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When you're born and raised in the beautiful PNW, you know how the seasons are year - round. You've observed how the dreary, wet winters can go all the way into what should be the blossoming of June.\nAs a child into my teen years, the shorter days would take a toll on my self worth. When that was the case, my wonderful mother would take us to Nordstrom's Cafe in Clackamas every Friday for that tomato - basil - pick - me - up - cure.\n\nNothing compares to the delicate, bold flavors of roasted Roma tomatoes and fresh basil pairing with the most flavorful toasted baguette bites. This, in my head, will always be true bliss \u2014 especially on the never ending days. Every bite that entered my body was the warm comfort I've been needing since the warm fall days faded into long, soaked winter nights. Filling me up with warm courage to face the weekend, I'd take what I couldn't finish to go because I knew I'd need it again.\n\nThis creamy tomato basil soup will warm up every inch of your soul and bring it to life even on the coldest, dullest days! When I found out this easy, healthy version not only helps my husband and I stay motivated during the darker times, it's so much better than Campbell's! It's a child - proof recipe I love pulling out everytime it starts to feel like the Fall - idays!\n\nIngredients - Creamy Tomato Soup:\n\u20221 large yellow onion\n\u20223 large cloves garlic\n\u20221/4 Avocado (or Extra Virgin Olive) oil - normal or garlic infused\n\u20222 1/2 pounds Roma or tomatoes on the vine\n\u20221 large carrot - cut into chunks\n\u20222 teaspoons salt\n\u2022A few shakes of red pepper flakes\n\u2022Freshly ground black pepper\n\u20221/2 cup heavy cream (or chicken stock)\n\u202210 large fresh basil leaves, plus more for serving\n\u20221 block of Boursin cheese (or use heavy cream at the very end).\n\nIngredients - Parmesan and Garlic Crostinis:\n\u20221 French Baguette\n\u20224 tbsp butter\n\u20221/2 cup Parmesan cheese, hand grated or pre shredded\n\u20221 clove of garlic\n\u20221/4 teaspoon Italian seasoning\n\nBlending options:\nAn immersion blender is the easiest & safest way to pur\351e this soup, but I prefer a standard blender like my NutriBullet I use. It honestly works just as well \u2014 If opting to use a blender, please work in batches and make sure the feed hole or tube is open while blending so that steam (heat) can escape. Pur\351eing even a warm liquid could result in a messy (not to mention dangerous!) explosion, so work in 10-12 second intervals at a time!\n\nInstructions - Tomato Soup For The Soul with Blender:\n1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.\n2. (If using Boursin): place cheese block in middle of your sprayed casserole dish.\n3. Chop all your vegetables (tomatos, carrots, onion) into 1/4's and place them in the same dish with your Boursin!\n4. Place your garlic cloves in the dish - unpeeled.\n5. Drizzle on 1/4 cup Avocado / Olive Oil across your veggies & cheese block (make sure it covered every vegetable in that dish)!\n6. Season vegetables with your salt, pepper and red pepper flakes.\n7. When the oven's ready, place your dish on the bottom rack for 45 minutes or until vegetables have softened and tomatoes are splitting and sizzling.\n8. Take your pan of roasted vegetables out of the oven and place on top of the stove - add a pinch of salt to the simmering bliss - let stand for 10-15 minutes or until it's cooled down enough.\n9. When your all - in - one - pan has cooled down, put your vegetables (minus the garlic) and Boursin in a blender \u2014 we use our full size NutriBullet.\n10. Get your 3 garlic cloves and squeeze the tapered ends; the roasted garlic will slice out of it's peel with ease! Pop them into the blender.\n11. Grab those fresh Basil leaves (or 2 teaspoons of dried basil) and dash it into the blender with your tomato base.\n12. BLEND BABY!! I usually manually press and pulse the mixture to get it chopped up so it doesn't overheat!\n13. **If you want your soup to be thinner: Get 1/2 cup heavy cream or chicken stock (cooled) and add it to the mix: BLEND SOME MORE!\n14. Once you get it to the desired consistency of your choice (chunky or smooth), pour some soup into 2- 4 bowls & garnish with fresh basil, black pepper, and Parmesan cheese! Serve with a side of Parmesan Crostinis or crumble some on top for that satisfying crunch!\n\nInstructions - Parmesan & Garlic Crostinis:\n1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.\n2. Combine your 4 tbsp butter, Parmesan, and Italian seasoning into a bowl so you have this aromatic herb butter!\n3. Slice up your French baguette into 1/4\u201d slices.\n4. Butter each slice of bread with your DIY herb butter and place them on a baking sheet.\n5. Top each crostini with fresh Parmesan.\n6. Bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes (until the baguette crust is a crunchy golden brown).\n7. Serve hot as a side with your Tomato Soup For The Soul or crumble them on top for a delicate crunch!
