For the Story

This world offers opportunities this way and that. North, east, south, and west. There's the ocean; 70% of the planet and only 5% explored. There are mountains; purple, green, and white. Some touch clouds, others are homes for elk, deer and bears that rely on the aspen trees and honeybees. There's the sun; it rises and sets every new day, marking new adventures. There are big cities that never sleep and country roads that are meant for long conversations. Opportunities go beyond our world, too. Constellations - twinkling pinholes - are really made up of menacing spheres of fire. The moon leaves marks we make imprinted on its surface forever. There are neighboring planets and there are planets five lightyears away in a space of meteors and nebulas, things we can hardly comprehend. But we try. Humans have created sailboats, submarines and scuba diving. We create trails among mountain cliffs for hiking and seeing wildflowers. We use the sun to measure time, to make checks on our calendars. We look through telescopes and play dot-to-dot in the night sky and blast off on rockets just to see what it's like up there. We ride hot air balloons and ski. We climb and dive. We skip and dance, sometimes in the rain. We fall in love and disagree. We write letters and read fairytales. We speak different languages, but our smiles sound the same. We're curious, motivated to see over the next tidal wave. We don't stop when it hurts, we finish the race. We make it to the top and touch the clouds. We make it past the top and walk on the moon. We watch sunsets and go stargazing wrapped in blankets. We discover and answer questions. We imagine while laying in bed. Why? It could be the thrill. It could be the beauty, the wonder. But behind it all, there's always a story. Hidden maybe, but present. That's what drives us. A story to tell, to pass on, to share. A trophy made of words and experience. Nobody can take it from you - nobody can even touch it. It's full of adventure, the way life is meant to be lived. It spreads joy and inspiration. There's a story behind everything humankind has experimented with. A story behind everything we do, all the choices we make. All the things we laugh about, cry about. That's why we don't stop. We keep going. Climbing. Skipping. Dancing. It's what makes us human. What will your story be? Not all have to be dazzling New York Times best sellers. Some are journals meant to touch hearts of closest family members. Some are poems that have great depth, and some are like children's books with a simple lesson. Don't let your story be an empty notepad; there's too much of our planet for any to be wasted. If you don't know where to start, get off the couch and walk outside. Feel the grass and find shapes in the clouds. Ride a rollercoaster or fly a kite. Do things that humans, ourselves, have come up with. The wonderous inventions of humanity! Make your own, write the world! There are still millions of stories waiting to be written.

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Afia Jahan

Content Writer, Photographer, Creative Writer

Pabna, Bangladesh