One sunny day with a wonderful atmosphere in the spring, in midst of the high mountains, female hawk laid three eggs. Days passed, the eggs were hatched, and three beautiful little hawks appeared. Time passes, and the young hawks are growing up, they're learning to fly, hunt and search for food. Only one young hawk was different from his brothers, his wing was too small and growing slowly so he couldn't fly. Days pass, and grief begins to reach his heart, feeling weak and weak, everyone around him are flying, collecting their food, going out with their mother to hunt, and he is sitting in his nest, barely able to walk. He sees his brothers starting to rely on themselves and he's still waiting for his food from what others hunt for. He hates pity looks in their eyes. He doesn't like to receive compassion from others. The hero of our story is Memmo. Memmo was highly willing and wouldn't give up. Everyday he tries to fly with his brothers, but he fail. He doesn't want to stay dependent on others and he decides that he's only gonna eat what he's hunting, but how? he has Learned to walk, then run, and he got two strong feet. He shall run at a high speed, he shall jump, and he shall find himself falling down on earth in pain. Then what? How can he hunt the prey that his brothers sometimes miss when they can fly lightly and freely? Until the turning point in his life came. After his fall in one of his attempts to fly, he realized that he has stronger claws than all his peers, and more controlling after he had used them to climb. He became an expert on the ground and below the mountains, he had his own way of making traps and ambushes of his prey. He was a different hawk, and he became a strategist. He could have collected many prey with one hunt thanks to the ambushes he made. He became admired among all his peers, and they looked at him with all due respect. His wing had grown to near completion and would finally be able to fly. Until this horrible day came. Everybody woke up in the dark morning like the night doesn't want to leave. The clouds obscure the sight of everything, and thunder silences the ears. The floods are sinking and the wind is pulling everything out of place. Flying has become impossible for everyone. the little hawks are starving, and no one can bring them food. There was no savior but our hero, but how? storm that lasted nearly a month has made all the animals in its hideout not come out. Even if he makes the traps, he won't find any prey. but Memmo used the power of his claws and his experience in what is under the mountains to hunt prey out of its hideout, he was able to gather food and save everyone at this difficult time. After the storm has ended, Memo became an extraordinary hawk. His wings had been grown completely and he is able to fly freely. His claws didn't miss his hunts because of its great power. Also his ability to plan and make ambushes made him win any battle and defend against other wounded birds. He became the king of the hawks! So i want to say What if he surrenders to his fate and only waits for his wing to grow like the others? What if he blames the circumstances that made him a different hawk than everyone else? Was he gonna be alive? Was he gonna find food for him and his peers or were they gonna starve? We're all Memo, each one of us at a time of his life hasn't even come out yet to magnificent and the world didn't see what he is gonna do. Maybe everyone flew away except you. But circumstances may give you the chance to launch late, but extraordinary, preempting all those who went before you. Time has never passed, and circumstances aren't against you, but it wants you to be different, to be exceptional. Be special.
Ammiel's skin tingled and her eyes sparkled as she stared up at the tall building. This was where the magic happened. The Zebulun Cancer Foundation. She had come to surprise her mum with lunch. She just hoped her mum appreciated her gesture. When she walked in and headed straight for the elevators, no one stopped her. She got to the tenth floor and walked to the door of her mum's office. “Hi, mum! I'm–” she trailed off when she opened the door to an empty room. “Mum? Mum, are you here?” She dropped the food on the desk and knocked on the bathroom door, then opened it. It was empty. She pulled out her phone and called her mum…and heard the sound of a phone ringing. Her mum hadn't taken her phone with her. She must have stepped out in a hurry. She sat down and waited. Ten minutes. Twenty. Thirty. Her mum still didn't show. She decided to investigate. She left her mum's office and strolled through the hallway. The tenth floor was eerily empty, so she didn't find anyone to ask. At the end of the hallway, she came to a door labelled ‘Cancer Laboratory 10-A'. Chances are her mum was probably in there if she wasn't in her office. It's where she did her research. She knew she wasn't supposed to go in unauthorized, but she was already here, and she was curious. She wanted to see the place where her mum made all her discoveries. The strong smell of sterilization and the bright fluorescent lights overwhelmed her senses as she walked in. The room looked more like a hospital room than a lab as she stood in between rows of beds. Most were empty, but some had people in them. She stepped further into the room to see they were all connected to wires and IV fluids. Was this some kind of clinical trial? She approached one of the beds and was surprised to see a