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I am using this platform to submit my entry to a writing competition.

My letter to corona
Jul 18, 2020 4 years agoDear Corona, I don't think you know this corona but in some ways you have helped me. You show me people who liked me for me. You helped me weed out all of my fake friends and people who didn't care about me. Best of all though you helped me get closer to my family. Yes, You did give me work over this break, made me stay home from school, and made most of my days boring and repeated, you also made me realise to enjoy this time with my family. You taught me how to try new things and get more hobbies. Because of you I am learning how to write short stories, how to draw better, how to dance and much more. Because of you I decided to plant sunflower seeds. So corona, thank you for doing this for me and I hope others can find the good that you are bringing us. Sincerely, Jomi