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My family has a long history of helping others. My father, mother, and sister have all been social workers. I have a Master's degree in therapy. As is the dream of most therapists, I reached the mountain top of the counseling world and owned a private practice. Sitting on the couch every day over the years, however, became a grind. When my husband's profession required a move across the country, I was free to find a new passion. For two years, I conquered yet another Master's degree, this time in Secondary Education. However, 2020 has proven to be the worst year to graduate. Distance learning has eliminated the "mom taxi," giving me more time to write the two novels I have hidden away on a zip drive. The Link will be out in 2021 and The Life of Choices will soon follow.
Why You Can See the Rabbit in the Moon
Sep 21, 2020 4 years agoI entered Theinkedperceptions.blogspot competition this week with my fable, "Why You Can See the Rabbit in The Moon." It is the first of many to come. https://theinkedperceptions.blogspot.com/2020/09/why-you-can-see-rabbit-in-moon-inked.html?spref=fb&fbclid=IwAR103N6oLDjCwOpRQ4na8kpkIe9NzYYrRRFQV1RT7E1GF0eFEa5xUBEG5Ho