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Carol Staff
Author C.A. Staff / D.R. Meyers
Omaha, United States
I am C.A. Staff, the author of September's Child. I was an unwanted, unloved little girl. I realize everyone thinks at some point in their life that they were unwanted , or unloved. I really was!
I was taken from my mother at age 5. I was placed in a foster home then. I was adopted at age 7. That adoption was finalized at age 8. My biological mother still lives. I met her in July, 1984. I foolishly believed that she would love me. She didnt. She agreed to meet me out of curiosity. She wanted to see how I turned out.
May, 2010 my adopted father passed away. His death hit me much harder than I expected. My adopted life was far from being a happy life. My adopted father was the only person I had that actually protected me. He cared, but he did not love me. It was after his death that I decided to get serious about writing September's Child.
I have always had a love for writing. This is the short version of my biography. The long version? Well, it is September's Child. I ended up self publishing my first book after 4 literary agents deemed my story unsaleable. September's Child sold over 20k Ebook copies in the first 4 months of its release. It is still selling 4 years later and has sold in 9 plus countries.
Since the writing and publishing of September's Child, I have found out who I was at birth. I embarked on a journey to my past, where I revisited those September's Child days. I took two DNA tests to figure out who I was before my adoption. Finally, at age 55 I know the full story. My story! This is who I am, who I was, and what the heck happened. I was born Dabney Rae Meyers.
My DNA adventure is authored by me under my birth name. D.R. Meyers

Let's Talk About Adoptions / Abortions!
Apr 18, 2019 5 years agoI am going to talk about adoptions and adoption issues. Let me make one thing clear, you can not talk about adoptions unless you have been adopted. Not from an adoptee point of view, anyway. Adopted parents cannot possibly feel what their adopted child feels. My adoption was an older child adoption. I was 7 when my adoption began. I was 8 when it was finalized.\n\nNot all adoptions are equal. Meaning, not all adoptees live happily ever after! Adoption should not be your first option! Being responsible should be your first option. Taking responsibility means not giving your child to a complete stranger. Put your child above yourself!\n\nBefore anyone starts to bash on me, let me explain my reasons for my zero adoption beliefs. We live in a time where there are loads of other options. Birth control is the best of those options. The morning after pill! Don't want to take any chances? Don't think you are ready for parenthood? Then for goodness sake, do something about it! Don't get pregnant! These options were not available back in the day. They are now!\n\nAbortion is NOT an option! Don't kill your baby! I have absolutely NO tolerance for abortions! Watch videos made by abortion survivors. You won't want to make that choice after you do! One Video here! Abortion survivor article here! There may be extreme cases where an abortion could be the only way. The abortion choice should not be a go-to choice!\n\nThe family should be the first choice for an unplanned baby. Remember this is a baby! A tiny person who had no say. Adoption should be your last choice. Abortion should not be a choice! In this day and age, abortions should not even be an option anymore. It's very sad that our world has chosen to be so selfish that people do not consider the effects of their actions!\n\nMy adoption took place in the 70s. I was taken away from my irresponsible mother. This is not the 70s! It's 2019 people! It is completely acceptable nowadays to NOT want children. Apparently, my entire family was full of selfish adults. Not a single family member on either side of my family offered to help my father save me from adoption. You see, my father was in the Navy. He could not just quit the Navy to take care of me. Hopefully, if you are thinking of asking family for help, there will be someone to step up for you.\n\nDNA testing will give you up! That my friend is the biggest reason to rethink your selfishness. Do you say your pregnancy was a mistake? Do you say you were raped? So many women claim they had no choice. It was the hardest choice they ever made. Why was it the hardest choice you ever made? Seriously. I say, \\"Nowadays both of those situations could have not created a baby\\". In the case of rape, hospitals and counseling should automatically offer the morning after pill as a part of therapy! Again, this is a baby, we are talking about! A tiny person who never had a say! Again, there are way more choices nowadays! There are no excuses anymore! Your baby will find you. Thanks to DNA testing!\n\nThe life you decide to give your adopted baby could be good, or it could not be so good. Think of it this way. You carried your baby full term. You felt your baby kick and move. After you gave birth to your baby there was nothing! No baby to hold in your arms! Your baby was handed to a stranger! They took your baby home. Those adopted parents are now the parents to your baby. You gave birth to your baby, but you are not on that baby's birth certificate. Adopted children go to people who can afford to buy them. Money does not mean your baby will have a happy life. My adopted parents had money. Ya know, actually, my adopted parents didn't have the money to buy me. My adopted grandparents gave my parents the money to buy me. My adopted mother saw that as her right to abuse me. Every day! Sure your baby might not have to go through that.\n\nGranted, I was an older child. I was not given up. I was taken from my mother. The end result was the same for me. Someone paid for me. I had to take two DNA tests to figure out who I belonged to at the time of my birth. I spent at least 50 years trying to make sense of my life. 50 years! Let that sink in! I was 54 years old when I was able to grieve the death of my father! I was 54 years old when I found my big sister and brother. I was 54 years old when I was finally able to find peace. I was 38 years old when I stepped up for my grandchildren. Their mother is an addict. I was determined not to let my grandchildren go through what I did. I never asked for the life I had. I was forced to live with other peoples actions. Do the right thing whatever your situation is. Protect those who have no voice! The little person! Don't strip away the rights of that baby! That's not a choice. Adoption is a cop out! Not a choice!
