Trapped inside, with a voice scared to speak Told by many, talents that are unique A fear of society, with a brain loaded with ideas Daily battles to fight his fears What is worse? Confrontations or mistakes... Smiles that are real or smiles that are fake Hugs that are tight, or no hugs at all Punched in the face or kicked with a ball Old in the books, young at heart Life is a journey, but how do I start Where do I begin, for I fear that the end is already near Do I start or do I end, how do I steer The public, which I fear draws near in my dreams Loud cheers, some laughter and babies that screams Is this destiny, is this the end? Or a vision of some sort, my mind cannot comprehend
What was yours was not just a name For it teases at the opening of my ears Faintly riding on the melancholy of the silence The cruelty of fate or so it was named as such My palms were as empty as the sky The feel of your face like clouds drifting I would hold them upward And they shall wait for a storm of you forever The seas await a departure that a heart cannot bear to witness The sound of a voice, the feel of a face, the sight of you It grows ever so vague and silent Like phantoms as the dawn breaks What was mine was not just a name For it sails distant lands but never drops its anchor Like a poem unspoken by your lips Parts of you that I could never touch again Shadows of you linger and stroll about Forever without the presence of a master They sit and lean by the rocks you once touched Your outline on the walls of a humble home Time was an enemy But for that moment it was my friend Like gasping for air, I traced your figure, your lips, your fingertips The final plead before the goodbye I am but an empty abode And on my walls are traces of you It yearns, it calls, it haunts How long shall it yearn How long shall it call How long shall it haunt For the sound of your voice, the feel of your face, the sight of you.
"Hope's Walk" I am here alone to the dark of a desolate beaten path, often traveled and packed by the weary tread of wayward soles. The path of heartbreak, the path of shame, a path so broken not cared to name. Time a wisp to lapse, pain no stranger to drive me through memories looked upon as wasted endeavors. Memories that do bring joy that fades to strife, and comfort that bleeds into remorse. I'm shut out and shut off from the world around me, portals closed and electric off, I peer through the darkness to shout against a storm of internal anguish. My soul a blackened lit candle suffering a tumultuous gale of doubt and ridicule. I strive to yield not to the hurricane of depression derived from what is and what may be. I struggle to lift myself from the well of the fallen to set my mind free, free from the torment, from the turbulent turmoil that festers within me. Faith, I keep, in me, my spirit, my light within. I will walk this weight weathered path that stretches before me, ever optimistic that my second chance will find me... or I... find my second chance. (Image courtesy of
Yng Tsina ampopa ing Rusya (China and Russia) (Chapter 1-5) (Part 1 of 2) (English Version) I. February 2022 II. San Fernando Train Station Museum III. China and Russia Sculpture IV. Metiorite V. My meteorite sculpture _____________________________________________________________________________________ I. February 2022 February 2022, I remembered one of my sculpture, I need to retrieve it, Before it might be neglected- I hope not. February 2022, I will get my sculpture at the San Fernando Train Station Museum, It has been to long it stayed there, Fully air- conditioned, Protected from dirt and moisture. February 2022, I remembered one of my sculpture, It is composed a Robot couple of War machines. One man and a woman, Both are riding on a gigantic Mechanical Robot Scorpion, The title of my sculpture piece is “China and Russia”. February 2022, I will retrieve my Sculpture piece at the San Fernando Train Museum, I need to get it because there is construction on going by the Philippine National Railways. I shall get my artwork- My sculpture might be have been transferred because the Museum's storage area has been removed. My sculpture might be scattered elsewhere, Stagnant, Full of dust, Exposed to the rain and rays of the Sun. II. San Fernando Old Train Station Museum Himpilang Daang-Bakal ng San Fernando, Daang bakal, Mettalic road, My English, I am being funny. My artwork is there, It is, I consider it as- One of my Major works, One of my major works in sculpture. III. China and Russia Since we had an Internet, I always Google both of those countries. Just like the Philippines, They are all located in Asia. Since we had an Internet in our place, I have the luxury to visit many places- Including