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Freelance Writer/ Visual Artist / Tribal Art Dealer. Founder of Total Art.

How I thrived 19 months in a Tanzanian prison , accused of a crime I did not commit
Dec 03, 2019 5 years agoThursday, last week was the happiest day of my life, and so was the 3rd of September and the day when I was born, the day when I will die. I Believe in God and He believes in me. While writing about my experience I do not intend to accuse anyone, there is no room for hate in my heart, am only hoping that as you pass through rough times you dare to be happy and trust in a God that died so you can live, not on the edge of despair but 100%, as you are a passion fruit, a fruit of Love. I was arrested in February 2018 together with my girlfriend, the One I want to spend my forever with. We were accused of possessing illegal stuff belonging to the government of T, a white lie, as seen from their perspective. We spent 19 days in a cell of a police station, days of hope mixed with seemingly absolute despair. We were sleeping on the tiled floor with empty plastic bottles as pillows. This is the place where I first had Malaria and thought it might be the End. As the other prisoners in my cell noticed my dire condition, not even being able to stand on my own they called the officers and I was taken to a clinic, where the diagnostic was confirmed and was given medication. The medication was entrusted to the officers as prisoners are only given their dose at the prescribed time. As we returned to the police station I was given the medication ( about 5 pills). In the morning I was only given one pill and that was the last I saw of the medication which I was supposed to receive for one week. Providentially a friend from Zambia together with the envoy of the Zambian embassy visited me soon after and the envoy let me know that there is a dose of one or two pills which will sort out the whole Malaria issue. My friend got me 2 pills and soon I was close to new. Not having much to do in the cramped cell I used my time singing and scratching the names of all the world's countries, at least the ones I could remember. What was great during the time when we were in the police cells was that our cells (mine and my girlfriend's ) were next to each others so from time to time we could chat face to face, it made us forget some of the sadness which had creeped over us. ( in progress- incomplete)
Beyond the Milky Way
Dec 02, 2019 5 years agoThere is a secret to everything, Everyone's secret. Every mammal has its own milk, Even our galaxy has got its milky way, Milk & honey its messengers have rarely seen, Whenever we had it, it was a gift from the Everpresent unseen. We thought we're able enough to produce our own, we usually double it with water & sugar to keep our pockets as lubrified as our eyes. When He denied us the fictitious milk of golden calves, we started harvesting the milk of stray dogs, easter bunnies, our eyes milky with the cataract of money. If you breastfeed your child up to four or five it ain't madness to be locked up in towers, sarcastically publicized, it's throwing his future in the range of his Father's hands. Sometimes a mother's unable to point out a temporary father and even if she did, he doesn't bother, yet the real Father has never denied tears of a child or of his mother. Too often at the end of a life lived in our own sweat and the sweat of others, we count our bars of gold as we were told by the political statistician who kept our heart frozen on doses of ultimate sensation and morphine, too often we discover our bars are milky and their date to be consumed has long expired, that's when we generously melt them and give them to others. If you want your Eternity strong, melt your bars young, before your dates run out give them to Him, give them to the insignificant others... your treasure safely stored beyond the Milky Way.