The World I Created!
Apr 17, 2019 5 years agoThe Dark Mountain Saga is my original fantasy. I created an entire world. I created characters who interact with each other. I made my world my own. This is not fan fiction. It is not like any other authors writing. it is like my own, because it is my own. I have learned how to do 3D so I can print my own characters. My characters have cards that readers can collect. As a writer, I strive to make my fans over the top happy. if my fans can hold their favorite character in their hands, I did my job! This is my life! This is what I love to do. I am Author C.A. Staff / D.R. Meyers
The Write Life
Apr 17, 2019 5 years agoImagine, a life where every little thing that goes on around you becomes a title and or a story. That is my life. That is also the life of my daughter. Everything we see and do turns into a story. We spend hours talking about this. We feel like we will always have something to write about. Why? Because we are writers. A woman down the street goes into her house, but before she does you notice she looks around. A writer's mind begins to weave a story. Sarah came home from work early. She was not carrying in groceries. She looked hurried. She stopped long enough to see if anyone noticed she was home early. The next thing you know Sarah is married, and she's having an affair. She popped home to check on the new puppy her husband of three years got for her. When Sarah exits the house, she no longer has on her work clothes. She wears some skimpy top that hardly covers her skin. The title; Secret Affair! You're a gifted writer. You go out for a jog along the beach, assuming you have a beach nearby. You've been jogging for hours, or so it seems. You decide to stop for a bit and enjoy the waves crashing on the shore. You stop, turn, and begin stretching. You know you can't just stop. That's just not good for your body. As you do your cool down exercises the sounds begin to waft into your writer's head. You sit on the cool sand to listen to the waves. The next thing you know; There are two ships on the horizon. You can't tell what kind of ships they are. They are too far away. Your imagination fills in the gaps. The two ships that really were not there, turn into pirate ships. Now you can see them firing away at each other. You can smell the gun powder. You can hear the voices of the captains clearly now. The cannon fire is super loud in your head. The Title; The Adventures Of Captain John It is mid-spring. You are out working in your garden. Even writers have to clean up their flower beds. As you rake the rubbish out from around your perennials your mind goes into writer mode. Suddenly you're no longer in your garden. You are now on a path in the forest. You can hear the wind forcing its way through the tops of the trees. It is still Spring, so you can still hear the sounds of the baby birds chirping for their food. That has blended into your imagination. As you go deeper into the forest it gets darker. Your conscience asks how long you have been working in your flowers. Your writers' mind tells you to carry on. Further up the path, you see a cabin. It looks empty. You feel a bit chilly. You head towards the cabin. The Title; Cabin In The Woods. You are traveling to your sisters' house. You are on a busy interstate. Everyone knows it's faster to take the interstate. A police car speeds past you. Yes, your writer's brain works even in the car. Mine does, for sure. Your imagination kicks in and that police car is now chasing a criminal. Reality says that police person has caught a speeder. That writer's mind weaves a tale. The police person is on a high-speed chase. Someone didn't pay for their gas. The same someone is actually a drug runner. A tip was called into the Hiway patrol. The title; Danger On I - 80. A writers mind is a wonderful thing. It's a gift. Like any other gift, you must take care of it. Keep your mind sharp. Pay attention to the stories that develop there. Write every day. Make sure you have some way to record the stories that pop into your mind. You never know when one of those stories will turn your life around. Every story could be the next best seller!
A Long Road To Truth!