these two countries. The C.G.T.N of China, The R.T. news channel of Russia, Various websites and Youtube channels, I always watch them, I keep on tracking on what is happening, Regarding their plans and agenda. IV. Meteorite In Kapampangan Language, “Taklang Batwin”, And if translated in the Filipino language- “Tae ng Bituin”. In the English language, “Star Shit”. Since I gained access through the World Wide Web, I let myself indulge to various online discoveries, Just to satisfy my bulimic curiosity. I virtually researched on various pebbles and rocks, Their patterns always fascinate my childish soul, That includes their texture, composition and color, There came a time that I started to collect pebbles and rocks, Especially Metal Ores- Sediment with various mixture of metals, These include magnets and meteorites. Maybe it is because that I was a sculptor, That is why I love their texture, I observe and trying to know their toughness. V. My Meteorite sculpture Three years ago, 2019, MY mom visited the San Fernando Train Station Museum, I was not with them, She is with my younger sister, And my nephew and niece. When all of a sudden, When they have had arrived in our house, Without informing me, They retrieved my artwork- My meteorite sculpture. My mother told me that she retrieved my work, because it was just lying around the museum. I told her that maybe my sculpture- was properly taken cared of. And maybe, there were other works- that are presently on display, “no”- and “ there are none”, My mother answered. It is because the guys, from the Philippine National Railways, had stated their work there, She added. That is why I finally decide, to bring back my Russia and China Sculpture.
VI. Limited Physical Properties of My Sculptures VII. Yng Cotchi Cung Mitsubishi VIII. Pate kareng Teritoryu IX. West Philippine Sea X. Yng estatua kung Tsina ampo pa ing Rusya VI. Limited Physical Properties of My Sculptures Peka-materialis cu kareng estatwa cu, Kabling bakal, Ampopang alambri, Gawamit cung Tansu, Aluminyu, Pundidung bakal, Ampopang Aseru. Potang kayi- Pinturan kula, Biyayan cula! Gamitanan kulang pinturang pang-Saken, Elamu basta pangkilub bale, Maliari lamu rin- Aldo't Uranan, Queng kilwal bale. Manibat angyang mica-Internet keni kekami, Karin cu aisip na- Alang permanenti tagana. Bisa cu't e Bisa, Reng estatwa ku, Mamilang cung mapilang dinalan a banua- Manga-disporma la, Kumupas la pintura. Lalu na nung pakyalaman dala – Panyaldak dala, Brusku dalang panalnan. VII. Yng Cotchi Cung Mitsubishi Kwanan ku ne ing kanakung estatua, Ini napa ing gamitan kung panakut kung obra, Ing canakung Mitsubishi GLXI, Model 1990 ya, Sariwa ya pa makina, Lampas 90,000 kilometru ya pa ing pilayan na. Mas makaba ya pa pilayan ing kekaming 2015 a Mazda. Basta gawang Hapon bilib cu, Alang duda, Quality la gawa. Kalupa da reng sasalwan kung nanu-nau king Japanese Surplus, Wa! Basura nala karela. Pero kekatamung Pilipinu alila, Quality la pa murin andyang luma la, Paniglon tala. Yng kontchi kung Mitsubishi, Bilib ku king makina na, Balang sasakeng ke, Manimadjin kung makasake king Jet Fighter. Pwera kareng kotchi, Sikat ya mu rin ing Hapon kareng eroplanu dang Mitsubishi. VIII. Pate kareng Teritoryu Mag Marsu na pala, Osimap mika-oras nakung kwanan ke ing kanakung estatua keng Tramu San Fernandu. Manga-paisip kumu, O bat mika- koneksyun la keng gyera reng a-iisip cu. Pauli siguru kareng ayayalben kung diskursu ampopang balitakeng Internet, Halus paksa makapa-tungkul kareng kada National security da- Kada Bangsa. Ali naman mismung Gyera ing isipan cu, Geopolitics ampopang amanu daring kada alben ku. IX. West Philippine Sea Aganaka ko reng aliwa kung gewa a makapa-tungkul keng panga-aliporis cu queng Kalalangan, Memag-public installation kung mapilan, patungkul keng Teritoryu tamu, keng West Philippine Sea. Meg-public Art Installation ku, Makapa-tungkul la kareng isla keng South China Sea- a tutu naming parti nala ning Bangsa tamung Pilipinas. Ginawa ku muring balamu bandera na ning Tsina, kaibat pepasilab ke king kabanda ku, kabang tutugtug kami banda keng Siudad Olongapu. Para kanaku agagampanan ku ing responsibilidad ku para apabaluan kula reng manakit kareng obra ku a eku buri ing gagauan naming Tsina, Kukwa yang teritoryu a enaman karela. X. Yng estatua kung Tsina ampo pa ing Rusya Uyni, Ikwa kune ing kanakung obra. Anyang disan ke king Museu, Makasapin ya kareng pala-pala- Sapak yang dinat ampopang alikabuk. Kalupa daring aliwa kung estatwang gagawan- Matibe la uning gawaa la king bakal, Ampopang pakabalut laking patung-patung a pinturang pang saken. Kalupa daring aliwa kung estatua, Normal lamung midinan alikabuk, Basan kula mung danum, Kaibat palangian mibabalik la postura.
