Sometimes we just need to cry. We need to cry because life is hard. Because it's filled with heartache, sorrow, grief, anxiety, depression, anger, fear, loneliness, and pain. Because it isn't what you imagined, what you hoped for, what you planned for. We need to cry because society is broken. Because we were promised the world if we went to college and got good jobs...but then when we were ready to enter the workforce, there were no good jobs and our degrees didn't matter. So we were left in our menial jobs, hoping for a brighter economic future, but it never came. We cry because those of us who didn't come from healthy, affluent families are left in the dust to struggle, to keep trying and trying and never getting ahead because we can't keep up with the collapse of society. Sometimes we need to cry for what once was... for a time you knew wouldn't last forever, but you didn't realize how much you would miss it, how it would leave a bittersweet ache in your heart. How you would give almost anything to go back to that moment when everything was okay and the world wasn't terrifying. Sometimes we need to cry because everything you do just isn't good enough. No matter how many hours you work and fake smiles you plaster on your face to appear acceptable to society, it's just never good enough. No one ever knows what you're truly going through, nor do they want to because everyone has their own problems and demons they're struggling with. Everyone says it's okay to have a bad day, but is it really? What about several bad days in a row? And what happens when you can't afford your medications that help you feel better, so you turn to other things that aren't deemed "acceptable" by society? Is it more acceptable to hole up in your house and never come out? To refuse to socialize because you can't summon the strength to be personable? Or to be rude and snappy because you're struggling to regulate your emotions? Which of these options is the most accepted by society? Sometimes you just need a good cry because there's nothing left to do...there's nothing to say that anyone will understand...there's nothing you can write that will make you feel just need to cry, to let the pain physically leave your body...and that's okay. God gave us emotions and tears for a reason. Sometimes emotions are physical, and need to be released. And that's okay. Let yourself cry. Let all the pain out...and know that tomorrow is a new day...and hopefully it won't be as painful.
Four years ago my mother and father told us to move to another house. I was sad because in this condition I would have to give up my favorite school and my classmates,despite my resistance we moved to a new house.A new life, new school and friends were waiting for me. On November18 I went to my new school for the first time and they welcomed me well. Day by day I got to know my classmates better and we became real friends but there was one boy who always made me angry and always argued with me on every issue. Every day did not pass without a fight with him. We were against each other like Tom and Jerry. Unlike others his eyes looked sad. Monday .It was a physical education class,when we were talking with the girls,we talked about that boy who always made me nervous. His name was Emir. Since I am new to this class I didn't know full information about the children. The girls say that he lives with his grandmother, there is no information about his father, his mother is abroad .At the time his parents had loved each other very much but their family was against it, and they decided to run away and go abroad . His mother returned after a few years with a child and left the child with her mother. That's how Emir grew up without a father and a mother. I said to myself, I understand why his eyes are always sad. The next day it was a math lesson then the teacher gave us a task and I solved it first and showed it to teacher, he praised me,I solved task correctly. Then Emir said that I used the phone to solve the task . Hearing this slander, I couldn't help myself .I was so angry I told Emir that you shouldn't tell such lies, your parents did the right thing by leaving you, suddenly the class fell silent,everyone was looking at me and him. At that moment Emir's eyes filled with tears, he immediately left the classroom. It was very big mistake I realized. That day I came home from school in a very sad state,my conscience could not let me rest, I hurt his heart. The next day I went to school in a sad state and first I looked at Emir, he was still sad, his head was bowed, I went to my seat without saying a word and thought: now I have to apologize to him and I thought again he was the first to slander me so he should apologize first . I did not dare to apologize to him every day. One day his best friend came to me and said: he loves you very much ever since you first came to our class, he always tried to make you nervous because according to him you are more beautiful when you are angry, he thought that if he got on your nerves, you would pay attention to him. He always came to protect you, but he could never tell you that he loves you, he never had the courage to do so even that day he only said it as a joke to make