Life Now

As I'm lying in bed tonight to sleep, my thoughts keep walking somewhere.. A place that I really wanted to go back to, if given a chance. I really miss that place., where life is so much fun and easy. Where my biggest problem I'm encountering was waking up 6 in the morning to go to school even if I am still sleepy and tugging my blanket because it's feels so cold in the morning and all I wanted to do is sleeping. Where my biggest worry was to be caught by my mother while sneaking in the afternoon to play outside with my neighbors. And my hardest cry was when my mother brought me to parlor to cut my hair in the most shortest length when all I wanted is to always put my headband on my long hair. Yes, it's where I wanted to go back to., my childhood days where life is so much easy and enjoyable. As we grew older, we experience life we never thought that it'll be. We enter adulthood like walking in a thread while everyone is watching you. We sleep at night exhausted by the day that we spent then wake up in the morning to replay it again then lie again in your bed at night just to repeat your everyday routine. Then one day, you wake up that another year has passed and you didn't even noticed because you are so busy doing your everyday errands. And this is life. We are all struggling everyday just to be strong tomorrow. Some are successful with their job but still feels empty inside. Some has a complete and fulfilled family now but still needing someone. While some are waking up everyday just to find another reliable and decent job because the salary is not enough to pay household bills. And some people, don't even have a sleep because of working just to have a food on their table. And these are the everyday struggles of our life being an adult. And there is also a person who doesn't even know what is going on with his life but still facing it everyday, because life is given to live. Adulthood is the most crucial time in our lives.. it will bring the best and worst of you. You're facing life like you never dreamt of but your faith and decisions brought you wherever you are standing right now. So here I am telling you, that you are not alone. All of us are walking in a same path with you but carrying our own invisible wall. Just be patient with yourself, and always remember that no one is ever made without struggles. It's just up to us how we carry it. 'Could be lighter or heavier. But the most important is how we live every moment of it. And for the children now or young adults, embrace every little thing you have now. Enjoy every second you are facing now. Because one day when you look back at your memories, you'll wish to visit it again but you won't have another chance. And that's how clock was made to be move forward, because life will never set you backwards. #writing contest #adulthood #changes #life struggle #memories #childhood

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