Chopsuey version NAMBER TU Alas 8:19 na ning bengi- Dininan ku lang dice-dice a carrot.. Ampong sayoti, -reng adwa ming seseng malasian box turtles. Pengan da naman- Siyempre, Omnivorous la reng pau. Nanu-nanu na ing pepakan ku karela- Pindang damulag.. Strawberry.. pindang babi, manuk- miyaliwa-liwang style a lutu. Asan danum- -Sagiwa, miyaliwa-liwang style a lutu. Asan dagat- -Sagiwa, miyaliwa-liwang style a lutu. GULE- MIYALIWA-LIWANG KASI- NATIVE AMPOPANGIMPORTED, ORGANIC AMPOPANG GMO. PRUTAS- MIYALIWA-LIWANG MU RING KASI- NATIVE AMPOPANG IMPORTED, ORGANIC AMPOPANG GMO. Insektu- Kamaru, Ipas, Kuremut.. AMPOPANG NANU-NANU PANG KLASING INSEKTUNG AKAKALAP KU KILWAL- BABAGWA, SALAGINTU, LAIPAN, TREN-TRENAN.. DURUN, TULANG... APOPANG NANU-NANU PA. POST –ALMUSAL /BRUNCH Talibatab Chronicles No. 070719-10:01am Makabawu kung manyaman a asan danum- Pipritung bangus. A pakabalut king cornstarch. Ala na kung pakialam nung nukarin ya pa menibat… Ala na kung pakialam nun nukarin ya plasdan meragul. Ing balu ku namu ngeni- Paratang ne.. Saktu- Daratang ne ing danup ku. Saktu- Ikwa ku ring mipawas a normal. Saktu- Penamdaman ke ing pagal katawan. Saktu- Aliwang pamangan naman. 10:27AM …Asne kanyaman ing pritung iki- Iki na ning bangus Dapot- ..mebitin ku rugu, Atin ya pang daya libutad. Uyta- Pepagbalikan ke king kawali. Bangkanta ma-tusta ya. 10:52am Lugud ng Kumander + Tustadung iki ampopang atchan ning bangus + 2 kutcharitang Aslam [Rose cane vinegar] + 1 malutung lara + .5 kutcharitang gisang baguk+ 1 tasang Nasi+ = Manyaman dapot makasuyang bagya Manyaman/Makasuyang bagya + Lugud ng Kumander (2) + 2 pritung ebun+ 1 kamatis + =Manyaman… Milako na ing suya.. Ayos! Soya! 2:09 ning gatpanapun Kapitulu 1 Ing pusang malarit Tantya ku, Atin ng milabas anam a bulan, Ating pusang babaing makulit, Balang maglutu ku- Tanud-tanud ya keng kilwal pasbul, Manyad yang pamangan. Eke man sikasu anyang mumuna, Uning balu ku nung pakanan ke- Lumo ya, Ampopang pota ene mako- A-ugalian na na kasing tatakla- ….ampong mimimi keng arap ning kweba mi- anyang kapitna ya pa maka simentu. Melunus ku murin bandang tauli- Aaahhh… Ampopang … In tutu nita sasawa naku keng lulutu ku, Nung ala yu I kumander… Ating tagan-tagan. Tutu pala ing kesabyan da reng mangatwa- Na makasawa mu rin ing lutu na ning metung a tau. Aliwa ku kasu- Sinawa ku keng sarili kung lutu. Uyta.. Keng malaguang amanu- papakanan ku ne mu rin. Panaka-naka… Papatad-patad.. Eke buring lumo. Mumuna- Tagan-tagan mu dapot, Anyang kelambatan- Didinan ku ne mu rin bayung pamangan. Kapitulu II Mumunang buktut na ning malarit a pusa.
