IRLAPATISM-A NEW HYPOTHETICAL MODEL OF COSMOLOGY Gangadhara Rao Irlapati Dec 04, 2020 The cosmos is made up of some similar universes such as geo-universe atomic-universe and photon-universe etc in infinite number having similar structure and properties embedded one in each other and extended in ascending and descending order in the form of a super fluid substance amalgamation. According to my hypothesis " Irlapatism-A New Hypothetical Model of Cosmology " I stated in 1977. Kindly find out my theory in all websites/searchengines by searching its name IRLAPATISM-A NEW HYPOTHETICAL MODEL OF COSMOLOGY or if you send your email to me I will send the details of my researches. Kindly recognize me by making references in your research papers and bring into light. GANGADHARA RAOCIRLAPATI GooglePay/Phonepe/Paytm A/C No.+91 630 557 1833
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