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Aug 23, 2020 4 years ago

'"BASICS OF SOUTH AMERICAN MONSOON TIME SCALE are proposed&designed by me in 1991 to study the South American monsoon&it's weather problems&natural calamities in advance.Find it's details in all websites/searchengines by searching its name SOUTH AMERICAN MONSOON TIME SCALE BY GANGADHARA RAO IRLAPATI or get by sending your email to me. I urge the world scientists to design&prepare, establish&implement and conduct further researches&developments on this scale and break the mysteries of the South American monsoon. If you want to design&establish the scale, printout the basic empty scales enclosed at the end article and prepare this scale yourself. If you still have trouble in preparing this scale, contact me at my email and take my assistance.Kindly recognize me as the Inventor of South American Monsoon Time Scale by making references in your research papers in lieu of considering my immense efforts&sacrifices I have did for it and my quest to establish&implement South American Monsoon Time Scale to serve the people GANGADHARA RAO IRLAPATI girlapati@aol.com

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GANGADHARA RAO IRLAPATI's I'm, An unfortunate Indian scientist subjected to negligence,racism,discrimination despite have done over a 1000 researches&studies.But all my researches were ignored&darkned. You can get my researches either by searching my name GANGADHARA RAO IRLAPATI in all websites or by sending your email to my email id girlapati@aol.com. I am now making my life's last journey with hopelessness and sickness (severe medical complications)and disregard&despair. Under the aforesaid circumstances, I urge the world scientists that kindly publicize&recognize me as the Originator of Global Monsoon Time Scales&National Geoscope Projects by making references in your research papers&by postings on social media. GANGADHARA RAO IRLAPATI

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Jun 29, 2020 4 years ago

4b.INDIAN MONSOON TIME SCALE is proposed&designed by me in 1991 to study the past,present,future movements of the Indian monsoon and it's weather problems&natural hazards in advance. Find it's details in all websites by searching it's aforesaid name and make further researches on the Indian monsoon.Kindly recognize me as the inventor of the Indian Monsoon Time Scale by making references in your publications.

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BASICS OF GEOSCOPE&NATIONAL GEOSCOPE PROJECTS for all world regions&countries are proposed&designed by me 1987 with many intentions&ambitions to study&predict the earthquakes, create the artificial storms, artificial rains, artificial underground waters etc. Find out them in all websites by searching the name GEOSCOPE&NATIONAL GEOSCOPE PROJECT PROPOSALS BY GANGADHARA RAO IRLAPATI.Make further research&develop,promote&propagate them.Recognize me as the originator of Geoscope in lieu of considering the immense efforts I have did for for Geoscope and my quest to establish&implement it all over the world countries to serve the world people. This is not what Buckminster had made in 1962 and similar many architectures in the name of Geoscope.

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Feb 29, 2020 4 years ago

BASICS OF EAST ASIAN MONSOON TIME SCALE are designed by me in 1991 to study the East Asian monsoon. I call on world scientists to innovate this scale in manual&computer model and do researches&studies on East Asian monsoon.Scientists who make this scale have trouble in making it, Kindly take my assistance in making it. Email I'd to contact me is:gangadhar19582058@gmail.com.I will give my cooperation&assistance in inventing this scale, studying the East Asian monsoon and breaking the mysteries of the East Asian monsoon.. I will create a manual model East Asian Time Scale and send the same to your preliminary study. For this, you must send the list of monsoonal low pressure systems,depressions and storms last 140 years since 1880 formed over the East Asian monsoon.In addition to this, a certain amount should be sent for expenses. Kindly recognize me as the inventor of East Asian Monsoon Time Scale by making references in your publications and bring me into light.

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