girl who looked to be around sixteen. She looked sick as she lay there, pale, and unmoving. She was connected to a monitor showing her vitals, and to an IV fluid bag labeled ‘Zonamycin-12'. There was a chart placed in a pocket on the outside of the bed's footboard. She pulled it out and read: Subject 125 - Date of admission: 08-18-2022 - Date of injection: 08-20-2022 - Contents of injection: glioblastoma cells [IDH-wildtype} Progress of cancer growth: tumor cells began proliferating at a rate of 300cells/day and reached a size of 5 in. after 3 mos. Drug(s)/Therapy administered: - Radiation therapy was started after tumor reached growth of 5 in. Tumor only shrunk half in size. - Afterwards, Z-12 proved to be effective in further shrinking the tumor. But subject experienced side effects such as seizures, headaches, nausea & vomiting, and pain. Notes: 2 months after Z-12 was discontinued, tumor grew back more aggressively, reaching a size of 3 in. in 1 month. Subject was started again on Z-12. Due to severe pain and side effects, subject was heavily sedated with morphine. Progress of therapy is still being monitored. Prognosis: poor. Likely to be dead within hours after the effects of morphine wear off. Scientist in charge: Dr Moriah Tennet Dread squeezed Ammiel's heart as she gripped the chart with trembling hands. “No, no, no…” At that moment, the girl began to stir, and Ammiel stepped back in shock. The moment the girl began to regain consciousness, she started moaning. As if on cue, the monitor started beeping erratically. Ammiel stood there unmoving, watching the scene unfold. “Ugh…it hurts…” the girl muttered as she tossed and turned. Then her eyes snapped open causing Ammiel to jump in fright, the chart falling to the floor with a loud smack. “Help me, please,” the girl gasped. “Help…it hurts…” Without warning, the girl's eyes rolled back in her head, and she started convulsing. Ammiel gasped and staggered away from the bed, covering her mouth with her hand. Somewhere far away, she heard footsteps as she stared at the girl in horror. Someone pulled her out of the way. “Ammiel? Ammiel!” The person began shaking her shoulders, but she was transfixed by the scene before her. At that point, the person grabbed her by the arm and pulled her out of the room, forcing her to turn away. The last thing she heard before she stepped out through the doors was the flatline sound of the monitor. *** No one said a word for the next five minutes as Ammiel and her mother sat across from each other. Then Dr Tennet sighed and leaned back in her seat. “There are some things you don't understand.” Ammiel looked at her mum with creased eyebrows. “Really? Then tell me I was wrong. Tell me I misinterpreted what I saw, and you were not experimenting on those people.” She saw the answer in her mum's eyes before she spoke. “Sometimes, sacrifices need to be made for the greater good." For the greater good. She'd applied this same principle to every area of her life because of her mum, and now she felt ashamed. She closed her eyes and covered her face with both hands, letting the tears fall. It was over. She was lost, and so was her mum.
I can't apologize for any walls I've built, or for those little parts of myself that some may not understand. I only made it this far accepting my past and honoring all my broken pieces. But my promise is that you will never witness me being anything but true to myself or putting on a fake front. I have more than earned all my "quirks" . However, life has not jaded me either and you will never find a more loyal person to have in your life that will always prove that what I say is what I mean and how I care will always be stronger than you have ever seen...that is my "pinky" promise
" Your destiny is your choice." Dear Love, I've lost our love story I wrote on January 1st of 2015,the day I've known I have fallen inlove with you. I have fallen so much to you that I've wrote a romance story , a story I wanted to happen between us in reality. I have made a happy ending in our story. But most especially the story I have written shows how much I love you and how I am willing to wait for you for the right time that we will share a forever . I have kept the story for 3 years and waited for the happy ending to come on the fourth year. However,happiness didn't come. I've lost the story as well as I lost you. It's painful from the start for I believed the story I created will be our story at the end. We started like the beginning but we doesn't end the way I portraited to be. In reality, I didn't end to be with you instead I walk alone in the beach as the sun goes down. We walked in a different path and never met each other at the end. In your journey you met a lovely lady and take the road she's walking . While I take the road that leads me to you. I've already there when someone told me you've change direction. I did go back to still met you but I've saw both of you happily walking in a garden full of roses. My finger was bleeding because of the torn I've touch. It's painful but it's incomparable to the pain in my heart. I continue my journey when I found out you're already with the person you truly loved. But as I take a step ,I look back at you,hoping in an instant you'll leave her and take the road connecting my heart to you.However, when I look back,the smile in your lips never change. You really do love her more than you love me. My journey to my destination was hard for I think about you.But my journey was worth it for at the end of the road even though you are not there, a special reward was given to me. A reward more valuable than you, diploma! The lost of our story is not bad. For it reminds me it isn't my love story after all. My love story will still be made when right time comes with the right person. As of now,I must think of my future for it is that matters most! Love thank you! Sincerely yours, Judy