Everyone who knows me, knows I'm a klutz. My latest mishap? A picture frame. I chose a special frame for a photo of my mom and dad. It was the last photo I had of them together. Not long after that picture was taken, dad unexpectedly passed away from cancer. Maybe unexpected isn't the correct word but we only found out about his cancer six weeks before he died. So, yeah, unexpected. After perusing several frames, one stood out as being the perfect one for their photo. I made the purchase and brought it home. I carefully lifted all those annoying, sharp, metal prongs in order to insert my photo. Whew! Done that with no problem. Then after positioning the photo, I carefully pressed them all back down...... or so I thought. I held the frame sideways against the wall to measure where the nails would go for hanging. And that's when my problems began. The frame slipped and rather than having to sweep up a pile of splintered glass, I caught the frame. I found out all too quickly that I'd missed one sharp, very sharp prong. I may have missed it but it didn't miss me. In one quick swipe, it slid across my finger and because I'd grabbed it in such a fast and tight grip, I ended up with a huge, deep slice in the back of that finger. And boy did it bleed!!! All those little capillaries weren't happy! My attempts at curtailing the flowing blood were all in vain and a trip to the local ER was inevitable. Four hours and several stitches later, I arrived back home. Now, here we are, two weeks later, the sutures are out but my finger is still a bit swollen and very sore. The doctor said it will be this way for about "maybe another week.” Darn those tiny spider-webbing nerve endings that re in your fingers! Wonderful!! Just wonderful!! I never realized how useful that finger is until it actually hurts to use it. Can't hitchhike for awhile (although I never really did). It still throbs violently to bend that finger. Can't stick my thumb in a pie to pull out a plum (although I didn't do that either) for the same reason. But seriously, it hurts to hold a pen (or pencil). Opening a jar is out of the question. Anything that requires pressure against where the injury was is something that will only happen as the injury heals...which the doctor assured me will happen but slowly. He did remind me that the cut was deep. So, now you're wondering why I'm writing all this nonsensical trivia. It's to alert you of the hazards of what lies behind the frames or rather on the frames. Before you attempt to hang your beautiful photos, check and double check that you've actually pushed all those prongs back into place. You just never know when one might be lurking behind to make you yell, OUCH, that hurt!
\\"Mom? Mom please don't leave my hand. I am scared mom.\\"\nThese were the words that frequently came out of my mouth when I literally gave up on my life. That day I was hospitalized. And after that, everything changed. EVERYTHING. I was suffering from mental depression. My O'levels were knocking at the door. And I was going through sudden memory loss. At this point of life, all I needed was a little love and support. Therefore, I thought I should start going to school.\nAnd the next day I went, thinking that at this time, my \\"friends\\" would be my greatest support. But no. I was very wrong. Like very, very wrong. The \\"friends\\" from whom I was expecting support, didn't even bother to ask me how I was doing. Some ignored me, and some laughed at me when I said I was having memory problems.\nTears filled my eyes when one of them said on my face that I am simply putting up an act. That day, I left the school early and went home. Soon after, my health deteriorated. I started behaving abnormally. I would hallucinate things, and talk to myself in the dark. The people dearest to me looked like strangers. I was terrified of stepping out of my home because I felt all eyes were on me.\nI wept all night; without even knowing why. And then the worst thing happened. I had to visit the psychiatrist. Yes. A psychiatrist. The pills prescribed became a part of my regular diet. By then I had convinced myself that I have become mentally unstable. And...And I gave up.\nBut there was this one person still had faith in me. My mom. She pledged that she won't let me break. She kept talking to me all day and all night. She kept inspiring me and kept pouring positive vibes inside me. She kept asking me what happened and what I was going through.\nAnd I kept quiet. But she was never tired of asking me. She kept asking how I feel. And then one day, I couldn't hold it in anymore. Every agony, every fear, every tormenting emotions- that I was bottling up till now sputtered out of my mouth in the form of words. My mom kept quiet for a moment, as if she was trying to compose herself in a very subtle way. And then she showed me a plant.\n\\"Did you know that this plant used to be too vulnerable. Its stem used to break, insect used to eat up the leaves and it didn't bear flower at all. I thought this plant will die soon. Yet I asked the maids to water it and supply fertilizers. And one day, one day it surprised us all, and started bearing flowers. Do you know how it happened?\\" she asked, there was an amusing tilt in her voice.\n\\"No.\\" I stated.