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Eyu Jehu Judah Kassa II aka Timber Jehu or better for his regular name Eyu Kassa is a gospel hip-hop artist, computer programmer and poet(author). He is the founder, chair person and CEO of SatPort Inc and Judah Corp and he also have 20% share in Padre Dark Blue and Nandie. He began programming at the age of 9 and finished at the age of 14. He was fascinated about how things are related under the software technology so then he realized about making his own. After that he made a short messaging system that work using wifi hotspot or cellular connections 3 years later he got a friend who was also fascinated in technology and that's when he found a real name for the messaging system and his friend Amanuel Bekuma named it MERAKi. As a teenager he don't usually hangout with friends especially girl friends. He is going to make an album called:- (The Chao series) Noisy World 1, Noisy World 2.0, Bahelen, Take Me Out, Noisy World 3, God knows Why?!?, Aeronautics, Enmelese wede Tentu, Egzieabeher Telek New, Betekrestian Hoy, (The study series) Technical Christianology, Mayoral Theology, Brother Hood Terminology and the famous Interlude of Proverb dimensioned in the way of hiphop. This songs are made in the next 10 years. There is also dozens of books like the comic book Scavatures, the romantic book The heart beat, the Untold history of Ethiopia, Laws of Technology and how to use them, Let's role deep, 108 secrets on how to be fruitful in every ways of life that God has planned it to be, Rhythmic life, Change in Life, Marriage WH, Science Vs Biblical Truth, Programmers Challenge and many more will be produce in the next 5 years
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