
Lola wasabi

To stay positive!!!

NSW, Australia

I like to write stories for people to use there imagination or show the world the abilities we could do. I hope I can show the world what I can do and help people in need. To write stories about moments I could never forget. And influence others into hobbies that they may like or want to do. I want to teach people more about life and learn more as myself. And create the world a peaceful and mindful place.


Self confidence Article

Jul 26, 2020 4 years ago

Your beautiful in your own way………EMBRACE IT GIRL. I see so many people doubting there looks, but do not. Each person is unique and different in their own way. From your personality traits, to your looks and how small, tall or short you are. Be your you, and do not change yourself for the likes of others. Be positive with your amazing body and brain. If anyone, anyone, every tells you that your ugly, no just no. There jealous and they know they will not look good as you or, able to do the things that you can do. Just take a deep breath and walk away. Don't even hesitate to respond and waste your time, just walk of proudly, and proud of yourself. Knowing that you are the smart one, and how you did not reply to something stupid. Do not ever forget your amazing, beautiful and smart. Stay amazing as always. Support yourself in every single possible way and stay standing no matter what the situation or reason is. Do not ever let anyone stand in your way and go earn those dreams/goals you want to reach. Stay confident and just take a swerve around bad people or/and bad decisions. Live your life to the best of your abilities. As soon as you stepped onto this earth, you are an important person, think of the things you could do. You could even change the world if you were ready to take the time and risks, to make this opportunity work. It is alright to make mistakes, just keep your head high. Just know that it is good to make mistakes sometimes. This is how you get better at things; you learn from your mistakes. That way, in the future you can think about taking the same risks and making better decisions then the ones before. Do not push yourself into being somebody you do not want to be. Be your own self. Your goals/achievements you want to get, you need patience. Count on your heart and the universe to get were/what you want at the right time. Everything you can be/do is amazing and good, but never perfect. Nobody is ever perfect, no matter how smart or pretty you are. Somethings will always be wrong with everything in the world, and that is nothing to be ashamed of. Just remember to try your hardest and achieve things, for you, not anyone else who could have given you the idea. Use your motivation and the other people surrounding you, to keep you going. You thought of the plan, and made it come true, be proud of yourself. Remind yourself that it is amazing of the little or big things that your capable of doing or achieving. Every little good thing you do, your changing the world, even if people do not see that or point it out. Distractions can come in your way or people who may have conflicts or judgements against you. Family is also a pretty big influence on you and create parts of you. If you have one family member, or even better, more, be grateful, because some people end up having no real parents or no parents at all. As wells as friends which help you get through rough and tough times. They are there for you to have fun, laugh and have a good time. Also helping when your upset or mad at someone/something. You need a friend who you know will not be the one to hurt you or leave you. If you have a girl or boy gang, show some love and appreciate with who you can interact with or be with. Little did you know that this world is full of kind, loving and caring people, who would be proud to call you a friend, or even a best friend. It is frustrating to keep so many friends or friendship groups. So, try to stick with someone you appreciate the most or a lot without comparing who is better than the other. You need to have a friend in life, even if it is an animal. Animals can be very play full and comforting. But family is the closest friend that you will ever get. I love my family, friends and pets and I am happy to have them in my life. Try to have a confident attitude to change some not so good people and create a better environment/humanity for you and others around you. Sometimes people worry about if they will ever fit in or not. Or if they will get picked on or left out. But I say, always stay standing and keep your head high. If you see someone being left out, go up to them and talk to them, about anything really. And they will really be appreciated, that you talked to them, had a good time and had a laugh with them. Do anything to put a smile on anyone's face. It will make you happy, proud and feel as if you gave someone a whole new life. Because believe it or not, you just did. I also know that it you do not have a prince; does not mean you cannot be a princess. It is also important to have support and ongoing motivation from someone. It makes you feel good about what your doing or changing. You feel happy that you have someone to share every step of the way. I hope this small self confidence story gets big, to show the world to stay confident and happy all the times. Keep your head high and do not ever let your tiara fall.

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