\n\\"Because it never gave up. In spite of all the obstacles, it rose.\\" she smiled.\nShe made me realized that I am not a loser. Neither I am mentally unstable. I have a very big goal in life to achieve. And these obstacles are nothing. And she kept me inspiring for days. After that I consoled myself and started going to school again. For few days my mom accompanied me to school. Then one day she told me to go alone. I was dreading her notion. I was so scared. But her supporting eyes, and believing smile, made me enter the gates of my school in solitary.\nToday, after one month, I am completely fine. Just a little weak, but other than that I am fine. I am doing well with my studies. And I no longer care about what people think about me, what opinion they have about me. Moreover, I don't have to visit the psychiatrist anymore, nor do I have to take the pills. Yes I am doing well. And I have my biggest support with me. My family. And my mom? I can't thank her enough for this. Yet I would like to say. THANK YOU MOM.
According to the Islamic calendar, every year holy Ramadan arrives, Ramadan goes. In this holy month, the people of the Muslim age, healthy and powerful men and women, celebrate fasting, from the time of worship, from Sadeq to the sunset till the sunset and to abstain from sexual intercourse. To express the main purpose of fasting, it is said in the holy Quran: "O you who believe! Fasting was ordained for you, as it was prescribed for the people of your past, that you may practice piety. " (Surat al-Baqarah 184) Adults of healthy, healthy Muslim men and women who have attained the good fortune of Ramadan should continue their efforts to keep fasting without taking refuge in any kind of neglect and neglect. Because people are mortal, so that Ramadan going away is more likely to not come back to life second time. Ramadan is a month that does not compare with any month. It has been narrated in the Qur'an: Ramadan is the month that was revealed in the Qur'an which is a guidance for mankind and clear evidence of guidance and mischief (difference between right and wrong). So whoever of you receives this month, should fast on it. (Surat al-Baqarah 186) Fasting in the human heart increases the quality of faith, devotion and piety, salt equality, fasting, forgiveness of all sins, and guarantees the reward of Paradise, Hadrat Abu Huraira (R) narrated that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "Whoever fasting in the month of Ramadan for the sincerity of good faith and good results, all sins of his past shall be forgiven." (Bukhari, Muslim) It is known from the hadith that 'fasting is half of patience and half of patience is half of faith'. Among the five pillars of Islam, the greatest pillar is the medium of meeting with the Creator with the fasting of Ramadan. That is why Rasul Karim (peace be upon him) had done Ershad through Hadith in the Hadith Lord God of honor and dignity says, 'All other acts of man are for his own sake, but fasting is for me alone, and I will reward him for this', fasting shield. In his name, in whose hands Muhammad's life, the smell of the face of fasting is more sacred than the smell of meshes to Allah. A fasting man enjoys two pleasures, he is happy when he breaks and he is happy for the good of fasting when he meets his Lord. (Bukhari) It appears from the Qur'an that Allah Almighty will give rewardless blessings to the patient. Fasting performed the final sample of patience by performing fasting, it is learned from the traditions that, Rasool Pak (S) said, Allah said that the fasting of his desires only lingers and drinkers only for me; Therefore, I am the reward for fasting (Muslim) Imam Ghayali (Rh) said to celebrate the fertility of fasting in Ramadan, "Allah blesses the angels in the worship of fasting youth by angels; And said, O young man defying the desire for me! O young man who spent his youth in satisfaction! You are not less than an angel. O the church of the angel! Look at my young servant, he has abandoned his anger, his mouth, and his food, for the sake of my satisfaction. " (Ya Ya Ulumiddin) Aishah (ra) narrated that, Rasul al-karim (peace be upon him) said, "The devil walks in the human ropes, if you want to protect yourself from the devil, then narrow your artery through fasting. Rabi added, once Huzur (peace be upon him) said to me, O Aysha! Always hold fast to the door of the gardens. I asked the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) how? He (peace be upon him) replied, "By fasting". (Yeh Yu Ulumuddin) It has been narrated by Abu Hurairah (R) Rasool said, "When the month of Ramadan comes, the doors of Paradise are opened, the doors of Hell are closed, and the bundle of Satan is tied up." (Bukhari) Every fasting should be kept in mind that fasting means the way to survive and to exclude certain things. There is no work of externality in between. Any other worship is seen in the human form but fasting is a worship that only God can see, whose root roots are attached to the hidden piety in the person's heart. It is learned from the hadith that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "If the devil had not come to the heart of the human heart, then people would have been able to look upward. Fasting is the shield of the acts of worship, to stop the coming of Satan.
