

In terms of Spiritual Awakening & Spirituality, many people are still confused and do not know about this definition while they exist naturally and randomly in the Mother Nature law & the Universe, including our Earth for the souls to experience and learn their Divine spiritual meaningful lessons from this lifetime to another lifetime, depends on Divine plan and each soul's uniqueness. My spiritual awakening journey marked the biggest shift last year when I hit my bottom of this lifetime for the first time - my first biggest traumatic experiences on all levels at the same time including broken pieces in relationships with other people, relationships with myself - my own beliefs about myself and my world, my future plan about career and studying, etc. Everything was broken at the same time last year, exactly August 2019 in a sudden way that I thought I could not handle them all, but I'm glad that I'm sitting here safely in my home, and writing this to share I had passed my first life spiritual challenge gracefully and beyond my imagination. And you know what? All of those traumatic experiences led me to who am I today and helped me to move closer to things and people I desired in my dreams before. But, however, I would love to share with all of you about spiritual awakening and soul lessons rather than trying to impress all of you about my own happy stories afterward. I want all of you will receive some meaningful things after you read my story for yourself and your upcoming journey or your loved one - people you care for. Let's begin with the Spiritual Awakening journey! What's Spiritual Awakening Journey and how experiencing Spiritual Awakening journey can benefit you and your life in a sudden way and beyond your imagination? Let me tell you this one firstly, Spirituality is not a mysterious world or out of the box - they are one with our physical world and our body. Yes, spirituality is within you and within your heart, your soul, your body, and your mind - all of yours are spirituality. If you often see 11:11, 3:33, 2:22, or numbers like that on your clock, your bill, etc. It's meant you are experiencing or nearing to your spiritual awakening journey, very soon. Yes, I say very soon and you can claim it to receive it. Believe it and it will come to you. The Spiritual Awakening journey is a lifelong journey and from this lifetime to another lifetime as we had known from the beginning of my story. It's not happened for you or your family or even your community, but it happened for your soul and for the balance of the Universe - the law of Mother Nature on this Universe and this Earth. When a soul is awakened, they see this world from a 5D level- a higher level of light and shadow, the reality of this world. The Spiritual Awakening journey is becoming closer and steps into your authentic self. You will say "I'm living with my authentic self every day" because you are an honest person, right? But, hell no. That's not spiritual awakening journey or showing that you are fully awakened. Many people are still living with their false identities and fake personalities for their whole life because they haven't awakened. Now, I want to ask you one question: How many beliefs that you are believing in is from you and how many beliefs that are not from you living in your mind and body? If you don't know/ not sure about the answer, you are not fully awakened and healed from your past life patterns or past experiences traumas. But how to be fully awakened and healed from those uncomfortable things inside you? The answer is, first of all, let's choose to heal and receive your Divine lesson, you should feel that you need to do that and learn that Divine lessons for your soul from within before you can truly experience a spiritual awakening journey. " When a student is ready, a teacher appear and when a student is fully ready, a teacher disappears." I don't know what are your spiritual gifts in this lifetime, but after experiencing my spiritual awakening journey for a year, now I can predict my future and read through some people's intentions naturally by my psychic abilities sometimes. However, spiritual awakening journey is not easy at all, you also have to pay something, not money but your time and energies for every big spiritual shift. Your physical body will be affected at the same time by Ascension Symptoms that you can find in some Astrology/Spiritual pages. I know some of you might not believe it until its happened to you- like me before. However, the spiritual awakening journey will help you live a happy life with your authentic self after Tower moments - beyond your imagination. Are you ready? Contact me if you have any questions about this. My Gmail is: ldtdali@gmail.com or direct me via IG account: @lilimimihehe - no fee at all.

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