
Dilshoda Farkhodova

Student of the Medical Institute, future pediatrician

Jizzakh city, Uzbekistan


I, Farkhodova Dilshoda was born on 5th March in 2000, in Jizzakh city.

In 2015, I graduated with honors from the 22nd Specialized State General Secondary School, and this year I was admitted to the Academic Lyceum under the Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute in the field of "Natural Sciences". In 2019, I entered the Faculty of Pediatrics of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute on a grand basis. I am currently a third-year student.

I am interested in painting, reading foreign literature, traveling around the world. But I have not traveled yet. But I believe that in the future I will definitely travel around the world.

Again, I support the volunteer movement, it is a very good practice.The goals of volunteering are to help individuals and legal entities, society as a whole, to protect the environment, to participate in socially important activities, to promote civic attitudes, self-organization, social responsibility, solidarity, 'is to help each other and to form feelings of compassion.

I love learning foreign languages. My favorite language is English, which is also the most needed language in medicine because all medical books are published in English. And I have medical books published in English and I love reading them.

I dream of going to the United States and I hope that, this dream will come true in the future.


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