Apr 16, 2019 5 years agoRay named his daughter after his favorite uncle. Yes, Ray wanted a daughter. Dabney's father was a career Navy man. Her mother was a swindler, out to take whatever she could from whoever would allow. Sally was a slimy snake that preyed on Dabney's grief-stricken father. Ray Meyers was a handsome, grieving widower. He is also the father of a young son. His son was born five years before his daughter. Ray's son lived with his maternal grandparents. Ray was a sailor in the Navy. He frequented the bars during his home furloughs. He loved to dance, and the social scene helped squelch the pain of losing his wife and toddler son. A bar in Omaha, Nebraska was where Ray and Sally met. Sally was a married woman. She and her Army husband, Dale, parented three children. They had two daughters and a son. Ray had no idea that Sally lived a secret life. Sally never allowed Ray to visit her at home. They always met somewhere public, most often the bar. Sally claimed that she lived with her abusive mother. The soft-hearted Navy sailor never suspected a thing. Between December 24th and December 26th, 1962, Dabney was conceived. Sally left her home state of Nebraska with Ray. Ray, being a good man, wanted to do the right thing. He married Sally on May 18th, 1963. Ray moved his new wife to Imperial Beach, California. He was stationed on the USS Currituck. In August of 1963 Sallys sons appendix burst. Sally had to leave her cushy life in California to deal with her son's medical emergency. Sally's other children were not living with their father. They were staying with friends of Sally. Ray never saw his military pay after he married Sally. He had his checks sent to their address. Sally didn't pay the bills. Instead, she saved up the money for bills so she could return to Nebraska. Ray did not know what happened to make Sally leave him. He knew nothing of Sallys other children or her other marriage. He didn't even know Sally had left until he was reprimanded for not paying his bills. Military personnel can not, not pay their bills. Because Sally left him, he had their marriage annulled. Ray did not receive word of his daughter's birth. He heard nothing about Sally's situation, until two years later. As usual, Sally was at the bar. She left her four children home, alone. While Sally was gone an uncle came by the apartment. He forced himself on the eldest of Sally's daughters. That daughter was only 7 years old. An elderly neighbor heard Sally's daughter crying. She then called the police. Social Services took all four children that day. Dale rescued his children, but Dabney was not his. Per his eldest daughter's request, Dale contacted Dabney's father on the USS Currituck. That is when Ray found out about Sally's secrets. Two years after his little girl's birth. Dabney went to live with her mother's family. Sally still had her parental rights. Sally retained those rights until she attempted suicide. Dabney's aunt tricked an illiterate Sally into signing relinquishment papers. It was then that Social Services moved 5-year-old Dabney to a foster home. In 1970, Sally amended Dabney's birth certificate. It is most likely that Sally needed help to change her daughter birth information. Sally was not a sharp-minded woman. She changed the name on her birth certificate to Daphne Rae Mayers. Sally took no chance that her youngest daughter would find out the truths of her adoption. Ray tried to stop his daughters' adoption. He contacted the family who took Dabney in. DNA proved years later that Dabneys foster family was her actual family. The birth certificate change stopped Ray from protecting his daughter. The Winkenwerder's adopted Dabney on February 18th, 1971. Dabney's life was forever changed. Her adoption was far from a good one. Her adoptive mother quite literally tried to kill her on more than one occasion. Miracle children often find ways to survive. Dabney was a miracle child. She beat the odds of her not being able to survive. The Winkenwerder's changed Dabney's name to Carol. Carol grew up. She survived. She married and had her own children. At age 52 Carol took a DNA test through MyHeritage. She found the family Sally tried so hard to hide from her. That year Carol managed to find all of her family members on her maternal side of her family tree. She struggled to know who was on her paternal side of the family tree. Carol took a second DNA test through Ancestry. Within minutes, Carol found out she was not a Mayers as she thought she was. She was a Meyers. Carol has managed to find her big sisters and her fathers' son. It took her 55 years, but Dabney never gave up looking for her family. Her father, unfortunately, passed away before she found him. Ray Sterling Meyers, Dabney's biological father passed away two days before her birthday. September 20th, 2007! Rest in peace, ADR1 Ray Sterling Meyers! Thank You For Your Service!
This is me in all my glory!
Apr 15, 2019 5 years agoI am C.A. Staff, the author of September's Child. I was the unwanted, unloved little girl. I realize everyone thinks at some point in their life that they were unwanted , or unloved. I really was! I was taken from my mother at age 5. I was placed in a foster home then. I was adopted at age 7. That adoption was finalized at age 8. My biological mother still lives. I met her in July, 1984. I foolishly believed that she would love me. She didnt. She agreed to meet me out of curiosity. She wanted to see how I turned out. May, 2010 my adopted father passed away. His death hit me much harder than I expected. My adopted life was far from being a happy life. My adopted father was the only person I had that actually protected me. He cared, but he did not love me. It was after his death that I decided to get serious about writing September's Child. I have always had a love for writing. This is the short version of my biography. The long version? Well, it is September's Child. I ended up self publishing my first book after 4 literary agents deemed my story unsaleable. September's Child sold over 20k Ebook copies in the first 4 months of its release. It is still selling 4 years later and has sold in 9 plus countries. Since the writing and publishing of September's Child, I have found out who I was at birth. I embarked on a journey to my past, where I revised those September's Child days. I took two DNA tests to figure out who I was before my adoption. Finally, at age 55 I know the full story. My story! This is who I am, who I was, and what the heck happened. I was born Dabney Rae Meyers.