Women's stake in world economy

Her bright radiant eyes, her tender shoulders, the long fingers, that glitter on the nails, those closed yet telling lips….relax friends..you are on the right page! We are not heading into an excerpt from a romantic novel. We are talking about the biggest consumer in the world that we live in. The clothes that she wears, the holidays she dreams of, the house she makes you buy….women today run the world economy!! This is a bit of a hurt to the egos of the lesser souls on earth…the marginalized..the species that wear the same jeans to a no. of parties and yet find it good enough for next. This species can be content with their favorite couch for light years. And holidays ? well isin't it supposed to be endless biking treks? What is the need for luxurious hotels? Yes this species got a name too, the Men. Hi! Who is chuckling there. We need silence to read the rest. Let us not be hurt, it's about the facts. Acceptance of the ultimate truth. Men like to believe, they run the states. The big units, across the world. Those board meetings, the sell and buy world. Demand and supply. Product and people. People? Did they say people? The marketing books went wrong here. It needs to be changed. Product and women. This is better. Sounds good. Works better too! Still not convinced? Aw! You are the boring statistical and facts type. Well then, get some coffee in your hand while you read the stats. And as I said before..acceptance of the truth. “Women are the most underutilized economic asset in the world's economy,” says Angel Gurría, the secretary-general of the organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. From Harvard business review. Women make the decision in the purchases of 94% of home furnishings…92% of vacations…91% of homes… 60% of automobiles…51% of consumer electronics. Since you got me in the serious statistical mode, let me play it for a while. The world is well aware, that women still largely suffer inequality in the workforce. Childcare is seen as an end to the careers of women in some states. While in rest they still struggle to make place in all kinds of work. Some states see women as just fit for rural work, farming and fishing. And the worst scenario is, the places in the world where every girl child is waiting for proper education and living conditions. What helps then? Awareness, Lets strive for women empowerment.This time for a higher GDP. Let us provide safety measures, care and concern. Smile…we are at the end of this write up…but at the beginning of a new world. A world where every country is seen as the best country for a women to work and stay in. Thanks for reading. And do shop new clothes for that next meeting Sir, just a request.

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