you angry, but you took it seriously. He didn't expect this from you, that's why he has been unable to come to his senses for several days he even stopped eating. Hearing these words, I cried uncontrollably. I realized that I made a big mistake. I promised myself that I would go and apologize to him tomorrow. I cried and fell asleep.I woke up in the morning and was getting ready for school. My mother came and said that COVID-19 was detected in the country, that's why the quarantine was announced. I was shocked, after all, today I have to apologize to him, but it is not known how long the quarantine will last. My heart could not be comforted until I told him what was in my heart. Every day I was in torture, I wanted to send him a message on the phone, but I wanted to tell him what was in my heart by looking at him in those sad eyes. Every day the number of victims of the virus in the country was increasing, the situation was getting worse. But I didn't give up hope, school will start one day and I will apologize to him. It was Sunday. I woke up later that day, and when I went out into the yard, my mother came to me and said: your classmate is dead, I was shaking and slowly asked which classmate. My mother: Emir!I don't remember what I did, I lost consciousness... After a long time, I opened my eyes in my bed, I became a lifeless person, tears flowed from my eyes, but I could not say a word. My parents were worried about my condition. Later I found out that he experienced the most severe stage of COVID-19 and died due to a weak immune system after suffering from illness for several days. I hurt him so much, I could never forgive myself for that, I couldn't even apologize to him. Months passed, the quarantine ended! The quarantine ended, everyone was happy, people missed each other and went to visit .On the first day after the end of the quarantine, I went to the cemetery, found him and asked him for forgiveness on my knees, but it did not comfort me, a cry remained in my heart until Judgement-Day. Every person should appreciate every day and make good use of time. If you want to do something, do it now, if you want to say something to someone, say it now, because tomorrow may be too late!
The dark swirled around her taunting her. “You are capable of more evil than you know my dear…” The voice whispered from somewhere in the dark abis. “No, I'm not! Just leave me alone!” Rose shouted back shutting her eyes tightly trying to block the other voice out but she failed as it continued to jeer at her. “Do you remember…?” The voice hissed causing a flash of images of past horrific events in their victim's life. Rose felt tears start to roll down her cheeks as she fell to the floor in defeat and folding her knees to her chest. “Give up?” The voice questioned in a demonic tone. “No…” Rose replied forcing her voice to steady itself. Suddenly another girl appeared in front of her with black and green hair, bright green eyes, and an evil grin spread across her face. “Well, then it looks like we'll meet again soon my dear....” The girl stated threateningly before disappearing into the darkness and an evil laugh spreads throughout the room. Rose sat up in her bed quickly, her heart pounding as if she had just ran a marathon and her cheeks stained with tear tracks. “Stupid North…” she mumbled to herself in the silence of her bedroom. She kicked her legs over the side of the bed and got up before pulling the blinds open, allowing for the cool night air to flood the room. The sky was an opaque black and cloudy so no stars could be seen. She looked down at her hands that had formed into fists. This had been the third time this week that the stupid nightmare had occurred leaving her sleep deprived and frightened to even try to take a nap. The door squeaked open shadowing her with the light of the hallway. “Rose?” She heard a deep voice say from her doorway, “What are you doing awake?” “Just a nightmare…” She mumbled in return but didn't turn to face her visitor. “Oh, is it still the same one?” Rose nodded slowly as she heard the person step farther into her room but she still didn't turn to face them. “You want to talk about it?” She felt a hand touch her shoulder gently as if at the touch she might disappear forever. “No, Mark I'm good.” She replied her voice returning to hestiant state as she declined his offer of conversation. “Rose, come here.” He whispered taking his hand away from her shoulder and sitting down on the bed. She finally turned around and took a seat next to him and tried to hide the tears forming in her eyes. Mark placed his arm lightly on her shoulders but stayed silent not sure how to approach the situation though he knew she needed help. “Rose?” He said in a hushed tone. “Yes, Mark?” Her voice cracked from trying to hold back her tears. “It's ok to cry.” Rose pondered his words for a second then finally let it go and started sobbing. Mark pulled her a little closer attempting to confort her. “I'm s...sor..sorry Ma..Mark…” She stuttered through her tears. Mark looked at her confused that she was apologizing to him. “What, why?” He said bewildered by the girl's sudden apology. “For crying..” “Rose it's ok…” He pulled her closer to him. It's okay.
