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*my ordeal with the evil witch* It was a cool Saturday evening, I had gone to watch a football match which ended at around 11 p.m, so I decided to trek down home since I had no money left on me. On my way home I followed a scary bush path that was supposed to make my journey Short. While walking through the scary bush path, I started hearing eyrie sounds of vultures and bats which made me to increase my pace and eventually I found myself running. The sounds came with a gusty wind and a spooky scent which made me to wonder where the scent was coming from. Then I stopped running just to observe if someone was following me. As I stopped, my body trembled in fear, my sight grew dim, and my head heavy. Then I turned abruptly to see What could be lurking, but to my greatest dismay, I saw no one. However, I could still perceive the scent even more which convinced me that someone was definitely following me and this had worsened my fears so much. Nevertheless, I summoned up courage and continued my journey home. This breeze came again this time with a sudden downpour, mystic lighting and rumbling thunderstorms coupled with horrible sounds from different angles which was characterised by the peels of an old mission bell depicting signals of occult gathering. Suddenly I saw a lady with a horrifying figure typically of a long dark hair and enshrouded with a thick long black garment walked past me swiftly, and all of a sudden my heart started beating fast, and my head seemed to have increased so much that my body couldn't carry it. At this point, I couldn't help myself,but to my surprise, the lady disappeared. There and then I realised I had unconsciouly wet my pants , an evidence of unimaginable horror. And I knew for sure that it was the end of the road for me. With uttermost trepidations, I sped off taking another direction which I never knew would lead me to an ancient cemetery with past history of poltergeist haunts. Unconsciouly, I was moving closer to my death! The devil was calling unto me and unknowingly, I was running to him for rescue . As I ran and shouted for help along the road leading to the cemetery, all I could hear was sadistic deep chested laughters and reverberating voices and consequently, I had increased my speed. Unknowing to me, I saw the first grave epithaphed with gothic inscriptions. And to my consternation, I saw another grave,the second one having the greater part of its surface cracked as if someone had just been resurrected from the grave. I was bewildered and then I knew that I have paid the fallen angel a visit in his own abode. Immediately I stopped and saw a creature wearing a white cloth with gray hairs all over her head. Her face was so wrinkled that her eyeballs looked hidden under the wrinkled crony face. Unbelievably, I was standing face to face with a ghost!. I was so scared to death that I had to run; but the farther I ran, the closer she came. I was so confused on what to do that I forgot God, I forgot to pray! My body vibrated spasmodically like one who had stepped onto a life wire ,my clothe was drained with cold sweat even though I shivered convulsively. Having resolved to abandon myself to my faith, I gave up since my doom seemed ineluctable. Immediately I heard her voice saying" welcome my son, don't be afraid because tonight you have made the right choice. Come and I will take you to your rightful place.Tonight is your night! Very few have been given this opportunity, come and I will expose you the mysteries of the world herein and beyond!. At this point, I was freaked out to death. I called upon death to come and take me before her red scrawny fingers grip me . Suddenly nothing was working out for me again and before I knew it, she pinned me down and then, I resolved to make one last choice, I decided to face the devil no matter my fears. I turned to look straight into her eyes but all I could see was fire characterised by a burning desire to ravage and destroy. She charged aggressively with a sharp canine in her mouth, a mouth full of blood. Her hands and legs were so terrible that I nearly puked. The devil abducted me and kept me starved for five days. On the fifth day, I saw her coming towards me with an axe, I was paralyzed because I knew at this moment that I was going to die. When she was close enough to me, she raised the axe above my head and immediately, I jerked up from my slumber to find out that I was in an hospital and that I had been in coma for two weeks Just then, I wondered why I had to see they devil while I was still alive. Story by cheif host
Yes it's so nice when you're trying to get a new life together and you've got a million things running through your mind like; how to market yourself in a diverse market and how to fund myself for this new change in career focus that I'm embarking on, when the flu hit me and sent me straight to the toilet. It's never fun! lol So here we are now a few days later and I still feel crummy. I didn't get a wink of sleep and all I can do is sit and write which is a good thing right now. For 15 years it has taken me to strengthen my back and get myself to where I can sit up and write for awhile without too much pain providing I sit up a straight as possible. That gets hurt some too at times and then I take a good break. Good thing I get up frequently to stretch my limbs! But in all honestly the flu has me writing. I'd love to be helping someone right now. I wish I could offer my services in support work. I loved my PSW position with Paramed Oakville. But that was 18.5 years ago now. Wonderful people to work for and my job was fulfilling and my patients delightful. Last night, I laid in bed and thought about many things and the one question came to mind was, "How many people have a version of the flu right now?" I guesstimated that probably in my city at least 300 people. Thank goodness I'm not in need of the ER. I feel for the people who do. Well, I just needed to say Good Morning to you and I hope you're feeling well! LOL Thanks for the chat! :)
