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I was born and raised in Florida I lived with my mother Michele and Father Albert and I grew up with a younger sister, Christie. I enjoy reading, writing, and drawing as well as spending time with friends and family. I live in a home with my 2 cats Nitro and Caydence and my dog Oakley, they are my babies. A interesting fact about me is that I was diagnosed with Tourettes Syndrome when I was five years old. Growing up was difficult because Tourettes in a female was rare because it is mostly found in males. Plus, I went to public schools for the majority of my life and in that school it is safe to say that I was the only one of my kind. But at that time being one of a kind was considered a good thing or even a unique thing, I was a freak. And I'm okay with that.

Growing Up a Freak
Apr 03, 2018 6 years agoLet's start with the basics! Her name was Joyce, she was born on a stormy Wednesday night on the 21st day of August in the year 1991. She was born and raised in Florida with her mother Michele, her father Albert, and her little sister Christie. She was a normal child who loved playing with her barbies and running around outside with other kids in the neighborhood. She played dress up with her dad and played house with her mom. She learned how to ride a bike and teased her little sister. Her parents weren't rich they struggled but they lived in a beautiful house and her parents were professionals at making it seem like they had everything. When she was born her dad was a business owner who owned a donut shop/diner called Mrs. Murphy's. It was pretty retro, it had the black and white checkered tiled floors, with red leather spinning stools at the bar, and it had yellow benches at the booths. Her mom ran the shop during the day and her dad ran it at night. Her mom before she had Joyce's sister would take Joyce to work with her and sit her at a booth or on the spinning stools with crayons and coloring books to last her for the rest of her days. Her favorite part about going to work with her mother would be whenever her mom had to walk to the back. She used to sneak behind the counter and steal all the boston creme donuts and go hide in a cabinet before her mom came back. But she was always found before she had the chance to eat them all. Joyce would get in so much trouble, but it was worth it. Shortly after Joyce turned five her behavior began changing, yeah she would have her moments where she misbehaved but one of her most popular things to do was call people a "Poopoo-head." But this was not like a normal fit, her mom noticed she was saying it at the most random of times. So she had Joyce seen by a doctor, that was when she was diagnosed with Tourettes Syndrome. For those who do not know what that is if you look it up in the dictionary the definition will read. "Tourettes Syndrome - a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent involuntary movements, including multiple neck jerks and sometimes vocal tics, as grunts, barks, or words, especially obscenities." -www.Dictionary.com Joyce did all of that, the grunting, barking, obscenities, she would also flick people the middle finger, hit them, spit, and kick. Now when her mom and Joyce talk about it she would tell Joyce that her favorite tic that she would do would be to shout "SHIT, FUCK, ASSHOLE!" in a loop three times really fast. It got so bad to the point where she wasn't Joyce, she was just a big walking blob of Tourettes. She also went to a public school that had over 500 students from kindergarten to the fifth grade and Joyce was the only one in that school with a disorder like hers. The worst years for Joyce was the 3rd and 4th grade. By that time, all the students knew her and they knew what was wrong with her, but they didn't know why she was the way she was. Someone started telling people that she was possessed by a demon and whenever she had an outburst it would be when the demon is attempting to take over her mind. So she started being referred to as "The Demon" suffice to say Joyce didn't have any friends. Whenever there was a new student was one of Joyce's favorite times, it was rare but it was an opportunity for her to make a friend. Someone that didn't know what was wrong with her. But if someone didn't get to them and tell them about Joyce before she did, they would see it for themselves eventually and she'd end up scaring them off. So Joyce gave up on the whole friend thing for a while. She did have one friend, her name was Rebecca she was there for Joyce because they met in kindergarten and she had the chance to get to know Joyce before she started having her symptoms. She stayed friends with Joyce throughout school but they were never in the same classes. So Joyce never got to see Rebecca and during lunch time they weren't allowed to sit with the kids in other classes, they had to sit at the table their grade and class were assigned to. Joyce's life went on like that until she reached fourteen, and her body started "changing." She noticed her Tourettes became easier to control without medication and she started making friends who liked her for who she really was. She still had her outbursts like the occasional shouting of "BITCH!" in a auditorium or "ASSHOLE" in a Wal-Mart parking lot. But the reaction from society was a bit more understanding than what you would expect from judgmental 4th graders. Eventually Joyce learned that her disorder made her a freak, and she was okay with that.