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HI! I'm a freshman in high school, and I have a passion for cooking, baking, and volleyball. I dream of one day publishing a cook book, and opening a restaurant. A dream of mine is to go to culinary school. I have always been very good at English class and love when our teacher assigns essays.

Why is cooking important to me?
Mar 31, 2020 4 years agoMy grandma is a loving, generous woman. I strive to be like her, and one thing that defines her is her cooking abilities. Every time I walk into her house I smell the warm aroma of baked goods, and a scent of spicy cinnamon burning the inside of my nostrils. My grandma has instilled cooking into my everyday life. Ever since I was a little girl, I can remember my grandma cooking and me standing beside the stove with a pink apron and messy bun. I would watch her whisk eggs carefully and add cocoa powder, sugar, butter, flour, and baking powder. My grandma would then carefully tilt the bowl to the side and scrape the delicious brownie batter into a 9 x 13 inch pan. She always made sure to leave a taste of the batter on the rubber spatula for me. When she handed me the spatula my heart soared, and I felt closer to my grandma than I ever had before. When I was in fifth grade, we were going to have a watching party at my house for the Super Bowl. I was determined to make the best brownies anyone had ever tasted. After I set up my work station on the kitchen island like I was on "Top Chef", I began on the batter. I remembered everything my grandma had told me from pre-heating the oven before I began on the dish, to not over mixing the eggs. I finished the dessert right before everyone arrived. Upon walking in the door I saw all their noses perk and turn towards the kitchen. Everyone wanted a taste of my delicious brownies. My grandma was so proud of me, and I welled up with pride. My family regularly goes out to eat, and I always notice how beautiful the restaurant venues are. I imagine myself behind the closed doors of the kitchen being head chef in my own restaurant. I can see myself ordering the chefs around, nicely, and making scrumptious dishes that everyone would love. My grandma would be the first person lined up outside my restaurant on opening day. My dream is to study at Le Cordon Bleu, a top culinary school in New York City, but the tuition is a grand price. In the future I would love to apply to a cooking show on Food Network. I would love to go on Chopped or Top Chef! Thinking about cooking makes my heart fill with excitement. Cooking is a staple in my life, and it brings me closer to my family. When I cook a successful dish, I feel pride and happiness comparable to no other joy. I hope to achieve all my dreams in life, and to make my grandma proud.