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When i write, i do it with the all of me,
people want to make an impact when they grow up, when they marry, have a kid or two
but i"l make an impact now
and i"ll do it by writing

Through the windows
Jul 30, 2020 4 years agoConnecticut, Stoneybrook. Through the windows; Maryanne; If anyone had told me it would be the last time i would see her i would have hugged her tightly and smelt her lovely lavender-scented perfume. She was my only.............. If only i wasn't so mad, i would have seen through her the pain she felt. I should have comforted and acted more like a daughter rather than a critic. I should have listened rather than just assumed. She was my only................ Where is Sylvie? Where is my only? S he coughed for her life through the phone calls we had, she told me of her difficulty breathing. i was too blind and angry with her too notice. Oh Sylvie, If i knew it would be the last time i'd see you fall asleep, i would tuck you in more lightly and pray the lord your soul to keep. If i knew it would be the last time that i see you walk out the door, i would give you a kiss and a hug and call you back for one more. If i knew it would be the last time, I could spare an extra minute or two to stop and say "i love you" instead of assuming you would know i do. She was my Only....................... The pain will remain with me forever. It's true what they say you"ll never know how important someone is truly to you until you lose them. Sylvie was my Only. Sylvie Andrews died June 15 due to corona virus, leaving her sixteen year old daughter Isabel and her second husband Mitch. Alabama, Montgomery. Through the windows; Adriana; Baby sitting has now become my constant job. Now going back to school with nerds like Billy or Nathan doesn't sound so bad. Never in my life would i ever have thought i could miss school so much, but i do now. My best friend is far away in Atlanta, we only talk on phone and i'm longing to see her in person. My mum told me that nothing of this sort had happened when she was a teen, that schools had to be closed down because of a viral disease. I also learnt that it was at times like this that one needed God. I clearly remember the story of Keith Simpson. FLASHBACK Keith Simpson was a fifty-two year old single father who was also a covid 19 patient. He met with Max Andres a doctor while at the hospital Max preached Jesus to Keith. Keith ignored for a very long time not wanting to get involved with 'religious fanatics'. On the third of April, Max shared Romans 6: 23 with Keith and he accepted Jesus. That same night Keith had a special encounter He said he felt someone open his room door and a man walked in, he said the man smelt of joy, peace hope and love. He said the man gave him hope and faith and the man touched his head and went out o the room. On July 6th Keith was discharged This story touched a lot of people, and people began getting saved, for 1st Peter 2: 24 explains it all. It touched lives so much that Elizabeth a ninety-two year old woman hoped on in faith for her affected son and he was miraculously healed when the doctors had written him off as good as dead. A short story The Power of worries Death was walking towards a city one morning and a man asked "what are you going to do?" " i'm going to take 100 people" Death replied." that's horrible" the man said. " that's the way it is , that's what i do". The man hurried to warn everyone he could about Death's plan. As evening fell, he met Death again. " you told me you were going to take 100 people, why did 1000 die?" the man asked " i kept my word" Death responded. " i only took 100 people, worry took the others." This interesting tale portrays so well what the National Mental Health Committee reported a few years ago, half of the people in America's hospital bed are constant worriers. F-false E-evidence A-appearing R-real FEAR IS A KILLER A Poem The Tale of Two We all tremble with fear wondering what's next this pandemic is clear doesn't need to text We've passes through tougher times just as we stuck together we've seen much in our primes this won't last forever (let us arise earth save our place of birth) It's time for us to awake not considering gender let's get up for goodness sake not minding how tender No racial, background or cultural discrimination no state is safe or sound neither is any nation ( let us arise earth save our place of birth) Let us hold hands for together, we are stronger stand to protect our lands cause tough times, don't last forever by Evangel Covenant E morinken