience refused to stop clicking their rocks when the commissioned premiere began.” The rest of the concert was great and I reviewed it in positive terms and high praise, but the organizer was furious. He commented: “I suspect Ms. (Reviewer) was the kindergartner who can't take direction in this equation.” He went on to berate my lack of knowledge and competence and added that this is the twenty-first century (ignoring the fact that the piece in question was written in the previous one). His irate words really stung me and felt like an attack of my person rather than of my review. He added biting phrases like “one can only lament the halcyon days when a credible, respectable, reviewer would put in even the smallest effort to inform themselves of the music they were about to hear.” The attack felt so threatening and diminished my self-confidence so severely that I simply stopped writing reviews. It mattered little as there were so few performances after Philadelphia and so many other cities went dark on March 16, 2020. I began to explore other options for writing – delving into other areas relating to music, but in light of historical events rather than live performance. Two years later, I was asked to review a concert with a premiere by another composer commissioned by my aggressive detractor. I accepted, thinking I needed to face the monster once and for all. I looked up everything I could to prepare myself – and that is saying a lot as I spend an excessive amount of time on research before I review a concert. Soon after it was published, I received a forwarded email from my editor. The composer whose piece I had reviewed was delighted with my positive review and asked if I would review a compact disc of his compositions. A feeling of calm fell over me. Anyone might object to how I perceive their music, but that does not mean I should hide from them. It would be more productive for me to embrace their remarks and learn from them. I have taken time to reread my detractor's comments several times recently and I now see that if I want to continue reviewing, I should be prepared for reactions – not outwardly, but inwardly. Now that we are having more performances and I have started to review them again, I feel much stronger than before. I am accepting fewer assignments and spending more time trying to polish the reviews I accept.
Please, kindly gaze at my standard rates for editing any thesis for graduates and undergraduates; 👉Thesis for undergraduates 150 US dollars per 5,000 word count 👉Master's thesis 250 US dollars per 5,000 word count 👉Thesis for PhD track 280 US dollars per 5,000 word count. How do l accomplish this task and produce quality work with a cardinal goal of drafting an appealing and winning proposal that meets your expectations, and aligns with the standards, and requirements of your institution? 👉During the editing process l review your write-up a couple of times, rectify any mistakes related to spelling, grammatical typos, reformulate poorly written statements, polish your arguments, improve on the flow of ideas, toss away ambiguous statements, complement your ideological inputs, and insight with fine-tuned ideas that align with your topic and the morphological structure of your rigorous thesis work, proof read your compilation prior to submission. N.B. 👉 Different institutions always dispose and recommend various formats, so you have the discretion to format your edited thesis to conform to the standards of your university. However, if you avail me the details and assign me this task to reformat your work, you will be obliged to pay 150 US dollars. 👉Contrary, if you are done with your thesis, and only engage me to proof read it, and focus on rectifying only spelling mistakes without upgrading your conceptual inputs or modifying your writing style, then the cost will elevate to 100 US dollars per 5,000 word count. 👉More so, if you submit your research topic and you assign me to document your research proposal from scratch, the rates vary as follows; 👉Proposal writing $1k per 10,000 word count 👉Report writing $ 1.5k per 10,000 word count 👉The above charges uphold for only clients who need their work ready within a timeline of not less than 10 days. But if a client expresses urgency in submission of their work, then they may be subjected to additional petty charges in a bid to address their urgency and need. *Payment plan* 👉Upon mutual consent and contractual agreement, a client meets the costs in two instalments ; 1st instalment will be upon initialising the assignment (starting phase to execute the task) and will always constitute 50% of the total cost based on the assignment and the workload, whilst the balance will be paid prior to submission of the assignment to the owner. 👉All payment transactions will be effected online through Western Union (WU) 👉It's always critical to ensure real-time interactivity with two contracting parties so as to prescribe real-time solutions for any queries likely to surface bilaterally! You can always ☎️ or WhatsApp: +256705862902 or click the following links to visit some of my online platforms where you will share your comments on account that you don't breach our privacy standards in regard to ensuring confidentiality of your research work! Thank you so much!
📰 I'll just start by saying that I'm not really a fan of the Mission Impossible (M.I.) films 📰 But this latest in the M.I. saga was pretty entertaining, despite the typical "spies chasing terrorists across the world thwarting their schemes, etc" scenario 📰 The stunt work was incredible and chilling at times; kudos to Tom Cruise for I heard he performed his own stunts (he's in excellent physical shape, I must say) and those jumping from roof-to-roof and/or out of planes and helicopter chases were awesome 📰 The fights were adequate and realistic enough to be believable and the story itself had a steady easy-to-follow pace; especially for those who aren't familiar with the M.I. films 📰 The cast was amazing with many known faces and yes, had the balance of diverse actors so I don't think anyone can complain there 📰 I'll be honest though; I only watched the film to support Henry Cavill but it turned out I liked the film more than I thought 📰 And it's a shame HC had to go splat to his death, but he pulled being the villain perfectly (even though I suspected his character from the beginning) 📰 I rate 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞: 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐭 an action packed 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ and I guarantee you won't be disappointed! 📰
My offical blog website is I do book reviews, art, writings, and alot of other things. Its still relatively new, but i plan on covering a large amount if topics in the future. Come check it out, and subscribe for future content.
