Redefining Passion

Just wanted to share some interesting ideas I've been entertaining lately which I find especially relevant after the time I've spent at university: the “rediscovery” of my relationship with certain academic subjects. Growing up, the sciences was always something I was decently good at and did "just because" (the privilege!). I was interested in other subjects as well, and had a deep love for literature and writing, but in terms of “future career prospects”, sciences was just the way to go. I'm sure many of you can relate to what I'm talking about here, and maybe, still do… There was no question or explanation. You just did it. Now, I won't get too much into personal examples and anecdotes but at a certain point, I started to see that the most important reason for doing ANYTHING — my interest in the actual subject itself — had died out. Moreover, this kind of complacency on my part was actually wasting my precious time and ruining any chances I had of truly learning… because, well, I didn't really care to explore and find out more about what I was learning, which in essence, was quite useful and significant. Once I realized this, I changed my approach to what I was learning by actually focusing on the material and what was being said, the what and the why behind all of the information, the application in the greater context … and I discovered that I was “passionate” about ALL subjects. This is kind of hard to explain, but my point is that this awareness of the value of knowledge is key. A pressing concern that I hear constantly from friends and peers is that of having no passion or interest for anything in particular, and therefore finding it dull or difficult to muster up the motivation needed. I know that a change in mindset is way easier said than done, and it sounds like “settling”, but it's not. It's more about redefining what something is to you so that you see its true value. I feel like we are especially lucky, not only because our generation has easy access to information, but also because we are each able to achieve a LOT in one lifetime, in multiple different fields or aspects of life. Therefore, instead of trying to pinpoint a single, life-defining passion, try finding passion in all that you do. This way, a balance can be achieved, as well as a positive and effective mindset. This might not apply to everyone, but I'm hoping it will help those who are having trouble finding an interest or a purpose, whether it related to academics or not. In anything that you do, find a purpose for yourself, because what potential an experience has to teach you something is determined by yourself.

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Alissa Mak

Don't underestimate the power of young minds.

Hong Kong, China