School Days

The birds continue to chirp. Even though it is quite early, the road in front of my house is quite busy. School has reopened and the children can be seen walking down the road with their school bag. Some look sleepy, while some seem excited. A few serious ones are even thinking about the term tests that will begin in a week's time. The atmosphere is quite infectious in its own way. I am transported back to my school days. Just like those kids, going to school had its own pros and cons. Sometimes I would look forward to it, yet there were times when I wished to take a leave of absence. School days had an element of fun and work. A delicate balance was often required to be struck between the two. Teacher's had their own requirements and ensured that, as kids we studied hard. Naturally, there was play time as well, and I'd always hope to excuse myself from showing how lousy I was at games.Sometimes I'd curse myself and yet, at other times I'd bless myself. School, surely evoked feelings that amuse me today. As I look back, I realize how essential those formative years were. Going to school in its own way, shaped me and made me into who I've grown up to be. This is something that may not be measured. It is a set of experiences that determine one as an individual-one's approach to life and one's attitude during the sunny and cloudy days. The sense of equanimity with which one accepts the good and the bad. Life goes on and the education received at school * shapes the way in which one views the world, *how one interacts with others * approach to work and * resilience. The days pass quickly and once one steps out; at a sub-conscious level, one inevitably returns to what was taught at school in order deal with the situations that are encountered in life. Undoubtedly, college, peers, work environment have their own impact. But, a good foundation increases the chances of living better. After all, sometimes, a promising start is the catalyst needed to make a giant leap of faith.Life at school, through trials, tribulations, happiness, sorrow and unpredictability prepares us to face a life which will always be filled with uncertainties.School in its own way imparts lessons on courage and faith. Once, the days at school are over they are often remembered as memorable and happy days where we had the" time to stand and stare."

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