The Corridor

Last year, I had studied for the Korean SAT until September, in my rented one-room in Seoul. Every day, I woke up at 5 AM, went to the private academy, and studied until 10 PM with only 20 minutes of rest time for the whole day. I even had meals, cramming myself in the small desk space, except for Sundays. I have been almost always exhausted, and my body was under stress usually. On one day in June 2019, the classes at cram school ended at 9:50 PM and I went to my room. It was in a building that consisted of single rooms, so it was very quiet. I took a shower and wrote up what I had studied for the day and watched some internet lectures for the next day. I finished it all at 1 AM and went to the bad. I suddenly woke up in the midst of sleeping, but something was different. I couldn't move my body or even twitch my eyelids. I felt that I was completely overpowered by something I couldn't sense. I realized it was the old hag syndrome because my mind was awake. I had heard some stories about it from my friends, but it was the first time I directly experienced it. Taking advice from one of my friends, I tried to move from my fingertips. But it was useless. I felt as if death had come right up to my eyes and I would die if I were to open it. I was also afraid that I might meet a ghost. But, there was no improvement over time. So, I did my best to open my eyes. Finally, when I opened my eyes, there was nothing peculiar and I could move my body. I checked the time. It was 6:38 AM. I vividly remember this time. I got up and turned on the light. But, it didn't work. I did it over and over again but it didn't work. I gradually realized that something was strange. So, I walked to the door and opened it. The corridor of the hostel seemed odd. The hall looked like a corridor of 90's hotel with wooden walls and green lamps. I felt as if I were in a Harry Potter movie. I don't know why, but I took that situation rather calmly. I headed out to the left corridor. Suddenly, I heard a sound, not knowing where it came from, calling me. I followed it as if I were possessed. However, just seconds after, I instinctively felt that I had to avoid it. I turned back and ran as fast as possible in the opposite direction of where I felt the sound was coming from. Finding the door of my room, I opened it. I locked the door and pushed the light button frantically. It didn't work, again, and I realized I was locked in my dreams. I was determined to fall to sleep no matter what. I laid on my bed and shut my eyes closed. I eventually fell asleep. After some time, I woke up. The sky was the color of the little dark blue of just before sunrise. Immediately, I pushed the light button, and it worked well. With a sigh of relief, I checked the time. It was 6:38 AM. But something more unbelievable happened. I finished taking a shower so quickly and went out to go to the academy, as usual. While walking on the way, I checked my cell phone. There were a lot of missed calls at 5 AM and 6 AM from my mother. I called back to my mother and asked why she called me. My mother said, “Are you okay? In my dream, Junhyeok (my younger brother) told me to check on you quickly crying, saying you were in a big danger. He also told me to tell you to not follow a stranger. I don't know who Junhyeok is talking about, but I guessed something must have happened”. I had goosebumps running through my torso. Originally, I did not believe in superstitions at all and even denied it. But, through this event, I realized that there are things that cannot be explained by science in the world and I need to be more humble. I was ashamed of myself for trying to justify the event as something caused by stress before calling my mother. I have to have more open eyes to see the world widely. There would be a lot of things that could not be explained in this world. The fact itself terrifies me, but I decided to accept things the way they are and not make quick judgments about things I don't know about.

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