Talibatab chronicles NO. 06072019 01:57pm Chopsuey version NAMBER ZIRO DICE-DICE A CARROT… Ampopang sayoti… …CHINESE PECHAY, AMPOPANG SAMPAGANG “CAULIFLOWER”. ATIN YANG muring MARAKAL A PAYUNG-PAYUNGAn, ASNA KANYAMAN . Meng-gisa- Metipid mu… Siguru (?) king bawang… Ampopa king sibuyas. Mate la man ngan ding siping kung bale, Ala ku mang abawung megisang gule. Dapot manyaman, Malyari na. Map king ala kung paugtuan.. Kanan. Osimap.. Kayantabe ke I mang Miguel, Mamangan.. Ampopang miminum. Me-kumpletu ne ing kapitnang aldo
Pintalan ke i Miguel Pineda, Kalupa cung eskultor keti San Fernando, Pinwalan keng litratu, kabang kakawa yang obra, mig-document cu- Gamit ke ing Samsung A22 kung smartphone- Digital photografi! Ua! Instant digital art mu rin, foto, GIF ampopang video editing namurin, Mekarakal ku- Ua! Pwera kareng inisketch cu ampapang sinulat ku.
I only saw what I hoped to fix Never meant to lead you on Only wanted you as a friend You went overboard in your Dreams for me. I swear I never meant to hurt you I just wanted to keep you from falling Giving you my hand to help you You only took my time throwing it away Thinking, I would be yours. I am not yours, I never was Can't stay on your highway Let me breathe, please Taking a new road away from you Sorry, can't hold your hand no more. I can see you are angry with how this went Your words of hate took a toll on me You didn't get what you wanted I am only a falling star in your eyes Just the dirt that falls on your shoulder at night. Go ahead brush me right off While you move on to another Who believes your sad tone lies, You take words of innocence To just twist them to fit you. Your words beat me black and blue It is okay because I am still standing You can't twist me to fall for you I won't be broken as you So, tell me how does it feel? Standing there alone in the dark It is only your fault that you built it Cause I will never hold your hand Anymore as you fall so hard.
Dear Simon, You were in a play my 7th grade year when the high school put on The Outsiders The image in my mind, is you in the scene, third from the end lying in the hospital bed and from then on I couldn't imagine you any differently They say you “failed” your mission and I'm writing this letter because you laid empty for a week before we went to your visitation They told us to write down what we wanted to say to you You were my sister's friend I didn't know you, but I cried I felt I knew you better dead than I ever did alive A beanie pulled low, long blond hair, and a smirk I bawled my eyes out in the corner of a church I cried over you. My sister cried over you. 16 years old and a sophomore in high school When we saw you in the play I was proud to point you out “That's my sister's friend! He sits with her at lunch.” A month later I drew flowers blue, black, and shining silver I put your name in each petal and taped it to my locker I'm sorry I never knew you but I feel I understand you now Please let Grandpa know we miss him if you happen to see him around Dear Simon, It's four years later, and my mom is on the phone A friend called, asked for advice, because we've dealt with death inside this home She's afraid to instill an illness in her child's mind a fear of her's imprinted on his skin, as it has on mine She asks me how old I was when I drew flowers, silver and blue I was twelve I say, Seventh grade, "Oh," she says, "him too." She asks if I remember questions that I had I remember asking why your casket was closed I remember your mother pulling me close I remember how your friend screamed down an empty hallway that she was the one who found you "I think I could be of help", I say She says he understands death but she's worried that he doesn't understand grief that he doesn't understand hatred In the ways that it exists I do I could teach him I could pull out that paper of yours That I kept from your funeral I could show him the photo of you in the play I could explain how hopelessness feels, show him how to draw his own paper flowers I could fold the paper with him small fingers wrapped up in my own Were mine that small? When I folded yours for you? This is the last note I'll send for now I hope you're doing well Please let Grandpa know we miss him if you happen to see him around - Josie Sparks -
