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May 23, 2018 6 years agoInstagram has simplified our lives, and made it much easier to win people's love and attention, because normally you post a beautiful picture, and limited description, usually also beautiful or even leave without any description. My Instagram is the same. I want to share only nice things that happens with me, pictures where I look beautiful, or moments when me and my boyfriend are happy together posing in front of the cathedral in Venice. But there, in my Instagram you will never find a picture of me, smoking the 20th cigarette, with a text, that i haven't smoke for a year and started because my boyfriend left me. Instagram is a game, and I'm not blaming it. I think it's a beautiful game. The life we see in Instagram makes us want for more, looks better, train more, eat healthy food, work harder. As someone said, a weapon can either kill or safe. Same with social media, where normal people can be motivated and encouraged by what they see. Why I still believe in the value of written words, even if it's only a description of the beautiful photo you posted, to show and share the experience you are paling through. I want to see a picture of a woman with a trained body, where she wrote that for having this she had to totally revise her food habits, limit herself in everything, train 3 hours a day instead of having a dinner with friends with a bottle of wine. I want to see a story under a beautiful baby picture where his or her mother describes that she hasn't slept 8 hours in a row in last 1.5 years, because this beautiful baby doesn't sleep well. I, for sure want to see and be able to post, that even beautiful relationships, once filled with love has ended. I want to see it, because 30 post later, after month, you see a new post on the pages of those people, saying that there is a new day. Your legs will go again despite the pain. Even difficult moments pass, and future brings you a new beautiful moments/posts.