I was told to write about good life experience. I couldn't recall a single, lonely memory: I've found that the past in my eyes seems an odd stew of wincing bitter, frozen heat, and dying light. I was told to write about relationships. How bland would that taste, revolving my story around another? Writers thrive in narcissism. We only succeed when we write of ourselves, even if the names or circumstances differ. I was told to write about my interests. I wish I had interests to write of, but my mind and heart have become slaves to my education. I am one of many robots the education system in America is creating. Writing has become my only solace in a world too bright to bear another star and too dark too allow any light. I was told to write about travelling. Yes, I could do this. I've been so many places and seen so many things. What does that matter, truly, in the end? If I was too stressed to live, I was certainly in my own world too much to allow those travels to morph me in the ways they should have. I was told to write my heart. But what is that? Is my heart the melting pot of all I've been through, or the emotions I've felt, or is it my beliefs? I suppose the 'correct' answer would be that my heart is the amalgamation of all of these ideas. That I am not one thing, I am many, and cannot be confined to the bars of one single category. However, when, other than in movies, does the 'right' side prevail? When is it that 'good' is louder than 'evil'? How can I preach the pureness of my heart when my eyes only see that resonating evil? I was told to write, and never stop writing, because that was my dream. These people standing around me, who claim to support me -- love me -- encourage my insanity. They smile while I run on my treadmill with the goal of reaching the crown of the mountain, so I can look down at all the other treadmills around and thank the stars that I'm not on one. I was told to write what I love. But I was also told to write what I know. I do not know what I love. No one truly knows what or who they love until those things are gone and you're left alone, reminiscing on the past and spiting yourself for not still living there. I was told to write, but for a while, I failed to. I live with a horrid sense of dread each day, because the longer I go, the closer I know I am to the acknowledgement of my paralysis. For those years, I was terrified of failure, but even more terrified of success. It petrified me to think that I had been lying to myself for so long; it petrified me that maybe I was alright. Maybe I even had talent. I was told to write, but never told why. I think I might be discovering my why. I will not write for anyone else. I will not write for success, or for fame, or for money. I will write for my own sanity, and to attempt fulfilling a dream. I've heard one in a million authors get to fulfill their dreams, so maybe I'll play the game, instead of sitting aside, fearing it. I was told to write, and I will, but the only voice I am obeying is my own. I have been desperately telling myself to write for quite some time.
"Aw come on, don't look at me like that..." Dammit. Those enormous eyes were staring at me like I'd just ordered its execution. How could I just leave t there? I had no idea how to explain this to my wife. In my days of adventuring and travel, I'd brought home all kinds of strange things. It was my job, after all; people paid good gold for retrieving artifacts or rare ingredients, heirlooms, whatever they needed. I was their man. Enchanted swords, disembodied eyes that still blinked, satyr hair, even a haunted mirror had all come home with me at some point. My dear Evelina had made peace with it long ago, provided I got rid of my findings in a reasonable amount of time. But the dog-sized baby dragon currently trying to follow me home? I may have finally pushed my luck too far. It made a little warbly noise in its throat, almost like a muted cry. It peered up at me, seemingly seeing right into my soul with its massive green eyes. Its white body shimmered in the light, scattering beams of sun into the mouth of the cave I'd found it in. As far as I could tell, it had been abandoned. Remnants of two other shells, long dried out and disintegrating into the sandy floor, indicated its red and yellow siblings had hatched long ago. The white shell, however, had been still damp from its occupant. The poor thing was mewling pathetically, probably from loneliness, when I found it. Dragons were social creatures, after all. Oh, hell. I let out a long sigh. How could I leave it here, knowing its parents weren't coming back for it? I looked at it. It looked at me. I tried to shut out my traitorous compassion and be logical. It purred and gently pawed at my leg. I lost the battle. "Alright, fine," I growled, not truly angry at it but frustrated by my weakness. The little dragon gave a happy chirp and fluttered its winglets excitedly. A little puff of smoke shot out of its nose. I shouldered my bag and set off down the road. The dragon puttered ain't beside me, green eyes practically glowing with happiness. Tiny claws made a small clattering noise on the uneven cobblestones of the road. I reached down and stroked its wings, eliciting a delighted purr. Maybe Evelina would be swayed by this thing's cuteness. I hoped. Otherwise, I wouldn't be sleeping on the couch, I'd be single.
