When you look in the mirror The image reflected is not you The real you is hidden under this body that you call yourself It is what enables you to act Whether it be positively or negatively The real you is your thoughts; Your perceptions on matters Your actions and your reactions And most importantly it is the way you see Feel And understand yourself You spend time on this body You spend money on this body You buy expensive makeups To make this body look more beautiful You perform surgeries To make this body look perfect You purchase expensive clothing To make this body look attractive And you forget the REAL YOU Hiding under all the perfection Insecure and afraid Lacking confidence DON'T FORGET the REAL YOU 'Cause that is the real you Use every opportunity you get To make the real you beautiful Perfect And attractive And dispel the insecurity Fear And inconfidence Because although the outer look is the flower The inner look is the fragrance and that's what makes the flower worth picking.

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