My Father is a Businessman: An Ode to My Father

From the day I was born till now, I've always known my father as a businessman. I mean how else could he raise 15 children, right? The first business my father ran, as far as I can remember was our bakeshop. But after the sudden price hike of flour and sugar, we had to close the shop and think of another business. Making hollow blocks was then my father's next business venture. And even though he only had very little knowledge about construction and engineering he still managed to run the business for a while; up until a lot of construction companies opened up. Not being able to compete with other competitors my father had to think of another business that can sustain and provide for us. Then came our piggery farm, and again my father had only a very little knowledge of raising pigs, but we were still able to manage to run the farm for a couple of years until we have to move out of the place where we lived in. Unfortunately, we move to a more urban side of town where it is harder to raise swine because of odor/smell control issues. So, my father had to think of another business again; v-hire express services, which is what we currently have now. You see, I grew up watching my dad ran a multiple of businesses. That's why most of my childhood memories are related to his businesses. I remember having fun watching the mixing of cement, sand, gravel, and water. I remember watching a sow giving birth. I remember one time, I, my older sister ate Liit, and younger sibling Arniel had to attend a sow gave birth at midnight. We all went crazy when we thought we heard the sound of a manananggal or something scary. I remember we used to climb at the top of the brick oven, we even used to hide inside then come out covered with coal. I remember making dough, which was a lot more exciting than playing with clay dough. I remember being scared of the huge rolling pin machine in our bakery, it had caused a couple of finger injuries. I've seen fingers being rolled in it. It was traumatic! Most importantly I remember how amazed I am to my father having been able to shift from one business to another. I always admire my father's work ethics and his dedication on something he is passionate about. He is always a risk taker, a leader, a dream chaser and above all my father is a businessman. Other people think that as a businessman, my father is a failure. As because none of his businesses lasted very long. For me though, he will always be a true successful businessman. He may not have a big and solid business to pass on to us and later on to his grandchildren; but he gave us more than that. He gave us the heart of a true businessman. Not only chasing for the profit but to actually do it with joy and contentment; not to give up when something goes wrong but to work harder and think better. My father have always wanted to see us, his children, make a corporation. I always dismiss the idea before, for me it sounds so ambitious. But seeing my siblings running their own businesses now, I can't help but think that my father has actually a very good vision for us. That it is actually attainable for us to work or rather to run a business as a corporation. As I am writing this down right now, I actually think he didn't only say it because he have confidence in us but actually in hopes that we may do it in the future. But, why? The same reason why he started to do business over and over again. He wants us to be able to stay and have time for each other, for our family. He wants us to be able to pursue our own interests, passions and goals in our own pace. The road maybe far for the corporation dream, or even if it may not happen; but the fact that I am able to see that we can actually get there makes my heart really happy. And that my friend is the story of my father as a businessman.

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