I didn't know; that I was capable of such love. A love that demolishes and builds; a love that is more of an obsession. A love that could destroy all and be all. I loved him like a wolf loves the moon, like a butterfly that is attracted to a vibrant flower and like a blind man seeing the sky for the first time. I didn't know; that I would regret falling in love. Everyone said, even if it ends in hurt and pain, it will be worth everything. That experiencing love is everything. They were wrong. All I feel is regret for meeting him. For loving him. I didn't know; that love was all consuming. I thought being distracted meant thinking of perfect moments, mostly unrealistic scenarios. But how would I know that all my perfect moments would become the ones that had him in it. That love meant allowing someone a permanent place in your thoughts. I didn't know; that being with him was the only solution to being happy. The books I enjoyed reading, the walks I loved to take and the joy I receive from others company would all be gone. All replaced. The only thing that would bring a smile on my face would be his company, his smile, his happiness. I didn't know; that not being someone's world could hurt you so much. People say unrequited love is still love. That experiencing love is more important than being loved. But they don't know. They don't know the pain of coming second to someone's duty. They don't understand what it feels when you are not the love of their life and he is not only the love of your life but life itself. I didn't know; that it hurt so much when you are not his world. That person is a sun to your Earth and you; you are only a moon to his Earth. The world keeps revolving, stops for none. Even when you are frozen and your sun has become cold. The hurt and cold doesn't bring numbness, only more pain. I didn't know; that I would lose him to something that was so…. so unquantifiable. That my love would come second to not someone else, but to something else. Something so cliche. Thousands have lost their loved ones before me. However, I lost him, not to death, but to his choice. To his duty. Duty for his motherland. I didn't know; that the feeling of betrayal would rip through me like fire. Your heart breaks when he chooses duty over you; your heart shatters when he loves you and still chooses duty over you. How do you comprehend love that is not enough? The hot fire of betrayal chases the coldness from your heart. I didn't know; that pain becomes tolerable. The pain doesn't diminish; you simply become capable of handling it. It is either survival or succumbing to pain. The pain rages on, but you survive. Barely. I didn't know; that I was capable of overcoming it. Slowly, but surely, my world started moving again. I started smiling when I saw birds in the skies, the children laughing in park or a cute couple sharing loving looks. And then, he was no more my sun. I didn't know.
There is really no easy way to put how I feel into words.. but I wish I could take away all memory of you in my life.. I fell so in love with you that idk how to live a normal life or go a normal day without you on my mind so heavily. Your on my mind 24/7 and I fucking hate it. I'm so in love with you and everyday I wish you were in love w me back bc ur the only thing I've ever wanted or need. Everyday I lay here and ask myself so many questions that I will never have the answer to., I cry in the shower bc I don't want ppl to know that I'm so broken. I smoke weed bc I don't know what to do when I'm not. Bc my minds always on YOU. and when my phone lights up and it's not you my heart sinks into my chest. And when it goes days like that the feelings of not having you completely take over and then one day u might text me and I'm so filled with joy even when it's just a “wyd” or “nm”. idk why I'm so in love with u and I wish u could tell me what I need to do to forget you just the way u forgot me. Because no matter what I try and do nothing ever takes my thoughts off the fact that everything we once had is all gone and now I'm just another girl to you....when ur my entire world.... 😭... a lot of ppl tell me I'm dumb for loving you this much... but I think there dumb bc they don't see how amazing you are.. I think there dumb bc how could they not be in love with you the way I am??? how can they sit there and say things about you and have no feelings what so ever. when ur the greatest thing that had ever happened to me...why am I the one that has to feel this way... 😭. I'm doing everything to get over you but I can't bc I'm stuck on the things we would plan out and I'm stuck on the fact that “I love you” actually means somthing.. even tho no matter how many times u would say never meant anything more to you than just a few words.. but to me they were worth more than anything on this plant... I bet whoever ur Inlove with sees everything in you that I did. Bc damn...ur such a wonderful person.. and I hope she loves you almost as much as I do bc u deserve it so much. U made me the happiest I've ever been and you deserve the world and I hope she can give u it..goodbye I'm sorry 😭