Don Quixote With bravado and crossroads, the seventeenth century classic Don Quixote, fully titled The Ingenious Nobleman Sir Quixote of La Mancha, uses the protagonist, Don Quixote, to reveal gender-based thinking strategies that lead to an understanding of unfulfilled longings that reside within the self. This frame tale uses adventures, beauty, dissatisfaction with one's lot, and the pursuit of a family to reveal norms that shape the individual. Don Quixote's dissatisfactions also involve dynamic-duo quests that emphasize male social norms derived from myths. Moreover, myths that involve heroic narrative arcs are critical to a reader's psychological development because an individual's psyche is responsible for the people they encounter in their lives, decision-making, and goals. Because goals are so important, Don Quixote's character is portrayed as a foil that is narrated as kind, deliberate, and brave. His stance is in opposition to Sancho Panza, who is an agreeable peasant. Quixote performs brave acts to honor his love interest, Dulcinea, while ultimately remaining unmarried, unfulfilled and defeated by the strangers he encounters because his methods of bravery are too unconventional and viewed as insanity; influenced by myths in his collection of novels. On the other hand, Sancho is married with a child and leaves his family to accompany Quixote on his adventures with hopes of acquiring wealth. He is religious, adheres to societal norms, and would like his daughter to marry a nobleman. His stance is juxtaposed with Quixote's delusions of being a knight to display the effects of choice. Nonetheless, with poignant foreshadowing, we can view Sancho as the individual in society who depends on a Christ-like figure to save him with a reward for his good deeds and obedience. He accompanies Don Quixote, his Christ, for riches. Sancho's reactions to the developments in the narrative stem from his submissive role. While Sancho is desperately trying to fulfill his role as Don Quixote's helper, he seems to have greater clarity about decision making. When Sancho leaves the inn in a hurry, it shows characterization when he displays determination to get what is owed to him, and the alacrity provides the reader with the appropriate method he should use when confronted with crossroads in life: to pick a path, stick with the journey until the end, but within conventional methods and choices. Sancho uses his mental capacity to think things through in order to build confidence, which adds an extra layer in the narrative. On the other hand, Don Quixote is determined to resume his adventures and win the heart of his love interest regardless of the opinion of others. Throughout the frame tale, metaphors from novels Quixote has read establishes his norms that also shape the psyche of many individuals. For Quixote, metaphors come to life as strangers he meets on his journeys. For example, Quixote wants to marry Dulcinea, but society states that males must be brave for their wives. Quixote's pursuits of love takes him on a journey filled with acts of bravery to prove his love for Dulcinea. Accompanied by Sancho, he forge battles with his thoughts of bravery, and strangers that lead to lessons each individual can apply to their lives.These lessons are entwined with desire, death, and rewards; if doctrines are followed. While Sancho would like his future reward to be swift so he can improve his lot, he also has to ensure his family continues to live noble lives. Don Quixote dies with longings as a result of his unconventional views toward marriage and bravery. His tensions remained dark throughout the novel with vast amounts of revolutionary choices, while providing the reader with alternate ways of viewing societal norms. On the other hand, Sancho's foibles are narrated as determination because he is narrated as the sidekick to the heroine that proved to be a deconstruction to chivalry. Goals and cognitive abilities assist the reader with various perspectives that exist in life and paths they may take. Expect the unexpected with Don Quixote and Sancho Panza because it is similar to choices one confronts on a daily basis. Sancho's decision making includes consulting with the moral values he learned from religious life, while Don Quixote encounters wide varieties of fictional books that became his psyche. Moreover, we encounter heroes from all walks of life who could be responsible for the different types of psychological breakthroughs that exist, while engaged in goal achievement, but individuals are ultimately responsible for their autonomy, the books they read, and how those novels influence their life.
