

Life Is Percious - LIVE it !

Pooler, United States

What you see is what you get . Just trying to make the best out of ANY situation!

The Balance

Aug 31, 2018 6 years ago

​''The best things in life are free, But you can give them to the birds and bees, I want money, That's what I want, That's what I want.'' In 1959, these words were written by Barrett Strong in a song called "Money”. Since before the dawn of time there has been exposure to many questions dealing with life, but the cliché question is Can money buy happiness? Happiness is not the amount of money one accumulates , it's the state of being at peace with yourself. Speaking from matters of personal experience, I find myself most content when I have money in my pocket , but It will never come up in my calculation of happiness . Happiness come from with in , money just helps bring it out . ​We all want to have money but also we hear the saying ”money is the root of all evil”. In my life I have learned to make sure I control the money and don't let it control me. For example, we all have to make money to support our families, but it's our job to support ourselves. Before you can make anything around you happen , you have to first make it happen for yourself . Once you have accumulated the financial support needed to fund your “idea” you must now find the balance . Don't just think of balance as a state of equilibrium, but look at it as a necessity to self-righteousness. There are many things that people do to keep them at a balanced state, rather its jogging, cooking, reading or making music , having that distraction time brings you to a place of happiness. Being happy isn't just a smile , it's a state of mind . Anytime your mind veers from the balance it only drives you to do more of one thing than the other . For instance , let's say air and water were the 2 elements on your life balance scale , and you never found that median. As we know, you now have more air ,but not enough water . Some people would look at the situation and say “well at least I do have a little bit of water, I'll just make this last” , while others would probably say “well air is the most important so ima just focus on that an get water when I can”. These don't sound like bad thought processes but Look at it like this: Knowing that you need both air to breathe and water to use , you should never want to take from one to hurt the other . Instead you should find the balance. Find a cycle that replenishes both of your elements and stick with it . Same for money and happiness . We need money to survive and happiness is the will of the way . Once you show a person the balance between the two they will no longer feel like they have to be a slave to the money or the Sucker to emotions . If you do what you love and you love what you do your happiness will flourish where ever you go . So the next time you hear the question “Can money buy happiness? “ you can respond and say “I'm already at peace.”

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