The Visit Sitting at the end of the kitchen table, bathed in early autumn light, while in mid-sentence, I wasn't the first to notice. Spinning around, she was behind me, outside- in the garden. I was startled by her dignified presence and splendor of her size and color. Perched on the wrought iron gate, not even ten feet away-but with glass between us, she surveyed. She reminded me of a tall, russet-haired woman, I once knew, with stately features, and a strong posture. But this regal creature had feathers, not hair- and stealth talons for stability, and survival. For a lifetime, we stood- frozen in admiration, tinged in awe. We watched and waited, as she watched and waited, with one unblinking eye, like the silver silhouette of her cousin. Then, with warrior wings, the young female floated back up to her home, in the heavens. But not before this red-tailed hawk, had seemingly glared deeply into our eyes, in order to capture every one of our souls.
This is the Kuqa beacon tower. Not a penis...understand. It was build in the Han dynasty to protect both the Han empire and the travellers. I have a feeling that I may have been a soldier on that tower who was very protective in a past life. For the simple reason I have a cronic obessession with this tower and its landscape. I have always been protective of my family and friend and penpals. This tower reminds me of my new found self protectiveness on line. I am a weeding out the assholes just like the people on that tower just different country and era. I can imagine me be on top of this beacon tower trying to weed up friend from foe.