The human civilization and development have never been on the peak like it is now at the present time in terms of science, technology, engineering, human rights and the like. The Argus II like a bionic eye, the successful landing of Curiosity rover on Mars, cloud computing, Jeddah Tower soon to be the tallest building, leaving Burj Khalifa behind, same-sex marriage are some of the many achievements of the modern world. Communication at the same time has played a crucial role in shaping the society and the world. With the advent of high-speed internet connection, smartphones with as much capacity as digital computers and emergence of millions of smartphone apps, the communication among the humans have become just a single tap away on the screen of a gadget. There was a time, when people got most of their news on a daily newspaper, in a transistor or in a television but today the means of communication is changing into more interactive, economically feasible and smart technology such as portable digital computing and communicating devices. Regardless of the age, communication and interaction among the humans are essential considering the fact that we are social animals. The affordable cost of mobile devices has resulted in the ubiquitous use of smartphones and similar devices among the grown-up people. Modern media and means of communication are not only popular among the adults but the young kids have been also enticed to the digital world. It is, of course, good to let young kids be familiar with the modern technology but the haphazard use of latest gadgets have affected the children to great extent. Adolescents and young kids follow what adults do regardless of knowing the value, necessity, and outcome of anything. Young students' demand smartphones with good grades or parent's promise to buy new smartphones with better grades need to be considered wisely in terms of need and uses. The regulations on digital media and internet are nominal and questionable as well. To prove that the user is a human and not a robot, many websites use the images to be selected by the users as asked by them out of arrays of graphics. This is the good security measure in the submission of forms and files in web applications and web pages. However, the age restrictions on social media, adult websites and apps are easy to dupe by users of any age pretending of legally acceptable age. The minimum age required to use the social networking site, Facebook is 13, but there are millions of young kids who have lied their age to pretentiously be older to use the world's most famous social networking site. Young kids come across the violence, profanity, adult contents, fake news, superstitions and surrogate advertisements on the internet due to the irregulated online marketing and online business. This allures young children over their curiosity to try them or use them that in turn impacts in their life affecting study, social life, family, and health. Today's children are the leaders of future so that it is the responsibility and duty of we, adults to build the environment, where our kids can grow with right knowledge, skills, and ability to be competent in upcoming days. Unnecessary use of digital gadgets have distracted young learners from their study and misled them to the wrong path. Young children often go through difficult situations like having suicidal thoughts, depression, narcissism, violent behavior and defiant disorder as a result of misuse of digital media. Improper uses of social media have fueled the social problems like child pregnancy, child marriage with elopement and rape in recent years. The online media, websites and social networking sites have to play their parts of a role in making secure future of children today and tomorrow. Just like new captcha system with the images, the identity cards that verify the age of the users could be enforced so as to stop the deception by its users regarding their age. The latest effort of youtube is commendable with reference to the introduction of youtube kids app both in android and ios environments. An operating system like Emmabuntus especially developed and designed for students and young kids prevent them from browsing adult contents, whereas, with its educational materials such as computer programs related to mathematics, science, English and creative games, kids learn to utilize the digital platform as an aid to their study. The parental guidance for kids in using digital social media is like showing kids the right path with a lantern in our hands at a dark place during night time. Children are inquisitive by nature and considering this fact, as our obligation, we must mentor our kids to use modern media. Childhood is best known for the innocence, freedom, and dearness. Every child should get the chance to live free from any worries and fear with the opportunity to thrive in a prosperous society and contribute to keeping it up in future as well.