As the families gather all around, Together, yet alone, Tears fill the eyes of all who visit Here, in the Garden of Stone. We're remembering all the days gone by And the happiness we had known, While we walk with sadness in our hearts Through the Garden of Stone. The Flags are waving proudly, But at half-staff they are flown. They wave for our quiet heroes Within the Garden of Stone. They lived with war's torments and nightmares And never felt more alone. Now, they finally found peace within the walls Of their personal Garden of Stone. The years have left us fond memories, But the emotions that are shown Are mixed with our pride and yet, bitterness Due to the Garden of Stone. The pain will remain within me, No matter how much I have grown, As I kneel beside my loved one, who Lies in the Garden of Stone. But a voice deep inside offers comfort, Saying that from the Garden of Stone, God is leading our fallen heroes as The soldiers make their final march home.
The Black and White Challenge also known as #Challengeaccepted began in Turkey to raise awareness against femicide there. It started after the brutal murder of a student by her ex-boyfriend. The Turkish women, frustrated by the unchecked femicide rate and seeing a picture of a victim almost daily. Through this movement, they tried to make a point that it could be them or their dear one next. When I read the posts of some supporters of this movement, I was not untouched by their anger and frustration. I had to pen down my thoughts and share Black and White Pictures What is to be said of cold cruel deaths How do you explain when all that remains is news in papers Black and white pictures of girls who weren't safe but still unafraid Who did things their way and dared disobey If you're a woman then it's a challenge #blackandwhitechallenge #humawrites #silkenscribblings
The days far behind me I begin to move, only to be stopped not because of reluctant minds but because I cannot face it The time carefree, infinite like a wheel on an endless road like a rose ever-growing ever-glowing in majesty of life I don't wish to see it The moments forgettable yet, I still recall the details faint, almost invisible hard, yet... stone-walled in place The flash bright and blinding the sun turned resentful quick, yet, feels so long How long? So long, so very long no calm relaxes me Darkness I stare with eyes split open a blade of mind a base of life I am over... I am done Original by Owen Govender All rights reserved 😂
The personification of depression The realization of regression I digress I write not to impress I write from the heart From my cold beating heart I write with all my heart So as this ink spills with each pump Each spill spills with purpose Purposeful intentions Let me weave ideas you can visualize Let me give your heart eyes So you can see what you feel If you could eat empathy, would you eat your fill? The world is dark now That's why we stumble and try to feel our way through We can never get through The top is miles away We strive for the pinnacle Blocking each strife is a different obstacle The only way to blast through these hurdles Is hands around each other, championship team huddle I mean we have to work together We have to step up I mean we have to walk together No sooner should our power be collective Shall our collection of disappointment cease No opportunity shall pass without being seized In a world full of Brutus's we're all Caesar So come off your high horse Step down the throne Trade-in your olive leaf crown for an olive branch The tree of life Infinite branches, but still we shade Unveil your shadow, own your past Walk into your future head first Each step should not be your last Walk the sands of time and leave a mark that lasts
I have a lot of Framework and Visuals Plans on my head- This is the very typical me.. I imagine a lot. I mean a lot... whenever i'm in front of my laptop, S-phone, talking to people, ThunderStorm clouds and flashes of lightning normally form beside my consciousness. 'Have a lot of Framework and Visual Plans on my head. Ever-since a child, ..I would then pick & scratch my pen to my sketchbook. ...manually recording- materializing my thoughts. ...trans-mutating them into sketches... ....doodled notes, and oftentimes - sketches. I have a lot of Framework and Visual Plans on my head- The usual inner kinetic electricity radiates to my left-carpal and then- soon end up into forged, ink-printed.. and time, has frosts.