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I guess I will keep this as ominous as I can to make sure I can stay as close to a ghost as possible (hence name CoshWriter, as in ghost writer, it's meant to be a pun btw). I am a 20 year old female, pretty nerdy, pretty funny imo, and pretty weird too. I enjoy multiple things, so I am constantly all over the spectrum. However, I want to make a difference; yes, I am also that "cliché" type. I want to shine some light into specific topics and hopefully make some money doing things I love. Money that I don't plan to keep to myself. I just want to have enough so I can also give away. I'd say that would sum me up but I really cannot do any "summarising" when it comes to me because, in the end, something crucial would be left out: that's just how complex I am. It is not bragging, not showing off, simply knowing myself. With that being said, you can always reach out to me to know more.

Nov 29, 2019 5 years agoI am straight. I am straight which means that I am a synonym to heterosexual: someone who is sexually attracted to people of the opposite sex. Straight. Something extending or moving uniformly in one direction only; without a curve or bend. I am straight, so I am privileged. I am straight so I'm not a faggot, a dyke, a maricon, an insult. I'm not a disease or a curse. I'm not unnatural or disgusting. I'm not a trend or indecisive or greedy or confused or any other derogatory term people might use when referring to me; I am just straight. I will never fear for the crush I've developed on the boy next door or how often I stare at him while with my friends. I can find love in all kinds of places, without a constant worry in my head about whether or not I will “offend” them with my advances. Problems such as coming out, getting kicked out or disowned over who I like, or even electrocuted to eliminate attractions are not matters that concern me. Instead, I am beauty, couple goals and “God's creation”. I am never “too young to know what I want”. I can hold my partner's hand in public and not fear murder or aggression. It might come as a shock, but displaying my sexuality will never be equal to putting my life on the line. I will never fear the stares or the rumors or the hints that may come from my parents because they already know, I'm normal. Family meetings will only get as annoying as an aunt asking “y lo' novio'?”, perhaps followed by a shy smile rather than a panic attack when wondering “have they found out?”. Because who I like will not be “the worst thing that's happened” to my parents and it will not be a synonym for disgrace. I am Chrissy Teigen and John Legend, Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds. I am the sexuality with the biggest representation. I am advertisements, promos, coupons. I am characters full of depth and story not defined solely by who they like and their stereotypes. I am not an object to be used for views. I am not hidden texts and secret dates. I shall never worry about my wedding for I have all 195 countries to choose to get married in. The cake won't be an issue for there'll be no bakery that denies my requests. The love songs that can be played are endless, there's barely any that I can't relate to. Not to mention that most of my family members will attend and celebrate the moment with me. In the future, I won't be accursed for “tarnishing the structure of a family” and I definitely will not be blamed for my kids' crushes. I do not know what it's like to have studies conducted in order to disprove my validity; to have people march against my existence. I do not know the pain behind “playful comments” or the solitude found in lack of understanding. I will never understand the difficulty behind pretending to be something you're not, but I will always claim that I do. I am straight, so I will say things like “at least you can pretend you're friends” or “you two have it easy”. I will often ask about my “straight pride” and forget that 11 out of 12 months in the year are dedicated to celebrating my “healthy relationship”. I will constantly claim that we're all equal and nothing separates us but consign to oblivion when confronted with the benefits of being who I am. I am straight, so I am privileged.