Happy New Year 2075

The Gregorian calendar marks the new year on 1st of January every year and this special day is celebrated in most parts of the world. Chinese new year falls during the month of February according to Lunar calendar. Likewise, Nepali new year is observed according to the Bikram Sambat calendar. Emperor Bikramaditya had established the solar calendar in 57 BCE, which have been in use in Nepal since last more than 200 years. The Bikram Sambat year is around 56 years earlier than the Gregorian calendar year. The first day of the New year is the public holiday in Nepal and is observed by the people with the sumptuous meal, traveling new places and spending a good time with family and friends. Earth is moving, revolving around the sun. It's a new year again, See how time fastly run. Past has gone future is unknown, this year is in its beginning. The new year will be old sometime in future like the time is thinning. Hope love and peace be prevailed even when on earth there is few air. May all humans be content and prosperous, I wish you a happy new year. Today is the 4th day of the year 2075 and I would like to wish all Nepalis, in Nepal or abroad, Happy New Year 2075.

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