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Fantasy is a must, been writing since 14 years old, and I hope I'm good cause idk :)
Salisbury, US
Hi! I'm Bex, and I'm a wannabe writer in high school. I am the type of person who loves mythical, fantasy and humor genre's plus a bit of drama into the mix. In my opinion, there is no good book without drama.

The Young Pain
Apr 21, 2019 5 years agoI was in third grade-well about to enter the third grade after the summer sadly ended, but before that saddened time came to pass, and when the summer vacation first started, my mother decided to put me in camp, which I admit I had been skeptical about at first. She showed me the activities, the trips we'd get to take, and the many opportunities of making friends and I became eager for the first day of this wonderfull soon to be experience of mine!\n\nAnd then, in the timespan of a wink, the first day was here, I don't think I've ever been so happy to get out of bed for just a simple occasion! I mean, this was a big deal; my first summer camp ever! You'd think I'd be nervous, but at the time I was ready to finally make friends my age and be a part of something that I will enjoy.\n\nAnd yes, the first day was awesome, filled with skating and different games to play, I made friends easily and connected well to the camp counselors. They were all so sweet, so happy to have me! But as the end of the day drew closer, I began to wonder when my mother would pick me up-a stupid question, right? You and others would say, \\"She'll pick you up when the camp is over just like all parents do!\\" but my mind would never believe it.\n\nThen, the marking of the day's end arose, and my eyes suddenly became glued to that front door where all kids once entered, but were now exiting the building. I watched as 1 by 1, minute by minute parents came and left with their children until I was one of the last kids that was still here; waiting to see my mother's face come into view.\n\nMy mind was racing with millions of questions and scenarios, all starting with \\"what if?\\" or \\"why?\\" even \\"when?\\" and no matter what mentally calming technique I tried, I just couldn't seem to stop these heart wrenching thoughts. Before I knew it tears started to collect in the corner of my eyes, soon dripping down my cheeks as my breathing became laborious. I prayed for my mother to come, I wished and hoped and must have sent 10 million pleading messages to god while I balled my eyes out in fear of being left here alone.\n\nBut then finally, through my tears I could see the door open and reveal a familiar loving face that had dropped me off here 6 hours before. Happiness swallowed me whole, and I ran faster then ever towards that beautiful woman who i call my mother. My arms made their way around her form and probably squeezed her half to death, but my care for it wasn't there. I was so happy that I wasn't going to be left here.\n\nYou think that was the end of my panic attack? That I now knew my mother would always come to get me, that she will always love me? I'm sorry, but you have never been so wrong.\n\nThat same situation had repeated each time I was dropped off at that same camp, every week day for 84 hot summer days, and no it wasn't the camp itself that set my nerves on edge. God no, everyone there did the best that they could to help and comfort me, even though it hadn't been enough in the end. My parents had been aware of the situation as well, but they didn't-or rather couldn't do anything to help me.\n\nBut one thing that I'm sure of, now almost 9 years later, that first day of camp is what sparked the mental illness that will forever be a part of my existence: anxiety.
Apr 20, 2019 5 years agoYesterday was the past, the day I never want to journey back to if ever given the chance. Oh no, nothing had gone wrong that day, but nothing had gone right either. Today is present, short and cloudy with strong winds and rain showers; a perfect day to stay inside and read a book while listening to your favorite songs. While I did indeed stay inside, books and music weren't crossing my mind as I had to act as a caretaker for my sister. Yet, I did get a haircut at the end, which became my favorite hour out of the other 24. Tomorrow, a day which I look forward to and hope the sun will finally shine my way, warmth flowing around me and welcoming my presence. I wish for a walk to the park with my friends, I wish for new memories to be made and never taken away, oh I wish and wish for tomorrow, but the future is not guaranteed. (Just a little something I came up with last minute)
Mar 16, 2019 5 years ago"It's a bird!" "It's a plane!" "No it's...a star?" A fallen star, shining a bright white is descending in the air towards the New York City ground where everyone can see. It gets closer towards the ground within every passing second, and terrified screams echo in the busy streets from the by passers all watching in shock, curiosity, and fear of what this star could mean. Cars and individuals hurry to run away from under the star so they wouldn't get trapped underneath it when it finally hits the surface. Boom! An explosion erupts from a freshly formed crater, silencing all screams and sending every observers' ears ringing as they cover their faces to avoid debris and dust coming from the ground. Officers blow away the smoke and lean over the edge of the crater to see what sort of object has disrupted their town. But laying helplessly was no object, no star, no bird. Instead, it was a child, with weird markings on it's skin, indicating that they were definitely from another world.