You've got a letter. I ran as fast as I could down the stairs in my house with my birthday crown falling off my head, I had an idea of who the letter was from. I took the letter in my hand and held it close to my heart and took a deep breath of air. I looked down at the brown envelope and there it was my birthday letter from dad. I opened the letter to see pink and blue balloons as the background on the card. I felt the butterflies fluttering up my throat as I read… Overwhelmed with emotions and confusion I ran into my room and cried, not understanding why things were the way they were. As I drifted into a fitful sleep, I remembered the story of my father's cry. February of 1993, while traveling, the car was stopped and searched by police officers. The officers found weapons and drugs. My father's life as well as mine would never be the same. My mother received a phone call days later from him where he explained the occurrences. The trial lingered on for weeks; the verdict came back, and he was sentenced to 52 years in prison. Being able to understand what happened was not difficult, but being able to talk about it was the hardest thing. I grew up knowing the most caring man in the world, and to think he was in prison, was mind blowing. I was ashamed that my father was in prison. I hid it or avoided talking about family because of reactions. I felt disappointed and angry because of his position. He made a decision that cost me the relationship that I crave for now. I wondered if he thought about my mom and me? I was 11 when I sat down and really talked about this with my mom. She told me it was okay to talk about my dad's situation.To me, this situation my mom and I were in just made us stronger together. My mother was both parents. My mother's sacrifice and ability to provide for me was a great achievement. She took care of me, worked, went to school, and loved me all at the same time. When he calls, we talk about anything and everything; he teaches me what I need to be taught like boys and making the right choices in life. Despite of my dad's position and what he did, I still love him and no one can change that. My mom also promotes our relationship. She knows that I am the only thing that keeps him going in prison. While my mother is supportive, I have encountered many people who have said hurtful things about him. Some even said I should turn my back on him. How would turning my back on him benefit me or him? I do not love my father because my mother says so or because that is the right thing to do, I love him because he has done a lot for me without him actually being here. I realize that he made a bad choice and is paying the consequences for it. I am proud that my father keeps his head up during his ordeal. I know that his arrest and imprisonment has changed him for the better. He will be a changed man and father when his time is up. Before I visited my father in prison, the thought of going to a prison freaked me out. Going to see him was so hard for me, I kept thinking, I could not face him. Before, I did not want to look at him I give him sympathy or make him feel worst about his situation. I knew that was selfish of me but it was a hurdle I had to get over and I did. In 2009, I drove deep into New Jersey to see my father. I was never this afraid ever in my life. I cried all the way there. For some reason I could not get it together. When I walked into the prison, I had to get processed and checked. During this time I think I took about 100 trips to the bathroom trying to get myself together. Looking around everyone seemed calm and content as if this was easy. I sat in the chair waiting for my number to be called. The door open and I knew that was him, my daddy, my father. I rose and hugged him and he kissed my forehead, I felt relieved. We sat for almost four hours talking about anything. I studied his features and realize I looked just like him. I smiled to myself. I love my father. I felt rejuvenated, like a new person. I was happy that I made him happy. He has not seen me in 17 years and I finally made that happened for him. My heart smiled. I was a new person. As time passes and I continue to grow and appreciate my life, friends, family and my freedom, I still keep in mind that life is a journey and my journey has many obstacles. I am determined to overcome my obstacles. Throughout my journey, I can say that I have parents that have loved me unconditionally. My father's incarceration has had a positive impact on my life. I feel that his presence in prison helps me stay on track and focus in everything I do; knowing he only wants the best for me. I do suffer as I wish he could start his life over and have him spend every day with me. I believe that life's obstacles can either make a person stronger or weaker. My father's incarceration has provided me with the motivation to be triumphant and look at the position I am in as a reminder of the meaning of life and the cries we all have.