Destination of Success

“If you can't fly, then run; if you can't run, then walk; if you can't walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward,” Martin Luther King Jr. once said to his college classmates. He said this to give them an abstractive explanation on how to achieve success. Commonly known to give motivational speeches, Martin Luther King Jr. wanted to explain to his classmates that success takes hard work, but this quote has a philosophical meaning, too. Although not clarified, most people comprehend this quote similarly. It is, even when you think you have reached rock bottom, you can always find a way back up, you just have to find another solution. This illuminates part of the quote, which is, “If you can't fly, then run;...” Considering people think in different ways and have different values, success is often fathomed in different ways. To me, success is being happy, content, and feeling you have a purpose in the life you have constructed for yourself. As we get older, we realize that reaching success has many complicated steps that come with it, and whichever road we choose to take will have many obstacles that come along the way. Martin Luther King Jr. said the previous quote to explain that no matter what problems or impediments we come across, we can always find a way to get past them. One part of his speech is, “If you can't run, then walk;...” which demonstrates an additional way to our destination. Whatever your destination is, it should be your definition of success. On the journey to your destination, you would need to develop more skills such as responsibility. Responsibility can give you more self respect and expand your mental capabilities. Part of Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech is, “If you can't walk, then crawl;...” This part of his speech is essentially meaning that if one thing is no longer possible, try another. You need to be mentally healthy to understand you can take more than one way to your destination. Even though one path may take longer or be more difficult to accomplish, you can find another way. If you are mentally capable to understand that there could be tough conditions along the way, success will be your prize. Numerous people believe that the quote demonstrates different levels of predicaments. Although some people have more complications than others, they should not give up. As indicated in the last part of the quote, which is, “...but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward,” Martin Luther King Jr. thought there was a way to overcome any disadvantage in your way of achieving success. He thought that with enough ambition, you could attain anything you desired and get to your destination. Whatever your destination is, it should be your definition of success.

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