GANGADHARA RAO IRLAPATI's I'm, An unfortunate Indian scientist subjected to negligence,racism,discrimination despite have done over a 1000 researches&studies.But all my researches were ignored&darkned. You can get my researches either by searching my name GANGADHARA RAO IRLAPATI in all websites or by sending your email to my email id I am now making my life's last journey with hopelessness and sickness (severe medical complications)and disregard&despair. Under the aforesaid circumstances, I urge the world scientists that kindly publicize&recognize me as the Originator of Global Monsoon Time Scales&National Geoscope Projects by making references in your research papers&by postings on social media. GANGADHARA RAO IRLAPATI
Geoscope&National Geoscope Projects for all world regions&countries are invented and designed by me 1987 with many intentions&ambitions just like creation of artificial storms, artificial rains, artificial underground waters etc. Find out them in all websites by searching the name GEOSCOPE BY GANGADHARA RAO IRLAPATI.Make further research&develop,promote&propagate it.Recognize it by making references in your publications. This is not what Buckminster had made in 1962.Also there are many architectures in the name of Geoscope,Kindly recognize me as the Originator of the Geoscope in lieu of considering the immense efforts I have did for it and my quest to establish&implement it all over the world countries to serve the world people.
I am an unfortunate Indian scientist subjected to negligence racism,discrimination. Governments and organizations didn't support&provide research opportunities to me.I built a small lab at my house and over a 10000 researches and studies have been conducted on weather problems&natural calamities and more than 1000 research papers are prepared and published.Mainly I have formulated the BASICS OF GLOBAL MONSOON TIME SCALES, IRLAPATISM-A NEW HYPOTHETICAL MODEL OF COSMOLOGY, GEOSCOPE,INDIAN MONSOON TIME SCALE.I am now making my life's last journey with hopelessness&sickness.Find out my researches in all websites by searching it's aforesaid names or GANGADHARA RAO IRLAPATI and bring me into light by making references in your publications.