A Miserable Writer

Scrolled down one more popular biography and the comments section was full of words that appreciated author and congratulate on how author beautifully pictured a mesmerizing life experience. I was not moved honestly from the story, for me it was like another story that took the majority of readers into a fantasy world and readers imagining themselves in author's shoe and enjoying. I'll never ever say that it was not up to my standards or have heard of before but in my sight, this world needs to focus on some important topics. My childhood, your childhood or any guy's childhood who was born in the 90s knows our generation was completely different, we never heard of a word climate change or terrorism. I got a chance to share my point of view at some forum and I spoke about issues of environmental issues, climate change and social awareness in this regard, while other members discussed the other beautiful side of life i.e. travelling, parties and fun. I was not welcomed as they were later on and not because I hate the other side of life, in fact, I love it but we were ignoring the harsh reality and I was after that. It was like ' I have a home why I discuss homeless people'. I must admit, I'm a fail guy who tried to entirely focus on global issues and put his part while inviting his fellow young personals from every field of life i.e. science, arts, humanitarians and law etc. but, failed to draw their attention cause we want to ignore the harsh reality and just completely wants to look on bright side. Or bright side for me they, the audience didn't understand my message because of my low English speaking skills (optimism). Either the case rather than living happily in the world of fantasies, it is time to write and create social awareness about the issues, about the topics those needs to resolve quickly as possible else, it will hunt us down without differentiating us on behalf of territories or cultural or linguistics but humans.

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International Student // Passionate Traveler

Warsaw, Poland