Abstract This discourse sheds light on how Lutrics Edu, an innovative educational tool, serves as a catalyst for promoting youth empowerment and peacebuilding. youth can access educational content on peacebuilding, fostering positive engagement and productivity in peace efforts. The content spans various subjects, including ethnoreligious harmony, safety skills, and peacebuilding strategies. By equipping young people with the necessary skills and knowledge. Introduction The interplay between youth empowerment and peacebuilding is crucial to addressing the socio-political challenges that Plateau State faces. Youth empowerment is not only essential for personal growth but also central to the collective development of society. In a region marked by ethnic and religious tensions, unemployment, and political instability, empowering young people is vital for creating sustainable peace. This article explores how youth empowerment, facilitated through innovative platforms like Lutrics Edu, can contribute to peacebuilding and development in Plateau State. It also highlights the role of education, skills development, and socio-political inclusion in fostering ethnoreligious harmony and reducing conflict. Key Challenges Facing Youth Empowerment Youth empowerment in Plateau State faces several challenges that impede the realization of its full potential. Some of the key barriers include: 1.Lack of Skills: Many young people lack the necessary skills to engage in peacebuilding or secure gainful employment. This skill gap stems from limited access to education, especially in rural areas, and a lack of investment in vocational training. 2.Lack of Awareness: Many youth are unaware of opportunities for education, employment, or peacebuilding. The absence of proper guidance and mentorship further limits their ability to access these opportunities. 3.Social and Economic Barriers: Economic disparities, gender discrimination, and technological barriers significantly hinder youth development. In Plateau State, poverty and illiteracy are prevalent among young people, limiting their ability to access credit and other resources necessary for entrepreneurship and socio-political engagement. 4.Vulnerability to Extremism: The economic and social marginalization of youth makes them vulnerable to recruitment by extremist groups. Addressing the root causes of youth radicalization requires a comprehensive approach that includes economic empowerment, education, and social inclusion. Entry Points for Youth Empowerment Effective youth empowerment strategies must focus on enabling young people to become active agents of change within their communities. Some strategic entry points for youth empowerment in peacebuilding include: Strengthening Youth Networks: Establishing national and regional youth peace networks allows young people to collaborate, share knowledge, and mobilize their communities for positive change. Gender Inclusion: Encouraging the participation of young women in peacebuilding ensures that peace efforts are inclusive and reflective of diverse perspectives. Addressing patriarchal attitudes and gender biases is crucial for empowering all segments of society. Economic Empowerment: Providing youth with alternative livelihoods, particularly in areas affected by conflict, helps to stabilize their economic prospects and reduces the risk of involvement in criminal activities. Community Engagement: Engaging youth in community recovery efforts, such as rebuilding social infrastructure, fosters a positive image of youth and strengthens their role in reintegration processes. Recommendations Achieving youth empowerment requires a concerted effort across multiple sectors. The following recommendations are essential for promoting youth empowerment and peacebuilding in Plateau State: 1.Invest in Youth Skills Development: There must be deliberate efforts to train and empower young people through vocational programs, entrepreneurial training, and leadership development. Economic empowerment through grants and contracts can provide youth with the resources needed to create sustainable livelihoods. 2.Leverage Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship offers a low-cost pathway to self-empowerment and economic independence. By encouraging youth to pursue entrepreneurial ventures, the state can foster innovation and create a more peaceful and stable environment for development. Conclusion Youth empowerment is a vital strategy for promoting sustainable peace and development in Plateau State. By equipping young people with the necessary skills, knowledge, and opportunities, they can play a central role in addressing the socio-political challenges that the region faces. Platforms like Lutrics Edu demonstrate the potential of technology to bridge the gap in education and provide rural youth with the tools needed for peacebuilding.
The nightingale watched him like a hawk. The flautist took out his flute, and looking up at the nightingale, he said, “I shall play a tune to match the moonshine for you. You can sing along if you want.” The soothing sounds of the flute reached the far corners of the land. The nightingale became a shadow for it couldn't match the melodious composition of the song on the flute, a love song that awoke the night from its slumber. Please watch the short video of The Nightingale & The Flautist, taken from The Goddess of the Himavan, best-selling ancient & classical literature on Amazon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arpFUl7fJRU&t=57s Thank you for watching. Please subscribe, like, and share the video. Happy New Year, 2023 everyone.
What I want to talk about is a solution that I have come up with as an African leader which I think is a sustainable way to finance development and transformation in community areas of Africa. We have an existing problem in our community when it comes to continuance availability of developmental funds which has led stalled improvements in our living standards and has led to some of the community projects either cancelled or halted and I believe it's also what most communities and counties in Africa face. I believe the solution is the establishment of a development fund for our community of which its proceedings will be used to develop our communities and their transformation. last rain season every household in our community was told to contribute money to make repairs to damaged community roads. But a few weeks after the repairs were made the roads were damaged by rain again and people become reluctant to contribute money again. This is an example of situations many areas in our country face were there can be an availability of funds for infrastructure maintenance and development but the source of the funds is not sustainable. I see that the main problem is not just availability of development funds but the problem is also the continuance flow of those funds in order to complete their objective. In the example I gave about how our community contributed funds to develop our roads rather than wait for government, the problem come because the source of the funds was not sustainable and when there was pause in contributions from the people, the project failed. The problem also manifest in many projects in our country evidenced by the countless number of unfinished projects that have turned official headquarters for those running from the law all because there was a halt in flow of funds . When I was thinking of a plan that can be put in place to insure that there is a continuance flow of funds that can be used for infrastructural and community development , then I found a certain book about Malawi's history where part of it talked about an initiative that our former president Dr. Bakili Muluzi established in 1995. Instead of injecting money directly into development projects he established a trust fund, the Press trust fund. The fund invested the money that Dr. Muluzi channeled to it and then from the profits it acquired from the invested it made was used to fund different projects like building schools , hospitals and also funding other initiatives and The fund has been around for years and it continues to grow in size . This is the approach I want our communities to take. If I was a leaders of our society I will lead to the creation of a development fund or Trust that we can use its revenues for the development work of our community. instead of contributing money to fund one project at a time, the Best approach is contribute money for establishment of a community trust funds that can invest in different business or low risk investments like mutual funds, then the revenues that we get from the investments be used to finance development of our community in things like road maintenance, buying teaching materials for our local primary school that usually don't have small materials like chalk and other things. The fund can also invest in businesses people are involved in which means it can also foster economic empowerment. Strict rules, guidelines and protocols can be put in place on how to operate the development fund to ensure its proper operation and accountability so as to make sure no one person misuse the funds which is also what rocks many projects in Africa. In implementing such an initiative I can like very much to work with the youths so as to involve them in coming up with sustainable solutions to the problems in our society because as everyone says that the youth we are the cornerstones of the society and we are the next presidents, minister and executives. If the youth of today accept responsibilities , take part in coming up and implementing sustainable solutions to our problems and work towards the development and transformation of their societies then we will have great leaders in our society and together we can uplift our societies , the country and the world at large. Sometimes small actions matter in solving a problem than wait for those we look up to and maybe this small actions may motivate other people into a movement that can change the world. So I think the model of creating development fund for our society can turn into a movement where development funds will be created by other societies, countries and leaders because of its sustainability. If the youth I can work up with ends up seeing the benefits of a development fund then a new generation of leaders will be emerged with a different perspective towards financing development and transformation in a sustainable way.