I give this book a 4/4 rating. It was a masterpiece of its own. I love the view it showed. It gave a diffrent feel to how the apocolypse could be. When you see it through the deads eyes, it gives a whole new prespective. It shows that sometimes you have to dig deeper to see the truth that lays beneath the surface. Things are not always what they seem to be. I found no spelling or grammar errors in this book. It had me gripped from the moment i started, until i finished. I highly recommend this book, and would love to read more by this author.
[Following is an official review of The Orb by Tara Basi.] To be honest I'm actually still reading the book. Im over half way through it and haven't found any grammar or spelling issues. Ive been taking my time reading it, as sometimes i have many distractions around me and i don't want to miss any details. The world which this book is based in, is amazing. Its a future where human beliefs are different but very much the same as today, and the past. During the whole story you can see how everyones lives hang on their beliefs, even in this super advanced world. They have head gear, and virtual reality much like we do today, but identity is an issue for one of our main characters. Following her, while she tries to solve the mystery that the second main character gives her role more depth. You see the struggle, and the on going war. Even after all the violence has ended, the one question remains, who hired an AI to kill KiKi? I give this story a 4/4 and highly recommend it for anyone that loves sci-fi. I would love to see more from this author as well. Thank you for allowing me to read your book.
Mystic Reflections is the story of a twelve-year-old who lives in a world where everything is in abundance, and all are equal. Yet, she encounters a problem. Then begins a journey in search of a solution. What can be a problem in a world of perfection? What will be the solution? Who will solve it?
The Friends by Kazumi Yumoto \u2013 a summer with warm sunshine, verdant garden and beautiful love\u2026\n\n This book is a story about three Japanese schoolboys: chubby Yamashita, \\"four-eyed\\" Kawabe, and bean-pole Kiyama, the narrator. After the death of Yamashita's grandmother, all of them usually are fascinated by the world of ghosts, curious about the death of human, and intrigued at the question: \\"What do people look like when they die?\u201D. With these naive thoughts, they have a big decision: spying on an unkempt old man that \u201Cwill probably drop dead soon\u201D to catch him at the point of his demise.\n\n Oddly, things don't work out as the old man, who seems to have plenty of energy, discovers that he is being watched. He varies his daily routine to solicit the boys' help in doing housekeeping chores. Day after day, the relationship between them changes. They help him hang his laundry, weed his yard, repair his house, and plant flowers. In return, the old man shares watermelons, strawberry, listens to the boys, tells them about his participation in a wartime massacre. He teaches the kids all the good things they need to learn and shows them the value of a beautiful life. \n\n During the course of their friendship with the old man, Yamashita, Kawabe and Kiyama learn how to cope with their fears and accept the inevitable. Kiyama becomes stronger and gets into the \u201Cfirst big fight\u201D of his life. Wakabe feels more confident to say about his desire to live with his father. Yamashita stops being ashamed of the dream of setting up his fish shop. And above all, they bring the old man wonderful priceless joys until he passes away quietly and leaves them \u201Ca friend in the next world\u201D\u2026\n\n At the funeral ritual, upon seeing the bits of the old man's bones, they reflect on the lessons that the old man had taught them. They are so lucky to be able to hold vivid and endearing memories of him. His house is filled with the aroma of the flower they planted. This subtle aroma is a heartfelt goodbye of the reality for the old man. In the passage of time and nature, a beautiful summer is coming to an end, a great person is saying goodbye to the world, but such precious lessons about love, hope and friendship are left and remain forever\u2026\n\n I believe people coming to this book and enjoying the words are engrossed with this attractive story. It is so exciting and touching that I could not do anything except turning pages after pages. And when I finished it, I realized deeply in my heart, there is profound sorrow. The death is truly the saddest thing in the whole universe. I want to hold all these characters in my arms and tell them how special they are and how much I love them. \n\n \u201CJust breathing is not living!\u201D - Heartbeats and breathe are just signs of human existence. Living means being enthusiastic and sharing love with each other. Life is a significant journey which has both tiring difficulties and amazing happiness. Just stopping breathing is not dying. The death always comes with an extremely expensive cost because the dead leave the living a deep hurt that nothing can heal\u2026\n\n When closing this book, everyone has their own thoughts and feelings. \u201CThe Friends\u201D by Kazumi Yomoto makes me love my life and people around me much more. It is a great motivation for me to be stronger to face troubles I have and to be more passionate to enjoy my beautiful life.