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A good mix of traditional and modern values with unflinching faith in God and striving to live a responsible and purposeful life.
That's how I would sum up my personality.
I have tasted the many phases of this human journey and learnt lessons on its way, some hard with time and some through simple, old age rules.
And with many more dreams and aspirations to fulfil, I walk the remaining span with courage and belief.

A Balcony Revelation
Jun 20, 2019 5 years agoAfter the day's turmoil, I generally embrace the one corner of my balcony. Away from the chitter-chatter of the room, that place offers me all the solace in the world, and I can ponder for hours together. I might have blabbered with friends throughout the day, might have cried my heart out before my kins, but that 'sometime', when the setting sun colors the sky, I find the perfect time to set on long discourses with my inner self. And I do it quite often. Perhaps, because monopolizing conversations is rare. And it's not mere chance that that 'sometime' dawns upon me the important realizations. When the mind is at peace, and not under the influence of the great ideas and advice from the folks, do we get the chance to listen to our own voice. The setting is perfect to see things in the light, in fact in a new light. And one of such times was this last evening. Grabbing my cell phone, I plugged in the earpiece to tune to my favorite music, and moved to and fro in the gallery. As the music neared the descending scale, my mind gave way to recollecting the day's events and activities, and a deep sense of appreciation crept into my mind; appreciation for the wonderful creation of God - women, often addressed as princesses of their fathers. However, life always doesn't play fair with them. I certainly hold no biases towards any gender, but the kind of transitions a girl goes through the landscape of life is commendable. From an innocent child, living under the care and security of her father, she is taught to abide by the family traditions, and then one day pushed into the space of competition. She struggles to dig her heels in these customs, parallelly striving to make her identity in the crowd of millions. Expectations keep chasing her; sometimes of family, of peers, of professors, of friends. And as an instrument she dances to everyone's tune. Then the big change faces her - solemnization of marriage. With great pomp and show, she is tied in a relation for life. And this becomes her whole and sole focus. From what she wants, she feels, the wheel of thought turns to what he wants, what he feels. And the never-ending internal debate between the opponents starts to witness new settlements off and on. With every new sun, she wakes up to making endeavours to serve her family, and the organization she works for. And what an irony! The managers become more appreciative of her efforts at the workplace, but for the members in the family, her contribution remains insignificant. This certainly shatters her heart, yet she smiles, for the baby in the cradle has brought her new hopes in life.The new member finds shelter in the warmth of the mother, and she ensures to imbibe the teachings and values detrimental for the foundation of a strong character. Often, a woman sacrifices her career but would not let the family bear the consequences of the strict deadlines at her workplace. She invariably places relations atop her priority list. And even at the end of this, when people are thankless to her impeccable standard of devotion, no other misery causes her more mental damage. Although, these indelible scars have no medical cure, an environment of love and affection shall always see them diminishing with time. Sow us in the soil of love, Nourish us with care, Guide us in the right light, And from buds...We will blossom into fragrant flowers.