
Jack raced through the dark, twisted forest. The sound of his frantic, thudding feet echoed through the eerie night. He knew he had only moments before it would be too late and they would find him. Jack could almost hear the clock ticking down in his mind. He spotted an old apple tree and quickly scrambled up its ragged branches. He crouched in the cover of the leaves as quietly as he could. In the distance, Jack could hear the sound of crows cawing in surprise and frantically flying away. “They're getting closer,” Jack thought.”I could try to run, but they're stronger and faster, and they'd catch me for sure.” Suddenly, Jack heard the sickening crunch of an apple underfoot and knew his pursuants were right beneath him. His breath was ragged and shallow, and he was certain his racing heart could be heard from miles away. A bright light blinded his eyes, and he heard a shrill voice call out, “I found you, Jack! You have to count first next time. Now climb down from there and help us find the rest of the gang so we can play another game of hide and seek.”

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Angell Kim

Always doing things you never would have done...

Dallas, USA