Standard rates for editing your thesis/dissertation

Please, kindly gaze at my standard rates for editing any thesis for graduates and undergraduates; 👉Thesis for undergraduates 150 US dollars per 5,000 word count 👉Master's thesis 250 US dollars per 5,000 word count 👉Thesis for PhD track 280 US dollars per 5,000 word count. How do l accomplish this task and produce quality work with a cardinal goal of drafting an appealing and winning proposal that meets your expectations, and aligns with the standards, and requirements of your institution? 👉During the editing process l review your write-up a couple of times, rectify any mistakes related to spelling, grammatical typos, reformulate poorly written statements, polish your arguments, improve on the flow of ideas, toss away ambiguous statements, complement your ideological inputs, and insight with fine-tuned ideas that align with your topic and the morphological structure of your rigorous thesis work, proof read your compilation prior to submission. N.B. 👉 Different institutions always dispose and recommend various formats, so you have the discretion to format your edited thesis to conform to the standards of your university. However, if you avail me the details and assign me this task to reformat your work, you will be obliged to pay 150 US dollars. 👉Contrary, if you are done with your thesis, and only engage me to proof read it, and focus on rectifying only spelling mistakes without upgrading your conceptual inputs or modifying your writing style, then the cost will elevate to 100 US dollars per 5,000 word count. 👉More so, if you submit your research topic and you assign me to document your research proposal from scratch, the rates vary as follows; 👉Proposal writing $1k per 10,000 word count 👉Report writing $ 1.5k per 10,000 word count 👉The above charges uphold for only clients who need their work ready within a timeline of not less than 10 days. But if a client expresses urgency in submission of their work, then they may be subjected to additional petty charges in a bid to address their urgency and need. *Payment plan* 👉Upon mutual consent and contractual agreement, a client meets the costs in two instalments ; 1st instalment will be upon initialising the assignment (starting phase to execute the task) and will always constitute 50% of the total cost based on the assignment and the workload, whilst the balance will be paid prior to submission of the assignment to the owner. 👉All payment transactions will be effected online through Western Union (WU) 👉It's always critical to ensure real-time interactivity with two contracting parties so as to prescribe real-time solutions for any queries likely to surface bilaterally! You can always ☎️ or WhatsApp: +256705862902 or click the following links to visit some of my online platforms where you will share your comments on account that you don't breach our privacy standards in regard to ensuring confidentiality of your research work! Thank you so much!

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Tiana Mar

Poet & Aspiring Author

Srebrenica, Bosnia & Herzegovina