It's the end of summer, my friends and I just got done shoving a loveseat out of my second story apartment window because there is no way that thing would have fit through the doors. We come downstairs to catch a break and move the couch over by the street trying to fit as many of maybe 7 of us on it. As it starts getting darker, most of them go their separate ways leaving four of us behind. We sat there for some time after everyone left enjoying the end of one chaotic summer. We wanted one more crazy adventure. The story is, these crazy three other people and I, impulsively decided that day that we all need a vacation so the very next day, we left the state of Iowa. We hit the road; we were on our way not knowing where we were going, not caring. Before I continue with this story, let me add the fact of how these three other people I was with were all boys. That very night, I pack one bag, the next day, the four of us pile in a two door Saturn. Between the four of, we probably had about a whole 30 some dollars. (Great planning, I know right?) We got to the middle of Missouri before we ended up spending our last dollar. That's when we decided that our destination was to be Daytona Beach, Florida. I know, I know. You're thinking, why? I honestly have no idea what inspired all four us in that very moment to decide that we all wanted to go to Florida with no money but once we agreed on that decision simultaneously, we had to show ourselves that we weren't going to back down on our word and challenge ourselves to actually push ourselves to get there. We all had in our heads how everyone always told us growing up that you absolutely had to have money to do the things that you wanted to do, especially travel. We understood that of course, but we wanted to see how far we could make it if we could make it on pure determination and just our people skills. Yikes, huh? The next few days consisted of some of the most inspiring conversations I've had the pleasure of having in my life, a lot of R&B, and a handful of beautiful people who helped us along the way. We stopped at local shops in small towns and gas stations and helped others and in return they helped us with gas, food, and water. We sold what we could that we had on us. We were innovative in how we made money. We were determined to get to the beach. Everyone has pride to an extent, where most of us find ourselves needing help but not allowing our egos to ask for it. I continued on that trip just so I could teach myself the lesson of, if I really want something, regardless of if I have the means to do it, I will be able to do it. During that trip, I learned that perspective truly is everything. Yes there was times during those few days where we would each exchange doubts of if we would actually be able to accomplish this crazy assignment but we couldn't fail, so we took turns reassuring each other. That's the great thing about friends, even when they're in doubt, they will continue to push you to keep doing what you set out to do. Needless to say, we did make it, and the second that we did, we ran to the ocean and I took one of the best naps of my life right there! I woke up to music coming from the board walk and surrounded by wonderful people enjoying the rest of their summer a ways away from home. We ventured out to explore the rest of this magical place. In return, for pushing ourselves to achieve what we had set out to do, we were rewarded with a beautiful night and a memory we would hold onto forever. Alright, I know what you're thinking. Get to the point. Honestly, I don't remember exactly how I lost my pants in Florida, but I spent most of the time wearing a one piece. Between crashing on the beach and crashing an outdoor concert, for all I know and can remember, the ocean swallowed my pants and in return fed my soul. We were only there for about a day and a half. On the journey back we wanted to try and panhandle because some other travelers we met inspired us to try it and in return we had the time of our lives. Not very many people choose to panhandle but the experience puts you in the shoes of people that have no choice but to. You learn a lot about the people who struggle everyday and it really gives you a different mindset. You really learn how to appreciate what you have more. We made big signs and stood in the middle of a busy intersection. People were coming down the road blasting different genre's of music with their windows down enjoying the weather. Since we were by a stoplight a lot of people when they were stopped would interact with us. I didn't care about the money that we had gotten in that hour, what I took from that experience was far more valuable. On our way home, we reflected a lot on what had learned and I can tell you the same four people who had left Iowa weren't the same three people who were returning. I say the three of us because one of the guys decided to stay in Florida, but that's a whole other story for some other time.