A Follower Of Christ

Living As A Follower Of Christ Now that I've looked within myself, how I deal with others. You see, it doesn't concern me how you align with Jesus, as much as it does how I measure up. Using a plum line according to the words and life of Christ, who I am a follower, is my goal. I will never completely accomplish this goal until I am in heaven with him. That does not deter my desire to become more like him daily. I first had to go to the Word that was given to me, and you, as a guide to live by. A biblical gps to direct our path in our/my daily walk. Proverbs 6:16-19 lists seven things which are also abominations: "haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are swift in running to mischief, a false witness who utters lies, and one who spreads strife among brothers." We also know that adultery, fornication, put to death a medium or spiritualists. We all have heard used not to lay with man as a woman, but we forget the rest of the verses. You can't marry or lay with or marry a family member. Also gluttony is considered sin, most people choose to focus on one or two, probably the sin, they think, they are not committing. Paul wrote, “You, then, why do you judge your brother or sister? Or why do you treat them with contempt? For we will all stand before God's judgment seat… So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God. Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister” (Romans 14:10, 12, 13). We are not to judge the heart of a person(as it pertains to salvation). We can not judge or look inwardly to determine the salvation of another. If you ask and they say they are saved, then who are you to say they are not. (That would be judging their salvation.) they might not show it, they could be working it out wit God. They don't have to pass your test, only his. Because one doesn't fall into your category of what a saved person looks like, doesn't mean they do not have a close relationship that includes salvation with Jesus. Be careful how you judge another. Judge not lest you be judged. (How many times have I heard that) What you can look at, is the fruit of a person. Their actions toward others. Is love their primary factor when dealing with others. You can discern the walk by the deeds. You tell a child to clean up their room, but your room is never clean. The child begins to notice what you do, while telling them something different. Be aware of your deeds. Someone is watching. Do not be a stumbling block to anyone around you. If they do not eat pork because of religious reasons, don't try to feed them pork. How are you going to love them if your first deed is antagonist. You can share the gospel through love and respect far more than hate or put downs. You do not know the path they had to walk (or chose) in their journey. You do not know the reasons behind the twists and turns. Do not judge what you do not know. Pregnancy, depression, prisoners, addict, living life differently than you. All these things are or could be more complicated than you know. The paths may not have been altogether their choice, but choices of others in their lives as well. Don't judge them into hell because of what you see. If you do, what does that say about you. They may be saved but will not go to church to be fed because of how the good Christian treats them. A follower of Christ will pray with them and for them. A follower of Christ will love them. God will take care of the rest. That is not your job. The inward transformation can be shown by your outward actions. Are you living a life as a “Good Christian” or are you loving them unto salvation. Are you inviting them to gather at a service, that tells of love and salvation or are you shoving them into a life to be lived alone and lost. I can love you and disagree with you. I don't agree with my kids always and they, in turn, do not always agree with me. They have opened my eyes, rethink a few things, and have an open heart of love for many. I have lived a life outside a bubble, in the real world. I am however, not of this world but set apart. I have a love for Christ that allows me to love all of his children. I am a woman of faith. I am a follower of Christ!! A Journey Through Grace By An Ordinary Woman- Cheryl

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