The Princess & The Guy She Thought Was A Prince When I was a little girl I thought the world of my dad. I thought he was the best. He told me I was a princess, and that one day I'd meet a prince. And I believed him. Then I was in middle school and going through puberty I fell in love with a boy named Robbie. I thought he was my prince, and we were going to be married and high school sweethearts. Then I found out what a cheater is. I didn't date him. I don't even think he knew I existed, but when I told my best friend Taylor that I had a crush on him she filled me on his character. She said he was her boyfriend once upon a time, and that he cheated on her by kissing another girl! I wanted to stop liking him right then and there. I wanted to be that strong female character that didn't need to be in love, or have a boyfriend to feel important. Later after much heartbreak, I'd become her, but at the time I still wanted to be Robbie's girlfriend. So the next year when we had classes together, and the year after when we were still in some of the same classes I swooned over him day and night. Eventually, by what seemed like a miracle we got each other's numbers. I stayed up late into the night texting him and proclaiming my love for him. He had a girlfriend though. He told me he wasn't going to break up with her. When I found out I stopped texting him for a while, but then we just started our romantic texting affair up again. To be so young and in love, it's hard to say no to desire and what could be. From the age 12-16, I spent endless nights describing to Robbi how our lives would be if we 're together. But he never told me he loved me, and he told me his mother would never let him be with someone like me. Then as fate would have it I was getting ready for a school dance at my hairdressers. She asked me what lucky guy was taking me and I said, nobody. She asked me if there was anyone on my mind that I might hope would ask me to dance. In the back of my head, the only name I could think of was, “Robbi.” I said his name out loud. His full name. It felt so good to be able to say his name since for so long I felt I had to keep my feelings secret. Taylor had already stopped talking to me by now because of my persistent pursuit to be with him. Everyone who knew about our seemingly secret of texting each other over the years told me not to pursue him. Even guys I thought were Robbie's friends told he wasn't worth it… Anyways, I told my hairdresser and she enlightened me on basically why he was never going to be the man I wanted. Why he was never going to proclaim his love for me. She told me the story of his mother and father. You see Robbie's parents were divorced. I knew this already, but I never knew why. Once upon a time Robbie's mother and father were school sweethearts. His mother wasn't the overweight women who said didn't want us together. Once she was skinny and one of the most sought after girls in the school. His father married her, and they had twins. Robbie and his sister Elena. Then they had his other sister. But then something awful happened. Robbie's father cheated on his mother! He then left her and never spent another moment with his children. At this moment something just clicked inside me. All the years of trying to get Robbie to love me, but him telling me his mother would never allow it. All the times he told me had a girlfriend. The times he sent me just looks, but never actually spoke to me in public. It all made sense. He was broken inside. His mother was broken inside too and projecting her fear onto him. And in return, he refused to believe in us. It all made sense. It wasn't the fateful answer sent from the universe and told through the voice of my hairdresser that I wanted to hear, but it was the one I needed to hear. I didn't try to pursue Robbie after that. Many years later we reconnected on Facebook and I still haven't told him why I think he never asked me to be his girlfriend. Instead, we just chatted about how far our lives have come. I have a daughter named Love and he's off being a drummer in bands and traveling the world. He's had a lot of chances to declare his love for me, but I don't think he ever was in love with me, to be honest, and I don't think he ever will be. I have someone in my life now he didn't waste one second and still doesn't telling me how much he loves me every single day. He loves my daughter, and he can't wait to be married to me. I know I was young then and so was Robbie, but if he hasn't figured out how great I am by now he never will. And for that reason alone I'm glad we never dated and were not fated for each other forever. I'm at peace knowing that I'm loved and respected every single day. I wish him the best and anyone who finds themselves temporarily attached to him. This story is for all women and young women out there who have loved and lost. For it's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. The End
America the great? Yeah right! Born into a country Where Hatred Is loved. Corruption Is accepted. Don't be fooled This country Broken. Free? No! Are we Citizens? No! We are Prisoners. The innocent Evil The evil Innocent. A country Where I am Hated No! Broken Not loved for the personality within. We are Broken Help! We need Love! My Heart. Broken My Country Broken. My Will. My Purpose. My Spirit. Still Alive.
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