Fantasy as an escape

So, I'm working on an urban fantasy book, which tackles a couple of those "bump in the night" kind of things. Her name is Betty Greenhardt, and she can see ghosts. She can see them, talk to them, and sometimes, she can help them. She lives in 2022, after COVID19 more or less ended, and after the president bought is second term. After his "win", there were a lot of riots - Betty joined a few herself - and then, there was oppression. Straight, white, wealthy men maintained control, and limited the ability of women and persons of color to escape. It is in this pre-dystopian, messed up version of the world where Betty works in a night club as a bartender. She rooms with a woman who's brother is dangerous, and clearly after Betty's body. Betty's mother is in a nuthouse, and her sister is in Canada. Her father died of COIVD19 in isolation. With no men to speak for her, Betty must navigate Portland, her world, and - oh yeah - the increase of ghosts, since so many have died. - This is what I'm working on. It's not really comforting, since I am extremely concerned about November's election. Our current idiot in chief one in 2016, despite losing the popular vote. We have long needed electoral reform, but it won't happen in 2020. I hope he gets voted out. He, and those who follow him, is a horrible blight on American history. Sorry, I can't help but turn this post political. People have died - are dying. And he clearly supports the oppressors. I can't help but be angry. I will vote him out. I can only hope that I am joined by the electoral majority.

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Hong Kong, China