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Howdy, my name is Nathalie, I love writing and history. I'm a homeschooled high school student. I enjoy creating exhilarating stories that send an adrenaline rush through my readers. If I'm not writing about adventure or action, I love writing about real people, inspiring discoveries, and historical figures who played astonishing roles in growing our country.
While I enjoy writing I also love outdoor sports as well. I love mudding and working with my livestock project, or just taking a stroll in the woods.
Some other interests are horses, archery hunting, working with leather, and attending/participating in auctions and shows of all kinds. Oh, and of course hanging with friends in my spare time.
Thank you for taking the time to read about my various interests and I hope you are inspired by my work.

What is True Patriotism
Jul 16, 2024 7 months agoWhat does it mean to be a patriot? Many people have Ideas of what it means. But I believe right now many people are confused. With the recent assassination attempt of former president Donald trump, it brought to light the very distinct beliefs of many people. Some people might think that he was just messed up or maybe his decision was induced by drugs or peer pressure. But I believe he knew what he was doing. Everyone has their own beliefs although some are wrong, they still believe them. Some with powerful zealous. I know captain America isn't the most influential person in the world, but he said something that resembles my thoughts exactly for this man Thomas crooks. In a conversation he was talking to maria hill when she called the twins nuts for letting a scientist experiment on them. Captain answered with “right who would let a German scientist experiment on them to help protect their country.” Maria hill replies with “were not at war captain” “they are” was his response. Did you catch that? He told her that their zealousness was the reason they did it. It was because of their love for their country that they would go to such lengths. Crooks shouldn't have done what he did but he did it because he thought it was for the best. He didn't think trump was the best thing for his country and when he deduce trump was going to win the election. He decided to take things into his own young and capable hands. He knew it would most likely mean his life would end but he was willing to sacrifice his life because of what he thought was right. I by no means am happy about the assassination attempt. But I do know everything happens for a reason. I know God has a plan for trump and for Thomas's family although they might not see it yet. Ok back to patriotism. So obviously trying to kill the former president isn't what patriotism is, I think we all can agree. So what is it then. I believe it is knowing what the founding fathers meant when they created the constitution. Why they made it and why they created this country in the first place. What are the answers to these questions? Well, they created the constitution to protect our freedoms to keep our country inline. to remind us of why they created this amazing country we are fortunate to live in. They wanted us to have the freedom they didn't have when under British rule. They wanted us to know our worth and to know how great of a people we could be if under God. They wanted to show the world how strong we can be when united as one nation. They knew how to work together, to communicate and to sacrifice all they had for the good of all people. There are people in this country who are accusing the founding fathers and other historic men/women, of genocide. However, we know that without sacrifice there is no reward. Yes, the American forefathers' hands were dripping in the blood of men who fought against there freedom. But they did it to protect the lives of millions of others. Evey country has blood stains that can't go away, no matter how hard you scrub. True patriots should know the history of your country. Why we believe in what we believe in and why others believe what they believe. Being a patriot doesn't only mean wearing a don't tread on me shirt or a I plead the 2nd although exhibiting freedom of speech is definitely needed at times. We need a filter, something that tells us what is acceptable and what is not. That is why we have laws and morals and the knowledge of right or wrong. Some men and women have abused this filter turning off crucial factors in it. I as a Christian have the holy spirit to filter my thoughts and feelings to give me control over my actions and irrational decisions. That is why the founding fathers called us “one nation under God.” They knew without him this nation wouldn't stand. That is why I believe our country is falling at a rash and horrifying speed. We got rid of our filter. Being a patriot is not about killing for what you think is right it is standing for freedom, not only for yourself but for your family and whole nation. Not backing down when they press you against the wall hoping you will lose your beliefs and faith in the creator of the world and people you are fighting for. That is what being a true patriot means. Stand strong, hold fast, and keep believing.
Should I Change
May 10, 2024 10 months agoWeeping I set on the edge of the dock, shocked by the sudden realization, “School is almost over.” I know it might sound pathetic, but all my friends are there. How much change will we be coming back to at the beginning of September? Will we all have the same feelings, or will we all care about someone else? Will I live in the shadows of loneliness, or will I live in the light of friends? Only God knows. I will keep working trying to change, I'm trying to see if I can be myself. I try to say I'm not like the others, the ones who care about what people think, but I'm just kidding myself. I'm the same as everyone else. I think about how I look and how I act. I stew over what I said days before, and I kick myself for being too talkative. For what I said that sounded dumb. I am trying to live my life, going against the flock, but I catch myself going the same way and I try so hard to turn my back. Temptation follows my every move. Selfishness shadows me. Everything I feel I keep bottled up the things I think stay in my head. I don't know how much longer I can last. I hide my stress, nobody knows. I make people draw the wrong conclusion like I'm against everything they do. Nobody knows me because it makes me vulnerable. If all they know about me is lies, then if they try to hurt me none of my real feelings will be divulged. I might slap you or yell when you say something stupid only to manipulate your thoughts about me. I say I don't like physical touch when I want someone to hold me. Almost everyone can't decrypt my feelings and those who do, I hold farthest away. I hope to change all this through the summer so I can show them all I've changed. I want others to realize I'm not who I say. I am scared to death of what I want but I believe it's the right thing to do. So, what do you say? Should I change all the way? To reprogram my thinking, my feelings, my type. To gamble everything in my relationship my world. It's up to you.
