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I am a visual artist,
I do painting and sculptures...
I also like doing journals ..
composing poems.. alongside with my sketches.
i've been doing this since i was 12 years old.
and now i am 43.. i still love archiving through writing and visual arts.

Talibatab Chronicles #07092020 _Thank you Biopage
Jul 08, 2020 4 years agoBiopage... Saktu mantun kung pisulatan kung digital. Minisip nakung gawa kung Blog. Pero ini. ini! Dintang ya kabud.! Salamat BioPage. Salamat. Mag-kapampangan nakumu, Bahala ne ing Artificial Intelligence mu BioPage a mag-decypher. Mag-translate kareng sulat ku keni. Sulat... ali murin pala... pindutan.. Wa pindutan. Salamat Biopage Salamat
Talibatab Chronicles # 07092020
Jul 08, 2020 4 years agoJuly Rain Talibatab Chronicles #07092020 1:19am It's one o nine in the morning, 'em still awake- as usual. I just finished 2 sketches and 3 watercolor paintings, I love the silence.. 'tis good for art-making. I can hear the droplets of rain through my window. But there is no rain. I guess it's just the fog of July - yeah., the climate did really change - No continous monsoon rain or any storm. The typical Rainy July. .. I really miss the rain.. "really miss the breeze of July. This is the new normal. Less rain for us in the Philippines. This is the new climate for us. There is no storm or monsoon rain in the tropics.