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In a world were we roam. In a world we live. In a world we are. Full of odds and evens. Mysterious things the order of the day. No trust. Bizarre wants. No love . No Mercy. Cling on to the strings of your hopes. Sins of the flesh the order of the day. What a pitty

Lazarus and the Rich Man
Jul 30, 2020 4 years agoAs the ongoing Pandemic became severe in most outstanding nations of the world, i could only hear about it in the news like it was never gonna attack my own continent Africa. I heard of words i was never verse with "Confinement, quarantine, Covid-19". It was quite traumatizing to get to know that the freedom i was enjoying was no longer allowed in other countries. Hugging, greetings, social gathering was still my daily routine. Things started becoming more crucial as time went by in my country. Fear gripped almost everybody both the young and the whole. Wearing face masks was a daily routine for some people of which i always find that amusing and irritating. The Law of the country came to place, social distance and obligatory wearing of face mask was put to place. I quite remember how the week was to me....... " quite a nightmare". It even became worst when schools were closed down, church meetings suspended and only a few individuals were allowed during a Sunday service.......it almost sounded like fellowship was broken. As time went on, i didn't comprehend how people were gonna be staying indoors. For how long was it gonna be??? The question that made me ponder......it was like a million dollar question to me. It was hard for most people to practiced social distance even with their fears. It all sounded like the law was in their hands as they could do whatsoever they like. Apart of greetings and hugging that i could no longer see people do, markets were still saturated with people. What a confused situation! Where i live were houses made of mostly fences. The area could be called "Lazarus and the Rich man" except for the fact that the rich man was not going to be punished in this case😂. Things worsened and became loosened as people could no longer support the quarantine. Most services became functional. What gripped my attention was these two young boys that I came across each day at the entrance to my house, their colour skin was really dark, their heads had no hair on it, their faces showed pain of the past. The amazing thing was that i could still see smiles on their faces as they danced to sounds coming from a nearby "Pressing". It will amaze you that these two kids were vendors selling in my area. What were they selling??? question for the gods but am gonna answer it. They sat behind an old table, on the table was half a bucket of beans, two bottles of "red oil", half a bucket of "garri" (garri is eaten by most Africans, it is made from cassava) and a small bucket of pea nut that looked miserable from a glance. That was what they sat all day long selling to people who could never descend so low to buy such😢. I wonder How did they feel everyday when i came across them. Their faces around evening and their few goods shows nobody has asked them the price of one good. Everyday is the same old story for them. Each time i see them this phrase comes to my memory "A rolling stone that gathers no moss". I could remove some coins at my level to buy pea nut from them of which i don't even need it. Their appearance made me ponder how they were coping during this period of the pandemic as they never even wore face masks. It was heartbreaking to look at the story the other way round. Some beautiful houses a stone throw away from where i live made me think life was unfair..... Their children were well dressed with face masks, playing around the confines of their well build houses with bicycles and any other thing you could imagine. Life seems to be smiling at them. How did i see it??? i lived at the second flow of a building that gave me a beautiful access to view most things around me. I repeat , this my area could be termed " Lazarus and the rich man". Children from the said Rich homes eat and throw away while I look at those my little two boys who looked miserable with a face full of pity. Where ever you are, see into the needs of others if you got the means. This life is worth nothing apart from vanity. It is all about "Ubuntu" .... I AM BECAUSE YOU ARE.... The whole pandemic has made me think about how other people feel and their well being . It is a burden am gonna carry all through my life to see others smile.