I Should Have Known
May 07, 2024 10 months agoI should have known I should have known you were hurting but I was blinded by my pride I should have figured something was wrong by the way you held your eyes. I lived in fear and confusion, but this is no excuse. I should have known how much it hurt you, the pain of this verbal abuse. I was so involved in myself and my seemingly “unbearable” feelings. To recognize your obvious grief. When you would flip, I'd say it because you were dramatic. Your brothers and I would laugh about it. We were blinded because of our sarcasm. You hid your fear and depression, with your ecstatic enthusiasm. I should have known it was all a lie. But every time I would just walk on by. I felt you hated me for so long. I never knew it was because of your desperate time. I should have learned to read the room and to use my words with wisdom. You were always smiling, but now I know it was all a mask. Then all your feelings tried to come down, in a crash. That night you tried to end it. I swear I would have been the one. If I had only known about it. But instead, it was the friend, the one who cared enough to know. With a phone call, he ended your decision. When the police came to the door You hid it from everyone, your mother doesn't even know. I found out about 9 months later when I swallowed my pride. We are great now, the hole in our relationship sewn. I just wanted to tell you how much I wish I had known.
Prison of despair
Apr 26, 2024 10 months agoPrison of Despair On one stormy night when the wind whistled and the sea was crashing against the shore, I heard a horrible bellow! It sounded like somebody getting their fingers slammed in between a window and its frame. I, Helen, have never heard such a disturbing sound. As I quickly tucked farther down into my blankets, my heart started beating faster than I thought possible. I heard the creaking of my door which disclosed the soft breath of a man. The next thing I remember was waking up in a nonfamiliar room. I was sure I had a tower upon my head like you would see in cartoons. My brain felt like it was turned to mush, I couldn't comprehend what was going on, and before I could stop myself, I started yelling out! After a minute or two my thoughts came flooding in. I had been kidnapped! The walls of the room were concrete, and I was sure I was in the basement of a store because I could see a sprinkler system on the dark stained ceiling. In despair I looked around the room, the ground was hard, and I could see nothing besides blurry desks and a storage compartment, it looked like none of it had been used in years. It has stayed that way for over two months now, at least that's how long I think I've been in here. I'm not alone somebody casually slips three meals a day through a crack in the door, the food is sufficient but I long for my family. I have heard negotiations being talked about for my Ransom, but so far, the police haven't settled on a plan. At points, I think they've given up on me. How do they even know I'm still alive? then I hear the faint yells of police outside the building. They even stormed the store with no luck in finding me, two suffered casualties. Five months passed and I waited for the day they would let me out of this misery. The only thing that has kept me sane is the faith that my God will not let me perish and will rescue me from these men. I pleaded with the man at the door, who gave me food, to let me free but there was never any response. Until one day in the tenth month of my capture. I heard laughter and cheers, even singing and dancing! I had thought that maybe they had a ransom price, and I was sure it was very high. I was right! I could overhear men talking through a vent they were going on and on about a huge tote that was supposed to be full of money, five million dollars worth. I shrieked for joy at the fact I might be getting out of this destitute place. The next morning, I heard a commotion like I had never heard before. There was screaming and gunshots even music (I'm assuming one of the men had a sense of humor since it was the song “We Will Rock You”) the next thing I saw was the door to my prison opened, my father was there he yelled at me to follow him and so I did. The following happened so fast I don't quite know how to explain it so I won't try. When all of my captures had been taken to prison, I sat down with my family to hear and tell them what happened. The officers made a huge box in which the five million dollars would be and climbed inside that night they climbed out and let the rest of the officers along with my dad in. The rest is history. I extolled my father for being too brave and not giving up and told everyone what I had been through. I ended my testimony to the judge with this: I thought I would never come out of that prison; all comfort had gone but I never lost hope. I kept believing in my heavenly father, the police, and my family, to break me out of this prison of despair.