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Hi, I am Diah, a 24 years-old woman from Indonesia. Currently I serve as Brand and Public Communication Lead in a growing organic fertilizer company. Beside working, I use my spare time to volunteering and traveling. I do volunteering to appreciate my whole life full of blessing and love, so I hope I can spread it out to other people as many as I can. While I do traveling to discover something new and unique, also inspirational story, which came to other people or communities I've never met before.

Learning Peace From Nature
May 22, 2018 6 years agoOne day in my natural class in high school, my teacher gave an assignment to analyze nature processes. It was an essay that I had to experience for real. So, I went outside and took several days camping trip with my classmates. I learnt that nature process is actually a complex interaction among plants, animals, and the environment. These interactions, which include photosynthesis, pollination, decomposition, and others, shape natural communities, and most important thing is that this process completely help the environment sustains itself pretty well. It was a remarkable observation to see how they move nutrients or energy from one place to another. A nature process that includes rain, groundwater movement, freeze-thaw cycles, and the action of plants, animals, and microorganism are the pathway to meet their needs. The bedrock used by the plants for growth had to be broke by the storm to become smaller and smaller pieces until the elements are available in the soil for the plants to take up with their roots. Then the photosynthesis process moves carbon from the atmosphere into plant tissues and the pollination process moves pollen from flower to flower using energy supplied by insects or other animals. The animal gets nutrients from the plant, and the plant gets help reproducing itself. Well, even the wastes such as fallen leaves and animal droppings are all recycled back into the environment to enhance and perpetuate the future life. It creates a harmony in silence while no body is seeing. Learning from the nature, it is peace that lives beyond the words. If peace can be described by painting, what would you draw? A calm lake like a mirror towering mountains all around with the blue sky and fluffy white clouds, or a rugged mountain with an angry sky which rain fell heavily and a foaming waterfall in the downside the mountain, but there is a tiny bush growing in a crack in the rock and there is a mother bird had built her nest? There are many ways to describe a “PEACE” word. People normally imagine it in the state of lonely scene that there is no one exist. That's why they simply look at peace as a symbol of no war. However, I am absolutely into the second painting because in the midst of rush of angry water, sat the mother bird on her nest in perfect place to live and breed. The first painting is not really a peace because it is hard to create a world without human alive. In fact, it is necessary to know that the worldwide population is somewhat bigger year by year. Consequently, it can be denied that people get along another and sometimes have a conflict. In political philosophy as Thomas Hobbes defined, a conflict -competing to be the most powerful- is a just natural of law since its nature feeling as human being (homo homini lupus). The point is as long as human can meet their needs properly and safely, they all experience the real peace. People should learn a lot from the nature. We see the heavy rain or storm as something terrible that break everything, yet they actually does the process of moving energy/nutrients each other to meet their needs. In the real term, human security should be a goal life. At a minimum, human security means a condition where people easily experience economic development, social justice, environmental protection, democratization, disarmament, respect for human rights, and the rule of law. Conflict, chaos, and war might be still exist, but as long as people are responsible to take care of the sustainability of future civilization, they should be not hurt each other and keep living as harmony like nature system does. Peace means to be in the midst of noise and mess but still be calm in your heart.