

Man of Mystery

Adelaide, Australia

man of mystery you will have to contact me and ask. Obtained a lot, learnt a lot, lost a lot and hopefully will continue to do so with a smile.

Boobs, bra's and virginity

Jun 24, 2019 5 years ago

Boobs, Bra's and virginity They say you always remember the first time you have sex no matter how long ago or how many partners you may have had since, and this is certainly the case for me, although my earlier experiences of fumbling my way around the workings of a ladies bra behind the school bike shed had introduced me to the pleasures of sex it cannot be classed as losing my virginity and I was now entering into my 16th year. Frustratingly I still had not actually progressed passed boob manipulation, but that was all about to change when 2 weeks before my 17th birthday I eventually lost my virginity. Yes, it was memorable, and I will never forget it but sadly for all the wrong reasons, to say it was a disappointment would be an understatement it was in fact traumatic and definitely not what I had imagined my first time to be like. The evening began as most Friday nights did with a group of friends and me sneaking into one of the less reputable public houses where we would be guaranteed to be served. Liverpool had many Pubs that turned a blind eye to the age laws, and we took full advantage of these watering holes and we accepted their hospitality wholeheartedly. Eventually we would end up in a night club rather worse for wear after consuming large quantities of Lager. As the night progressed and my newfound self-imposed Dutch courage took over, I approached a beautiful girl who was displaying all the signs of actually liking me, we chatted and danced for hours and eventually I offered to take her home which she accepted. Arriving at her front door we started to kiss then tongues got involved and my newfound skills (learnt from behind the bike shed) took over releasing the clasp of her bra with one hand while the other roamed around fondling and exploring the rest of her body. We were now into some heavy petting and both enjoying the moment when she whispered, “You can come in, but be quiet my mum and dad are in bed upstairs”. Well this was definitely an offer I couldn't refuse and without hesitation we entered the front door of this typical 2 up 2 down terrace house and realizing these old terraces had walls that were paper thin and definitely the kind of accommodation you couldn't swing a hamster in never mind a cat, but this was an opportunity I was not going to miss it. We crept along the hallway and into the lounge and purposely not turning on any lights we lay on the floor in silence and continued our sexual exploits, kissing biting and shedding clothing while trying not to breathe heavily, When suddenly we heard a creek, we both froze for a second and listened “shhh don't make a sound she whispered into my ear” at this point I think my heart stopped, but after a few seconds all was quiet again and our exploits continued where we left off trousers pulled down and undies whisked off, shirt off, bra and panties discarded and as quietly as I could while laying on top of her I began to enter her, my head was awash with a thoughts of my seven times table “one seven is seven 2 sevens are 14 etc etc” I didn't want to ruin this moment with an uncontrolled premature embarrassing release and reciting my seven times table took a lot of concentration. Then suddenly as I continued to thrust there was a huge smack on my bottom, ‘whack' a big wet smack hit me across my backside, as I let out a yelp I was sure this time I was about to die and as I turned around expecting to see an angry parent standing over me I realized I was being mounted by the biggest bloody dog I'd ever seen, there I was as naked as the day I was born being molested by a horny bloody Labrador. Well to say the episode was over would be an understatement there now was movement from the upstairs, obviously my scream had woken the household and footsteps could be heard and like a true hero I was up dressed and heading for the bus before things could get any worse after all I wasn't about to hang around to be introduced to her parents. Although it was an absolute nonromantic episode a total disaster which had probably left me with a permanent heart defect at least I was no longer a virgin, although penetration was minimal it was penetration and therefore in the eyes of the law legally, I was no longer a virgin, my cherry had been popped and my journey into manhood had begun.

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